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Defensive Tactics Tutorial - AT Positioning


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Well, here we all are after what seems an interminable wait!

Lots of interesting opinions on this forum about ToW with many people (inevitably) comparing this game to CM, which is patently isn't.

I shall reserve comment until I've tucked into the campaigns, but I have encountered some frustration with the tutorial.

In the defensive tactics scenario my AT guns always get wiped out early no matter where I put them and no matter how long I ask them to hold fire. The 50mm longs of the IIIJs just take them out before the 45s can even engage effectively.

I've tried following the tactics/placement employed in the walkthrough, but to no avail. The tanks always overrun my position without the enemy infantry getting their uniforms dirty!

It's no big deal, but are AT assets always going to be easy targets for AFVs sitting in the open; nice and big and juicy?

Has anyone found a way of winning this scenario?


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Nobody tested the game, period!

This is not the game I was expecting...

The eye candy is great, but there is nothing behind it...not a game for the CM community at all.

Just pretty tanks models (lots) and one pretty landscape (only one, mind you) but no brain, heart, tactics, history or unit controls...

Best way is attempt to load it and simply watch without giving any orders (or would be if the view controls worked properly like CM) - trying to make your troops do anything is NO FUN AT ALL

When will I learn not to preorder...

[ April 21, 2007, 01:12 PM: Message edited by: sandy ]

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In the full game its different to a degree. Crew skills play a massive part in this game and believe me, ATG's will tear apart a tank that has a poor crew in it. What the skill of the said Mk III's is i dont know, but they are a damn sight more accurate than my Pz38t crews i have at the moment.

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LOL I have played that battle 15-18 times and cannot win. I just gave up. I dont see how you can win.

2 antitank guns

small infantry group


10-12 tanks inc PZIIIs

a nice size group of infantry

I tried every tactic I could think of.

I had infantry waiting next to the AT guns prone to take over immediately as soon as the existing crew gets killed, which is in seconds every time they fire. I have had them hold fire, and be as camoflauged as much as possible in the setup area, and still get blown away by tanks before they can even fire a shot.



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That particular training map is not representative of the rest of the game. It is particularly difficult. I had lots of trouble with it too. Moon stated in testing that the skill levels of the German tankers are not high at all. For some reason that map is just hard. It has been beaten. I almost beat it a couple of times (out of... maybe 15 tries, at the least).

On another note...

Don't forget that you can choose what type of ammunition you can use; Click the main gun graphic in the menu at the bottom of the screen and it will bring up the ammo options that are available for that particular gun.

One technique I like to employ when using ATGs (or tanks for that matter) is to aim for the turret. Usually you will end up disabling the main gun. That effectively disables the whole purpose of the tank. You will then be able to allow your crew to focus on another target.

However, EVERYTHING depends on crew skill levels.

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That scenario is insane, impossible to succed in it. Whoever put that scenario together has a screw loose. BAD BAD advertising towards people who try the demo before buying the game. I suggest Battlefront put another demo out quick.

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What I've found to protect AT guns is disembark the crew and lay them prone. For some reason the tanks leave the guns alone then. However, since all soldiers consistantly seem to insist on switching from prone to crouch on their own. this will only protect them until enemiesget within 75 meters or so. Sometimes they get shot sooner during one of their switches from prone to crouch.

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