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Is Hammertime easier since 1.07?

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Hi all,

I really like George MC's "Hammertime" scenario but since patch 1.07 it strikes me that the Americans are having an easier time of it. When I first played it they regularly lost vehicles to hidden or hard to spot RPG and ATGM teams but in the last couple of play-throughs using v1.07 the Americans seem to be able to advance to the town with hardly a shot being fired at them.

Has anyone else noticed this? George MC, do you think the scenario needs reworking due to the new LOS system?

[EDIT] By way of example, here is a screenshot from a play-through I just started.


I took no fire from the Syrian side despite driving an entire Bradley platoon within a few feet of a Syrian RPG team hidden in a ditch. At this point I called a ceasefire to prove to myself that the Syrian team really was there.

[ March 19, 2008, 05:26 PM: Message edited by: Cpl Steiner ]

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Anyone notice weird pre-1.07 bugs popping up while playing this? Several times I've seen the annoying split-squad bug, where a split team given a move order will move in the opposite direction for an entire turn. Strangely I have not seen this in any other scenario, and I have been playing quite a few lately. This is Hammertime v4, btw.

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Hi Guys

I'll agree with Mark - I'll wait to see what the 1.08 patch does before I tweak it. I've made no changes to AI plans or anything like that so guess it becoming easier is down to the game engine - or maybe people are just becoming more adept at modern combined arms tactics? smile.gif

Cheers fur noo


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George, I rerun the scenario and although the sct plt was able to drive right down the middle of the main road without one red forces shooting at them. I did receive fire when I drove on the left flank by the RPG in hiding and when I drove down the right flank I was fired on by the RPG there as well. So I don't think there is anything wrong with 107 patch. I think you may need to rethink the placement of the Red Forces to cover the main road better. Just my two cents.

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I had a similar problem when replaying my "Kurds Attack!" scenario today to assess what changes were needed to it.

I had a two-man RPG team advance up to a bunker behind a low wall. When the team was moving they had a clear LOS to the bunker but as soon as they stopped they dropped prone and the bunker went out of sight.

It seems that some soldier types (RPG gunners being one) are unable to change their posture to fire at targets they can obviously engage but currently can't see due to being prone behind blocking terrain such as a low wall or the lip of a trench.

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Yes, I bet it's a LOS related problem. They don't see the enemy, therefore they won't attack it. Strange thing in my particular case was that my unit (a sniper team) was actually kneeling behind a low wall and still couldn't see beyond it.

I believe the reason for this issue is the new "3 level" LOS routine we got in 1.06.

While it works great in any other case, it has a negative effect on units behind a low wall.

I guess the best thing to solve it would be to have prone units either "peek" over the wall/trench from time to time, or by using an exception to the usual LOS rules to simulate this behavior, for example by enabling them to "look through" the wall if they are right behind it.

We'll see in 1.08 how BF solves it. smile.gif

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I haven't played since 1.04, but I noticed that in the Airfield mission, I wasn't taking the same kind of fire as I was before. If my Strykers advanced too far infont of the infantry, I'd get 2-3 squads popping up and letting off RPG's.

I hardly took any RPG fire. I had to bring my infantry up, and only then did they pop up to fire, when my squads got close to the building. At times, I had to enter the building and then they would engage. I had a whole line of strykers to the west of the huge building objective in the street, and the RPG didn't fire at them. They waited for infantry to enter thier building before they engaged.

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Originally posted by Cpl Steiner:


I had a similar problem when replaying my "Kurds Attack!" scenario today to assess what changes were needed to it.

I had a two-man RPG team advance up to a bunker behind a low wall. When the team was moving they had a clear LOS to the bunker but as soon as they stopped they dropped prone and the bunker went out of sight.

It seems that some soldier types (RPG gunners being one) are unable to change their posture to fire at targets they can obviously engage but currently can't see due to being prone behind blocking terrain such as a low wall or the lip of a trench.

Great point. Hopefully Steve or someone will see this. I think this could be fixed somewhat easily...

IF a squad is on the same 8x8 tile as a low wall,

THEN they should be able to see over it,

WHILE being hidden from enemies who are beyond the 8x8 tile.

Seems like that would fix it.

That's why soldiers tend to sit behind low walls, because they can see over and be hidden.

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I've just uploaded a slightly tweaked version. I checked it out and it does look like like some of the Syrian set-ups although they worked pre 1.07 do not work now that the LOS/LOF issues were addressed in 1.07.

Basically the scenario is the same, just I re-positioned some Syrian. Not always where you might think they would be ;)

I've run it through quickly so it seems to be working again. Note: the new scenario does better achieve what I was after in that your recce units will have to do a better job of uncovering the Syrian assets. So if anything this version better achieves what I was after in this scenario. Still be keen to hear your feedback.

Thanks to all how posted about this.

Cheers fur noo


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