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More ideas for future units in game

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I would love to see Suburbans (usable by both sides) and some other vehix instead of the standard technical. I was watching the Kingdom yesterday and uncons firing from Mercedes would be awesome. Also uncon American units like Blackwater security. Just watch the Kingdom and you will see the advantage of units like this. I think scenario opportunities would dramatically increase with things like this. Is it my imagination or does this game have the possibility of the greatest modern warfare game ever? I just hope the guys at Battlefront(or some of you awesome modders out there) won't be afraid to step outside the box a bit and make some interesting units, outside the mold of standard military. What say you?

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I saw "The Kingdom" too and thought it was a good movie. I also liked the movie "Clear and Present Danger" in which a convoy of SUVs is ambushed by RPG-toting Columbians, so yes, I'm all for more of this in CM:SF.

BFC have always argued that this is beyond the scope of the game, which is supposed to feature high-intensity warfare rather than CIA or Blackwater-style shootouts, but who knows - maybe in a future module if there is enough demand?

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I don't see having some extra civie type vehicles as outside the scope...we as players and scenario makers are actually writing the history of this war, so whose to say some of these things can't happen. Unless Syria wins or fights the coalition to a withdrawl or what not there would come a time where major fighting turned more towards what we are seeing in Iraq, which would include more uncons and their various equipments and less regular Syrian military...(vehicles being one). Actually I'd be happy if we could have multiple textures and that way we'd have a bit of variation between the pickups and car bmps.

I was also thinking, seeing this is fictional, why couldn't we have a country like Iran joining the Syrians. The US is drawn out, has men in three different countries fighting, be a perfect time for them to launch an attack. It could fit in with the storyline fairly well I think, and it'd give us some new Red units...just a thought.


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Given the already demonstrated popularity Red-on-Red scenarios/campaigns, often with a definite "3rd World" conflict flavor, I think there is a good justification for adding at least a few more units of this type to the game.

My first priority in this area would be your basic lorry-type flatbed truck, which is pretty much ubiquitous throughout the developing world. Not much use in combat, but I can seeing them being very useful in secenarios with lots of Uncons, as it currently takes a lot of Taxis and Toyota pickups to move an Uncon force of any size. . . a couple of Lorries would be quite a people mover! Of course, they're also very fragile so you'd need to keep them pretty much totally out of the line of fire. But for dumping off a platoon of Uncons a street or two a way from the shooting, they'd be great.

I agree that a modified, armored and armed large SUV like what you see the Blackwater folks running around would be fun, too. I've seen images of these from a wide variety of conflicts, most often in use by private security and/or well-heeled paramilitary groups.

Heck, AIUI, motorbikes are a pretty popular mode of transport for militia types in rugged areas like the Horn of Africa and Afghanistan. These might raise some pretty significant modeling issues, tho. . . I'd definitely be happy with just a couple more civilian chassis vehicles of the 4-wheel variety.



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What a fantastic idea bringing another country into this..that could go both ways as US Allies are brought in as well. British, Italian, ect. This game is just ripe for expansion!

Thanks, and you'll be happy to know the Brits are a definite...and after that possibly a Dutch German combo. Can't exactly remember the countries mentioned. But it was like a three pack or something. And Steve has even mentioned the modern setting eventually going to a temperate climate...where that may, be who knows.


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You have forgotten the most important country of all in the last expansion you mentioned...Canada (along with some groups called the Germans and Dutch- whoever they are???).

I have talked to a few guys who said that once the Canadians are in the mix, they will see if this would be a good training tool for the Canadian Forces.

As an aside - I have just finished the book "Fiasco" and would like to try to replay the 2nd battle of Fallujah. With the Marine pack, will we have all the required units/weapons or are there items still missing??

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IIRC the Canadians were indeed one of the three frontrunners up for inclusion. This because they, like the Dutch, aren't afraid of getting their hands dirty on the international stage. And between the three of them they share a lot of kit. FN MAG, C-7 and C-8 used by the Canadians and Dutch, Leo's by everybody and the Dutch and Germans share the Fennek, Fuchs and PzH2000. And remember that the Canadians are major LAV users, who'll enter the CMSF fray with the US Marines module. BFC would be fools not to include the Canadians.

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BTR-80 (can't believe it's not already in the game)

Another Red side. As Yankee Dog mentioned - Red on Red is pretty big now, and it just feels abit weird to fight with identical forces. There is very little difference tactically between NATO forces and even less will be noticable in the game, so another third world dictaroship with exotic mix of Russian/French/American export equipment would be most welcome (Chad, Jordan come to mind).

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I would also like to see the BTR-80 and BTR-90 to round out the Red force and provide more flexibility for Red player scenarios (and I think it silly to quible over whether or not Syria would have them if they are getting T-90s and BMP-3s).

Thanks, and you'll be happy to know the Brits are a definite...and after that possibly a Dutch German combo. Can't exactly remember the countries mentioned. But it was like a three pack or something. And Steve has even mentioned the modern setting eventually going to a temperate climate...where that may, be who knows.


Happen to have my spiffy CM: Shock Force special edition map handy, and it is interesting to note that Eurocorps seems to constitute the non-US forces on the map.

The Eurocorps consists of formations under direct operational control and formations earmarked for assignment during an emergency:

Under direct operational control:

Franco German Brigade (GE-FR Bde)

Multinational Command Support Brigade (MNCS Bde)

Formations earmarked for assignment during an emergency:

French Contribution

Etat-Major de Force numéro 3 (EMF3) in Marseille (equivalent to a divisional HQ) composed of:

1 x Armoured Brigade

1 x Mechanised Infantry Brigade

Specialised support units

German Contribution

The 10th Armoured Division, with its HQ in Sigmaringen, composed of:

12th Armoured Brigade in Amberg

30th Mechanised Brigade in Ellwangen

Support units

Belgian Contribution

Belgian Operational Command Land, with its HQ in Evere, composed of:

1st Mechanised Brigade in Leopoldsburg

7th Mechanised Brigade in Marche-en-Fammene

Support units

Spanish Contribution

1st Mechanised Division with its HQ in Burgos, composed of:

10th Mechanised Brigade in Cordoba

11th Mechanised Brigade in Badajoz

12th Armoured Brigade in Madrid

Luxembourg Contribution

Luxembourg assigns a reconnaissance company composed of about 180 personnel. During operations this unit would be integrated into the Belgian contingent..

During the past decade the Eurocorps has been involved in operations as follows:

SFOR (Bosnia) 1999-2000

KFOR III (Kosovo) 2000

ISAF IV (Afghanistan) 2004-2005

Note: If all earmarked national contributions were committed to operations, the Eurocorps would number approximately 60,000 personnel.

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