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How are you using your Infantry?

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I was just curious how all you other Grogs out there are using you mechanised troops?

Ive been fighting mounted, only deploying if theres a building i NEED to clear, i then roll my battle buss right up to the door (under overwatch of course ;) ) and assault from the vehicle. If theres a risk of incoming ill pop smoke and deploy on force (multiple squads)

Please let me know how youve been throwing your pixeltruppen about and i'd love to hear from anyone whos been fighting dismounted :eek:

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I had approx half the infantry dismount and take positions on the berms in the first campaign mission, their Javelins very very helpful in eliminating the bunkers, and gives a good reach. I then mounted again so I could use them in other places, I prefer to let them fight dismounted, had a nasty experience in MOUT training where one stryker got a bad case of RPG poisoning, and the infantry inside went belly up aswell.

This game is getting better each time I fire it up.

I like the small details, like the reloading sequence of the M-240 MMG's.



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Here's how I used my infantry in the "Al Amarah" battle - quite successfully I might add.

I had all the Strykers race over the raised road and into the fields east of the town. I then dismounted everyone simultaneously. They did come under fire from insurgents on the rooftops but the range was long and the concealment of the crops/scrub helped to keep casualties to only a handful of wounded. I then proceeded to take out rooftop after rooftop with Javelin missiles. Pretty soon there wasn't much return fire! I then had my men advance cautiously into the town to mop up, using "Quick" for open areas and "Hunt" when entering buildings, covered by the two tanks that had by then arrived on the raised road. Great fun!

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I have to say that at first I dismounted my troops at fairly long range, but after losing 2 or 3 platoons fairly quickly I changed to moving 1 vehicle with mounted troops up quickly, pop smoke and gain entry to a building. I then advance fast with troops mounted, popping smoke before dismounting my infantry squads.

Lots of smoke in these missions helps to protect your grunts, but one thing about smoke I'm not sure about is can you actually point to where you want the smoke, or does it just get thrown out in the direction your squad/vehicle is facing?

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Mission in campaign called "Highs and Lows" had 3 Brads with 4 man squads inside + Stryker Plt+ arriving later on. I drove to the trenches with Brads with AC firing HE, dismounted the troops and cleared the trenches with them. Worked like magic. I was too quick with the Brads and by the time the Strykers came the mission was almost over. Strykers did the same thing on the last trench as the enemies showed no interest in firing back, and the inf was dismounted into the trenches. My losses were 1 wounded...

But in MOUT missions I tend to get to the houses, dismount and keep rolling the buildings with the inf. Then remount when area is cleared and withdraw with strykers smoking. Did this in second campaign mission and took the airfield HQ and barracks easily. But the buggers had RPG-29s in the SF HQ and that was bloodier battle.

With Syria I tend to dismount earlier as the BMPs cannot go head on with Brads. But when the Brads show their ugly faces and I have dismounted mech platoon with lots of RPGs and 73mm/30mm I usually leave a trail of burning Americans behind. That's what I like in the game - the sides are realistic, not equally strong, but both can be deadly if used right!


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Zipuli or anyone else who has played the second scenario,

as I´m currently ending up in a deadly crossfire when entering the town in the second scenario, could you be a little more specific how you approach this situation?

I take out the bunkers/MGs first, move an infantry squad from the bunkers into the first multi-storey house on each side of the street. My squads clear the houses of insurgenst but then the next move usually is bloody and a total mess. My Strykers receive RPG fire, my infantry gets mown down when trying to leapfrog to the next buildings and I´m more or less clueless what a realistic and good strategy could look like..

Thanks in advance


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Go to the airport HQ, get the intel and get out of town. With MGS's and other troops breach the wall near the barracks and storm them. By the time the first platoon arrives the barracks are empty and you're good to go to SF HQ. Now, don't do like I did and assault the HQ with inf... Just flatten the place with arty, MGS and Apaches. Besides they got RPG-29s there - many of them!


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Originally posted by Nolloff:

Zipuli or anyone else who has played the second scenario,

as I´m currently ending up in a deadly crossfire when entering the town in the second scenario, could you be a little more specific how you approach this situation?

I take out the bunkers/MGs first, move an infantry squad from the bunkers into the first multi-storey house on each side of the street. My squads clear the houses of insurgenst but then the next move usually is bloody and a total mess. My Strykers receive RPG fire, my infantry gets mown down when trying to leapfrog to the next buildings and I´m more or less clueless what a realistic and good strategy could look like..

Thanks in advance


Howdy Nolloff, for me in that mission i proceded as follows. Im going to be light on details to avoid spoilers.

I took the enterance by the tower, and after setting up a base of fire with all but one vehicle ( one stryker became randomly uncontrollable at spawn and both the vehicle and troops inside stopped responding to orders at that point ).

With the base of fire down i moved a third of my force towards the Airbase building and the remaining two thirds to the Spec ops building then the Barracks .

I lost one strker, one imobilised and suffured maybe 10 dead 10 wounded

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Generally I've only been deploying infantry directly on objectives.

This is following a very thorough sanitization of the area.

Essentially I creep up wait for bad guys to shoot and then I pound them until stuff stops moving.

If I absolutely have to take something and I know time is going to be short, I will saturate the area with arty, and rush strykers using the MK19 or MGS as my primary over watch. I'll pop smoke on location and dismount the infantry. I then pull my strykers back to a more reasonable position and suppress any hot spots that may have popped up.

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take it slow is all i can say, ive failed a few missions because im taking it to slow but thats a price im willing to pay.

Never advance to within 150 meters of ANY infantry! i allways wait untill i get no contacts before advancing ANYWHERE (or at least VERY FEW )

I will always sit for as long as i can in any given spot to SERIOUSLY suppress any enemy preasence before bounding to next location.

Also, arty is your friend, sod any potential failures and drop any building that could kill your prescious boys, id rather fail a "protect homes" objective then risk boys.


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Syrian Special Forces are kewl. Not only do they have porn taches, they have the RPG29. OK, you only get one shot off, two if you are lucky, but it is like a man portable MGS gun. Their snipers aren't bad either. For the sections, using "hunt" to get into position.

OK, they only get to ride in open top GAZ jeeps, but given that the BTR offers very little more protection, and the experience levels/ C&C of Syrians mean that BMP2's often lose badly to Bradleys or 40mm equiped Strykers, being forced to dismount early is no bad thing.

BTR's are scary for the user!

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I like to dismount my infantry and advance with their vehicle as a lead gun. Using the Bradley or Stryker to suppress a target along with the MG' squad. Then I can push the infantry on flanks or right up the gut depending on the situation.

On a Hot seat game I played with my brother, I as Bluefor and him as Insurgents, I used a combination of mounted, dismounted. The mounted ended up dead with the strykers from RPG-7's(which screw up anything they hit) and the Infantry that was dismounted took minimum losses.

Also like to use the Strykers with a smoke screen and push the infantry threw it to the objective. The smoke cover really messes with the battle and keeps the RPG's to a minimum.

It really comes down to the battle as it looks before I begin. Then I adjust to the conditions.

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Originally posted by Cameroon:

See, if I try that Invader, I get my Stryker whacked by an RPG. Never seems to fail. Maybe it's a difference of QB vs Campaign?

I dunno, but if I don't lay down loads of suppressing fire with the .50 cals before moving in, I get pummeled.

I only do this after heavy suppressive fire, or a large arty barrage. I also make sure that if I have not previously saturated the area with hot lead, I have lots of fire support on hand to pin anything that might stick its head up.

The Mk19 is brilliant for this.

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Hi All,

I usually try to get as close in cover with carriers as I can. Then I dismount 1 sqaud that I split into 3 groups and an observor if there is support.

I try to leap frog them onto some high ground, building roof, or cover to spot. Then I start the process of suppresion and advance.

I like to set ambushes but they do not often work.

Anyways I am having lots of fun.

Regards John

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