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Perdition - a Red v Red mini campaign

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First off, let me apologise to the moderator if I'm posting this in the wrong place. PLEASE move it to the Scenario and Mod design Forum if I have posted here in error.:o

PERDITION - a mini campaign


(in-game action from mission 3 'Perditions Flames")

The Perdition mini campaign is finished and can be downloaded from CMMODS. It is another Red v Red campaign that is a part of my ongoing Syrian Civil War project of which 'Hasrabit' is a part. However, in

'Hasrabit', you controlled the forces loyal to the government. In 'Perdition' you will control the rebel forces.

The Perdition mini campaign is a small part of the much larger battle fought between the loyalist 3rd Armour Division and the rebel forces. It is my intention to expand this mini campaign at a later date to include the battle for Dimas, a fictional town to the south west of the capital. While these three missions will be included in the full 'Perdition' campaign, they were designed to be played in this mini format. Unlike Hasrabit, this mini campaign is linear. Failure to complete a mission will result in the termination of the campaign. I expect that the full length campaign to be fully dynamic when it is completed, just like 'Hasrabit'.

The maps are large and VERY detailed so expect these missions to take about 5-8 minutes to load up.


(photo from mission 3 'Perditions Flames')

Brief Outline

The three stages to the operation are:

The drive through the Amarah pass to be carried out by Task Group A,

The descent from the Amarah pass to seize the Tumah crossing to be carried out by Task Group B,

The assault on the village of Dimas to be carried out by both Task Groups.

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Mission 1 -The Road to Amarah

In the first mission, Task Group A must clear the Amarah pass of enemy forces. The pass is believed to be held by some Reserve Infantry units equipped with some AT-3 ATGMs. You have a company of mech infantry and a full company of T-62MVs in support as well as lots of artillery. At the start of the mission, while waiting for the bulk of your force to arrive, you must gain control of the crossing to the north of the Red Rock.


After gaining control of the crossing, your force must clear out the pass of enemy forces while moving to take up positions on the high ground in preparation for the final phase of this operation.


The mission culminates in the assault on Amarah.


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Mission 2 - The Tumah Crossing

This mission is potentially the toughest mission in the campaign. The two mech forces clash in the Tumah valley and there is the potential for a VERY intense tank battle.

In the first phase of the operation, your lead elements must scout ahead of the main force to determine the strength of the forces defending the mouth of the pass. As your forces build up you must attack and clear the estate to the north of the pass


With your back secured and your reinforcements streaming in, you must then prepare to meet the enemy force as it moves to engage you in the valley


Once you have successfully broken the enemy attack you can proceed with the third part of the mission, the assault on the crossing itself.


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Mission 3 - Perditions Flames

Having successfully completed the Tumah Crossings mission, you now move on to your part in the final assault on the small town of Dimas with whatever forces have survived the earlier two missions. This mission can vary from very easy to impossible depending on your success in the first two missions.


The mission starts with Task Group A probing the enemy positions and making an attack to capture the north crossing. Once this is secured, Task Group A must then gain control of that farmhouse and hold it.


Once Task Group B arrive, you must then attack and control the southern crossing. This will probably be the most hazardous part of this mission as the terrain you must cross is very open.


With the farmhouse and the southern crossing in your control, the campaign culminates in the assault on the town of Dimas. Expect the opposition to be determined.

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How can we be sure you're not another brain in a jar like the Gamesters of Triskelion (or Charles, for that matter), seeing as how incredibly much time and effort went into this amazing body of work? Are you bucking for an as yet unannounced staff job at BFC?

In any event, outstanding!


John Kettler

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How can we be sure you're not another brain in a jar like the Gamesters of Triskelion (or Charles, for that matter), seeing as how incredibly much time and effort went into this amazing body of work?

Unlike 'Hasrabit' which used some of my pre-designed quick battle maps, (Ambush, Guards Counterattack, Hill 142 and Saudara Part 2) these three maps were all drawn up from scratch. Three maps, three months so it averages out at around a scenario a month. However, the Tumah Crossing mission probably had the most time and attention spent on it as it was very tough to balance. My playtester helped out a lot with this mission and I don't think he'd object if I said that he found this one to be 'quite challenging'. It's probably my favourite mission in this mini campaign although they're all good.

I'm also blessed with a very understanding wife who's happy to let her husband spend 2-3 hours each day working on his hobby. She often laughs when she sees my face when I'm playing. 'So SERIOUS'.

As for amazing, well, I agree that the maps are very pretty but I hope that the gameplay matches their beauty. Each mission has it's own unique tactical challenge but, if/when it's successfully overcome, you are rewarded with the opportunity to RAMPAGE! And very rewarding it is too. You have a lot of firepower at your disposal in these missions so the rampage phase can be good fun.

You'll probably notice a few strange things in this campaign. For example, in the campaign, the Battalion's organic FOS doesn't have a jeep and has to leg it. :confused: I don't know why this happens as in the pre-compiled mission, he appears in the jeep. It would seem that in the course of compiling it, the jeep gets lost. It's hardly a game breaker as it's easy to work around it.

Secondly, there appears to be a missing enemy tank in the Tumah Crossing. I 'bought' and placed four but each time I've played it, there were only three tanks. However, I found three to be quite enough so if the 'missing' tank suddenly turns up in your playthrough, be ready for a real fight.

I was originally planning to hold onto this until after the Marines module was released but that doesn't look like it's going to happen anytime soon. Anyway, when I checked in at CMMODS yesterday, it's been a LONG time since anyone has submitted anything new. This will give us 'non beta-tester' guys something to do until that happy day when the Marines module arrives.

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This is by PaperTiger - DOWNLOAD IT!

Hasrabit was simply brilliant and, in my opinion, the best scenario "pack" ever made for CMSF, and that includes the stock scenarios and a campaign that came with a game. It got me back to playing CMSF with newfound appreciation.

Especially for players that never gave Red on Red a test drive - try it, but with a caution that you may never go back to playing Blue on Red scenarios;)

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Well... me, of course but I think you'd prefer to hear from somebody else. I hope you have a really hot graphics card and processor because if you finish mission 2 with few losses as well, they'll really have their work cut out for them. I'm looking forward to hearing how you get on.

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By the way guys, this was designed to be played a few times. It can easily be played through in a single weekend or a single day if you have the time. There are five AI plans for the first mission and some are better than others. The other missions have two each.

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Really interesting campaign. Finished the first mission with few losses and am not kind of stuck in Tumah crossing. Someone finished the second mission yet?

I'm 20 minutes from the end of the 3rd mission, but will probably not manage to clear the town without extra time.

Tumah crossing was the hardest one for me as well. Only one of my T-55s survived.


I already took heavy losses taking the estate even though the enemy forces were not very strong there. When the enemy armor arrived I tried to take them out with artillery, which didn't work (but it worked excellently against stationary tanks in mission 3). What worked was positioning 5 T55s in a semicircle around the open area on the friendly side of the bridge, each one in the woods but close to the edge, and wait for the T72s to drive into the trap piecemeal. I lost about half of my T-55s that way, but got all but one T72 (I had killed one before with a group of flanking T-55s which had gone through the pass to the edge of the woods along the river). BTW PT said something about only 3 of 4 T72s appearing in the mission. I didn't get three, I think I had five of them to deal with. ???

Mission 3 went quite good so far considering I only had Force A left to do it.

This campaign has been a lot of fun, I've come to love Red vs Red and I'm a fan of this kind of "tank heavy" force compisition. It's good not to have to suffer the differences in spotting you get in Red vs. Blue scenarios.

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I'm looking at the units purchased in the scenario editor right now and there are only four T-72s in the mission. For some reason, I only saw three when I playtested this mission but I WANTED four. I added another to the force so that I'd SEE four but when I make changes to the OB I save a separate version of the scenario to playtest. The final version isn't 'descended' from that one so there really shouldn't be five.

Be glad that there are only four; I originally wanted 7! FMB will tell you how much fun that was.

The Tumah Crossing mission is meant to be very hard on your tanks. The tank battle can be very intense and great fun even when you're losing it. But it's GREAT when you see the last one of those buggers blowing up. I had my best CMSF experiences playing the Tumah and Flames missions. I'm happy to share it with you guys.


Using artillery against the watchdogs in mission 3 is definitely a good tactic but it's VERY unreliable. I always did this when I playtested but only twice got kills, from at LEAST 20 playtests!

Good luck with the rest of the mission. Look forward to hearing how it ended

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I'm looking at the units purchased in the scenario editor right now and there are only four T-72s in the mission. For some reason, I only saw three when I playtested this mission but I WANTED four. I added another to the force so that I'd SEE four but when I make changes to the OB I save a separate version of the scenario to playtest. The final version isn't 'descended' from that one so there really shouldn't be five.

Well, then I'm probably mistaken, it must have been 4 then. I'm sure that it were more than 3. Maybe the flank shot just killed a BMP.


Using artillery against the watchdogs in mission 3 is definitely a good tactic but it's VERY unreliable. I always did this when I playtested but only twice got kills, from at LEAST 20 playtests!


I killed 2 of them in a single mission ;) must have been lucky. I point targetted them with the 130mm for at least a medium time interval.

Got a complete victory and managed to clear most of the town. However, I completed none of the town objectives in the final mission, because there were a couple of units left that I didn't find (Just about one in each objective zone - very annoying ;) ).

In the end, my biggest problem was, that I had lost too much of my infantry, so my force wasn't very good at house clearing. I should have used the arty more liberally, taking down any suspicious building before coming close. I decided no to bring down too many buildings because I wanted to use them for the FOs and machine guns but that proved to be too costly; and I wanted to be sure to have enough ammo left for mission 3 (where I didn't use up enough of it again).

As I said before, this campaign was great. I like it better than Hasrabit, because the force type is much more appealing to me.

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I like it better than Hasrabit, because the force type is much more appealing to me.

I have to agree too. I plan to do another mini campaign like this with lots of tanks with a single infantry company. I really like the T-62MV for the urban battles as their big gun is very effective against infantry in buildings. I remember giving Mishga's mini campaign with a whole US M1 company a run through and being disappointed with the M1's performance against infantry in buildings. This was simply because I was in the middle of playtesting mission 1 in Perdition and so I was able to compare them directly.

Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed it. If you play it again, you'll probably get a completely different experience.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Paper Tiger,

great work again !

But i have to say that i dont have played you Hasrabit Missions...no time.

Now i have time. What should i play, Hasarabit or Perdition ?

What will you first update to the new Marine Module patch or will there be e new campaign for the Marine Modul (patch 1.09) ?

Gruß Wiggum

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I'd give Perdition a run first. The forces are quite interesting and I really like the second mission. It's tough but it's a beauty.

There will be a v3 of Hasrabit posted very soon after the Marines module arrives that eliminates all of the small errors that were reported by players. It might be better to wait until v3 is out before playing Hasrabit. I've even improved a few of the maps to make them look better.

I am working on a second mini campaign right now but unless we're all very unlucky, it shouldn't be finished before the Marines module arrives.

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Thanks Paper Tiger !

But i have a question...

What are the yellow terrain objectives that can be seen on your screenshots to.

There are green and yellow ground color for the terrain objectives, what is the different ?

can someone answer that question please... i need to know this befor playing this campaign.

I have started a thread to that question:


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