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about ready to give up on TOW !


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i just dont feel like you have any level of control over the proceedings.

Think im going to jump back into the Combat Mission series.

I love the TOW pickup weapons and control individual soldiers but i just feel that each mission develops on its own accord with very little user control or influence over what happens.

I have tried the pause/order - pause/order method of played and it does help a bit.

Ahhh i just get frustrated everytime i play TOW. It does look fantastic however.


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I don't understand the lack Of control aspect?

The level of control is what I like about TOW, I'm normally down at eye level with my soldiers.

When I start a mission the first this I due is to order all of my units to hold, then move some to recon the map, them move units as needed. If you don't do this your units will advance and likly get just get killed.

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I finished the game, played through all nations, all campaigns. There's not much replayability to go back, not really interested in beating myself up in the moscow battles either.

I had my WOW! moments, and "this is cool" factor. Sure.

I suppose if somebody POV Ray'd the maps I may go back as that would change my strategy for replay. Actually seeing the terrain changes at a glance. Link for POV Ray, for modders?

A Bot mode would be nice for replayability.

True some loved TOW some hated it, some in between. Looking forward to the next evolution of the game. Bye for now.

[ June 30, 2007, 06:02 PM: Message edited by: Nikki Mond ]

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I guess for most people war sims like this one are hard to get used to. As stated above, with ToW you HAVE to be at ground level with your troops to play the game properly.

Eagle eye views will only serve to get you lost.

LOS is everything and carful managment of troop advance and a basic understanding of war tactics are a must.

I just purchased SB PE Pro and that is a game where head long rushes into enemy territory gets you killed real fast.

Play the game at troop level, get used to hitting keys on the board, mucking about with the camera and you will find that the universe is unfolding as it should.

Salute, ShiftZ.

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Originally posted by ShiftZ:

I guess for most people war sims like this one are hard to get used to. As stated above, with ToW you HAVE to be at ground level with your troops to play the game properly.


Combat Mission games are like this too, better to be a ground level to get a feel for the game, to see what unit see.

Im just finding TOW missing soome of the control features in CM

- cover area

- hide

I gave TOW another good go at the weekend. It is fast moving and i find the LOS process diffiuclt compaared to CM.

Will give it another go ... could do with entering buildings smile.gif


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For me the biggest problem is the AI. I have no problem issuing orders to a platoon and letting them get on with it to some degree while getting down the ground level as every puts it with others. But I still find situations where armour catches infantry in the open and they just sit there and die one by one. Or the other way around I have advanced armour towards an enemy infantry platoon. The friendly AI just sits there yet if you target each infantry figure in turn they all die. Just not right.

I would nt mind so much as multiplayer is why I bought the game but even then unless your are only working with very few troops that you are actually controlling the game comes unstuck with silly AI tactics....

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The game designers don't want to program the game so all you do is start the mission and then sit back and watch the battle. The AI shouldn't do everything for you.

It is purposely designed so the AI will do some fairly basic stuff for you. However, it has to be tuned ( "dumbed-down" so to speak ) so the player controlling the units will deliver a better battle result.

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Originally posted by Rapier:


The game designers don't want to program the game so all you do is start the mission and then sit back and watch the battle. The AI shouldn't do everything for you.

It is purposely designed so the AI will do some fairly basic stuff for you. However, it has to be tuned ( "dumbed-down" so to speak ) so the player controlling the units will deliver a better battle result.

That doesn't make any sense. If you made a good AI, would that stop people from micro-manageing the individual soldiers. I don't think so. If the AI were decent, you could about actually commanding, not babysitting.

There should be basic orders like, ambush armor on that road area, move to contact and then hide and observe, hold your fire unless this type of unit appears, cover that house with your machine gun unless directly threatened, etc.

The only reason a company makes a dumb AI on purpose, is lack of resources, money, or talent. All three I can understand, but fans rationalizing it away is a little bit of a stretch.

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The context of my post related to allowing an infantry squad to be caught in the open by armour and then expecting the "AI" to save them for you. Or having to individually target enemy soldiers with your own tank...

I personally don't mind micro-managing my troops but I do understand that some people don't enjoy playing games that way.

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I don't think anyone expects infantry to be saved by the AI, but there is a very basic expectation of core human and realistic reaction of going to cover. In a game where you have to manage individual soldires with almost no squad-level orders, the soldiers have to have some basic ability for self preservation.

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Originally posted by thewood:

I think that's a reasonable expectation of feature sets in a game of this type. However, the real reason this happened is because, as per usual, the designers were trying to push a tank-heavy game while almost completely ignoring any of the nuances of infantry development. Even after Battlefront got the US-Europe release missions re-balanced with a higher amount of infantry (can you imagine what it must have been like before?)the extra infantry capabilities weren't there and there was no time (or inclination) to add them in.

So, yes, let's please not rationalize. I enjoy the game myself, but I can clearly see the infantry portion of the game is under-developed.

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Mouse wheel raises and lowers cam. You can also click a location on the mini map.

To each his own, but I've only had the game for a few hours, and I find it pretty intuitive. There's things I'd like to be able to do like tighten up certain formations, and keep tanks from driving off when they're supposed to be defending, but generally really enjoying the hybrid style of game play - realistic RTS. I am enjoying it thoroughly, certainly not trash.

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Originally posted by Gridley:

...Mouse wheel raises and lowers cam...

As well as that, there's a setting in the options somewhere that allows you to extend the camera height range - so that you can go right down to ground level and up further (handy if you want a semi-close combat 2Dish style view for gauging the best routes for sneaking).

Have fun


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"...and keep tanks from driving off when they're supposed to be defending."

You need to also click on the "Hold" button to keep them from wandering. If you just click on "defend", they will sometimes move to find a better postion.

Check out this screenshot (Hold and Defend buttons are highlighted):


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