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The screenies are beautiful. I've had this game somewhere on my radar for more than a year, based on the graphics. But...

I hate RTS. I can't make the decisions for every tank and squad in real time. It degenerates into uncontrolled chaos. And, I hate playing the AI. AIs are dumb, with a capital D. And even if they are not, you cannot brag about beating an AI in a game.

Can I play another human PBEM? All that is needed is to pause a RTS every minute or so.

At worst, can I play another human TCP/IP, where we both can pause the real time? Even that would be a major adjustment for a PBEM gamer like me.

If the answer is no, I can't get behind this game. Beauty is only skin deep.

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You can pause at will and issue orders but the key thing to know right up front is just how compentent, nay GOOD, the AI really is.

At CMVention, hardcore tourney winning CM vets got their butts handed to them playing through the various campaign missions.

I know that RTS's don't appeal to everyone because they, up until now have demanded pre-adolescent like relexes, but the control and orders system in ToW is so refined and so perfectly balanced that you will often find yourself sitting back and watching the AI handle the little details while you keep your head about you and come in at what I call "key moments" to help direct the action.

Thats not to say your input isn't needed, obviously it is, it's just that the AI does a very good job of taking care of itself.

I conducted a interview recently where I went over some specifics of how the game is controlled, once that is released I will of course link to it. In the meantime, I will have an article that I am working on this weekend which will compare and contrast ToW style of play with CM.

I think that will help a lot of people get a feel for how all of this plays out.

As to the PBEM question, since its Real Time, no PBEM would be possible. I havent had an oppertunity to play multiplayer myself as yet (I'm more of a solo gamer anyway) but I am working on getting some AAR's and other material ready for you guys from others that have been playing with the recent beta.



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Originally posted by Madmatt:

As to the PBEM question, since its Real Time, no PBEM would be possible.

It IS possible, if only the code were instructed to stop every 60 seconds, or 90 seconds, or 120 seconds, for a pause and email. You just stop Real Time every "turn", instead of pausing at will.
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Guys, we spent 4 years finding the proper balance between the hardcore wargame and real time RTS. That's why it took so long.

You will find out if we managed to make the IL-2 of wargames very soon, that AI kicks ass, etc, as we are working on a public demo right now.

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Not sure, probably not for the first release, but it's definitely planned.

The game is based on a heavily modified IL-2 engine and anyone familiar with IL-2 will know how extensively moddable it is. The same will be true of ToW, so even if no official Scenario Editor will be available from the start, you will be able to tweak a lot short of making a new map from scratch.


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Indeed, I have all sorts of fun to date sticking my nose where it doesn't belong already!

I am sure I make the developers cring with some of the stuff I have managed to do so far and I will am documenting all of my forays so I can share my secrets with you guys.

Hey, we're Battlefront, we basically invited the modable wargame, and you can trust us that we will not only allow, but encourage and promote a healthy modding community with Theatre of War!


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Originally posted by Madmatt:

At CMVention, hardcore tourney winning CM vets got their butts handed to them playing through the various campaign missions.


Just out of curiosity, is CMVention a private get-together? Because it's only about a 4-5 hr drive for me, as I live in Greenville, SC. Would of loved heading down to Myrtle Beach for some sun and CM action. Especially the opportunity to play the beta ToW, or at least catch a glimpse of it.
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Looks awesome, and yeah, I'll buy it.

But its a real shame about lack of PBEM. Means that CMAK and CMBB will continue to fill a niche that the increased sophistication of these games seems to leave no room for. Its frustrating that this segment of the market is being ignored.

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Sivodsi, not ignored, but it's a difficult implementation (the next person saying that you need to "just pause the action every xxx seconds" is going to be spanked by Matt smile.gif ).

"Histwar:Les Grognards" will have it even though it's primarily a real-time game and we'll be working VERY hard to include it in CMSF as well.


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True Berli, but we're not releasing every new RTS game smile.gif And trust me, this isn't the first RTS which has been offered to us for release.

But ToW is truly different. Of course we'll have a demo out to allow people to judge for themselves.


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Yeah, we have hashed over this topic more than enough. I am sure I will still buy CMSF even without PBEM. But I am also pretty sure that I will only play it without PBEM for as long as I did DIF and SC2 (about a month) compared with the years of enjoyment I am still getting out of the original CM.

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Unfortunately, every new RTS game says that, and they are all click-fests
Which is why you've never seen a RTS game available from Battlefront before :D If ToW were like all those others we would have passed on publishing it. The fact that we didn't should send a strong message.


PBEM is inherently possible for CMx2 because it is inherently set up for turns, whereas ToW is not. The design decision has to be made before any coding starts. CMx2 is conceptually based on CMx1, which is a hybrid real time and turn based agame. ToW is conceptually based on IL2, which is real time. Different development philosophies yield different results. Which is exactly the way it sould be. Otherwise we'd all be publishing the same exact game with different texture sets. Yawn...


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Originally posted by Moon:

The game is based on a heavily modified IL-2 engine and anyone familiar with IL-2 will know how extensively moddable it is. The same will be true of ToW, so even if no official Scenario Editor will be available from the start, you will be able to tweak a lot short of making a new map from scratch.

Does it mean you will include the SFS Cracker tool with the game :D
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