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small arms gallery


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Originally posted by syaped:

I'm not sure what you guys are talking about with the cut-outs on the wrong side but the pictures of the rifles could have easily been flipped. Causing the 'error'...

Then we would see the bolt handles.
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I really don't mean to sound like a ninny, but isn't this going a bit overboard? I mean, I could see if a tank or artillery piece was a bit lacking in detail, but to complain about the lack of a bolt handle on a rifle?

I would think most people would be more worried about AI, pathfinding, LOS issues, realistic terrain, etc, before worrying about how a rifle is rendered. Maybe I'm wrong.

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Originally posted by iplaygames2:

I really don't mean to sound like a ninny, but isn't this going a bit overboard? I mean, I could see if a tank or artillery piece was a bit lacking in detail, but to complain about the lack of a bolt handle on a rifle?

I would think most people would be more worried about AI, pathfinding, LOS issues, realistic terrain, etc, before worrying about how a rifle is rendered. Maybe I'm wrong.

Ah, I didn't realize that there was AI, pathfinding, LOS issues and realistic terrain in there. I took the announcement at face value.

An all new Theatre of War Unit Gallery has just been added to the website. View over 200 different tanks, armored cars, anti-tank guns, self propelled guns and more from the 6 different nations featured in the game.

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According to Gander's FIELD ROCKET EQUIPMENT OF THE GERMAN ARMY 1939-1945, page 58, though some 100,000

units were produced by April 1945, "few, if any, reached the field." Thus including the Panzerfaust 150 is an extremely marginal call, especially if it means leaving something more commonly used out as a consequence. This makes the Panzerfaust 100 the last model known for sure to have been used in combat. Production for it began November 1944.


John Kettler

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Originally posted by iplaygames2:

I really don't mean to sound like a ninny, but isn't this going a bit overboard? I mean, I could see if a tank or artillery piece was a bit lacking in detail, but to complain about the lack of a bolt handle on a rifle?

I would think most people would be more worried about AI, pathfinding, LOS issues, realistic terrain, etc, before worrying about how a rifle is rendered. Maybe I'm wrong.

Welcome to the world of the grogs. This is what happens. Eventually you learn to live with it.

People can't exactly worry about the stuff you listed, because they can't play the game yet. So they have the screenshots to look at and worry about them instead.

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There are alot of things left out. You would think if they modeled each variant of the Sherman, from the caste hull to the welded hull, that there would be other common units that were modeled as well.

I still think this is just a temporary thing.

But what is REALLY important is the demo. How the AI handles the situation it is presented with, uses the terrain etc etc. The eye candy is there. That is obvious.

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