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squads splitting when not ordered bug

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I sometimes find when I give a squad movement orders, that two or three members lag behind and, when the front men reach their obj and stop, the others stop too and never move up to join their comrades.

They haven't actually split,as per a Split Team order, ie there is still only one icon. But they never, or rarely, regroup, no matter what subsequent orders they are given.

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If you subsequently split the squad yourself, do the stragglers all belong to the same fireteam? If so, can you not just split off the straggling team and give it separate movement orders to regroup?

I've seen some straggling occurring when a single soldier can't find a path to the destination but it is usually fixable by selecting a new destination.

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Cpl Steiner: yes, that's the only answer I've found. If they've split without my order, then I used the Split command, and give orders to regroup. But I shouldn't have to do that if I didn't want them Split in the first place. And they don't necessarily obey, anyway.

Generally, just selecting a new destination for the whole squad results in half of them moving to the destination, and the straggling team moving in sync, but keeping the same distance apart, or possibly not moving at all.

thewood: I guess it probably is about pathfinding, but I've had it happen in several battles now, maybe four or five times in total. Enough to convince me there's a little bug in there somewhere.

[ November 03, 2007, 03:43 PM: Message edited by: handihoc ]

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I have experienced this bug repeatedly in several scenarios. The 9-man squad is not split and has never been split, yet half the squad moves off leaving the other half behind with the single icon remaining halfway between the 2 "teams". The only way I have found to get around this problem is, as others have suggested, to manually split the squad with a Split order and then move the 2 split teams back together.

I have also seen this problem happen with a 3-man US MG team. 2 men moved across and then along a road as ordered leaving the 3rd on the original side of the road and never moving. The icon was midway between the now 2 groups. However, I did manage to get them to re-group automatically when I set the next waypoint, although I did set this back on the original side of the road where the single MG guy was. It was as if the original guy not moving was stuck and could not cross the road at that point for some reason I do not know. He eventually did move parallel to the road and joined back up when I gave the order for his team mates to cross back to the original side of the road.


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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by RobH:

I have experienced this bug repeatedly in several scenarios.

Yes, agreed, this is not a minor, uncommon issue.

I've had this bug many times under 1.04, e.g:

- Half a team, unordered, charge across open ground, in front of Red HMG's, for a number of turns (despite subsequent WEGO orders to stop, hide, etc). They end up dead, of course. (Maybe this is Squad Leader-like "Berzerk Russians" behavior? - WTH is up with that?)

- Given a total of roughly 9 squads in a scenario (without tanks and facing Red armor) it's a REAL frustration when 3 decide to "split" this way, icon in the middle, leaving half-squads stuck in the open with deadly results next WEGO turn.

It is frustrating, really ruins play / enjoyment, and certainly should be on the list of fixes to get CMSF out of BETA-mode.

Also: Will an updated, non-obsolete mousepad be shipped out with the release of 1.05?

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