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Honch ,...im playing Custom Campaign Version 8,...and im attacking a damaged British Air-Craft Carrier which has a remaining strength of '2' & my Italian Submarine with a strength of '10' can only score 1 inflicted damage point maximum about every 5 tries if im lucky!, otherwise i always miss and usually sustain 1 to 2 points of damage in return?. I had to try to repeat the attack several times over in order to see that what im seeing is not some sick reality!.

This is Horse Dropping's!, what's going on here?, i have never seen such pathetic result's in any game, what is causing this?.

Is this an abnormal abberation or have the unit abilities been manipulated...or dumbed down to the maximum?. This British Carrier with a beginning strength of 7 had no troulble leveling 3 damage points against an Italian Army group, yet im nearly unable with full strength units to damage the Carrier?.

If this is what is happening, i would appreciate that this problem be fixed!.

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Honch ,...sorry for being spastic in my last post, but really, that full strength Sub attack against a nearly destroyed Carrier...that resulted in the Sub taking the damage had me ticked!.

Anyway, so far France has been taken, and the Italian's are getting ready to move on Alexandria after several fierce battles with the British Royal Navy as well as their Armoured Group, Western Desert Force group, Air Group, and a few Corp's unit's.

No other 'Analomies' noticed, the game turn's are also much more in tune with other MOD'S in the SC2 line-up, your previous games were taking the best part of 1/2 hour to be processed?, i would like to know why if you have any idea's,...as what-ever you did here has already changed/rectified the game-length turn's for me!.

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I did not change anything other than the map, event scripts and a few units. I don'tknow what the reason for the sudden increase in processing time, maybe just the new patch? The Italian subs have been made slightly less effective against capital ships but only by one. It shouldn't have a huge effect on game play.

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Great mod.

One question though. Still not clear if it's using Timskorn's and ND's AI automatically? Or do I have to update the scripts?

And a observation. Put in a Italian convoy route in the Med, get rid of the Malta Effect. Gibraltar effect makes sense because you ran the Allied route through the Med. Would reflect the longer shipping time.

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Excellent job with this campaign. I had a great time playing both sides and I am looking forward to the continued development.

I do have a few suggestions that I hope will be useful.

1) I would like to see just a few more German units made available. The German AI player has significant issues fielding sufficient troops in the east. I figure the addition of 4 additional German corps would ease the strain.

2) There were significant (formerly captured) Russian Soldiers garrisoning Normandy/the West against the invasion. I remember reading somewhere that 10% of the defending troops prior to invasion were Russian or eastern extract. In addition a Hitler Youngen (correct spelling) panzer unit should be made available in May 44 as they saw heavy action in Normandy.

3)I would like to request 2 Experienced German Air Fleets to represent the Spanish experience and advanced training conducted pre-war.

4) When Norway is conquered by the Axis, Germany should get an understrength a German Bomber force that harried Scotland throughout the war. This would make a Battle of Britain option slightly more viable and also make it more difficult for the Allies to harry Norwegian supply.

5) The addition of an understrength panzer unit to arrive at the start June 40 to represent Czech armor acquisitions/factory acquisitions. The Czech's had a large military which virtually fell intact into german hands. In addition the Germans learned heavily from their experiences in Czech and Poland which they put to good use in France... becoming more efficient at a combined arms approach.

6)To resolve the vichey issue and free up country slots … what about making them frozen territories of Germany with 0 production?

7)Ariete tank group should start with some significant experience… they fought well under Rommel and were almost annihilated to a man.

8) Britain should start with a few extra units to redeploy from Africa and India to make it easier to push Italy out of East Africa.

9) Could you clarify how the convoy raider system works under your mod?

I hope this helps. Again excellent work... keet it up.


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Great suggestions guys. I am on a mini-vacation right now and will do the following for version nine:

1. Add the Hitler Youthen Panzer division in 1944.

2. Slightly beef up the UK presence in India and Africa.

3. Reduce the impact of the German surface raiders.

4. Add a German 1 strength bomber to Norway upon its conquest. This will trigger the axis interdiction of Russian convoy script.

I don't plan on adding more units for Germany as they SHOULD be undermanned in Russia and need to rely on Romanian, Slovakian, Croatian and Italian troops.

I may add some extra experience as per some of the comments.

I am UNABLE to add an Italian convoy to Africa as you cannot put in a convoy from a country to itslef. I also cannot freeze any territories as is suggested. I DO have one extra slot right now that I will use for South Africa. I may then combine Morrocco and Algeria into French North Africa. I may use that slot for Abyssinia but it may be difficult as Italian troops cannot be put into an occupied country at game start. These are all just game engine restrictions.

I do not have Normal Dude's or Timskorn's AI scripts as I don't have any idea if there uploaded packages are up to date with the new patches. If somebody could tell me I wouldadd them.

My convoy raider scripts are triggered when axis surface units occupy Brest, Bilbao, St. Nazaire, Bordeaux, Trondheim or Bergen. Its also triggered when axis air units occupy Trondheim or Bergen.

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1. Add the Hitler Youthen Panzer division in 1944. ...???NEVAR HAER DAT BE'FORE!.

Could it instead have been the...


In October of 1943, 12th SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Division "Hitlerjugend" was reorganized as 12th SS Panzer Division "Hitlerjugend". It first saw combat in Normandy in June of 1944. It was virtually wiped out at Falaise Pocket in August of 1944. In October of 1944, it was moved to Oldenburg to be refitted and in December of 1944, it took part in the Ardennes Offensive. In February of 1945, it was transferred to Hungary, ending the war in Linz and Enns, Austria in May of 1945.



[ September 26, 2006, 06:45 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]

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Originally posted by Honch:

I am UNABLE to add an Italian convoy to Africa as you cannot put in a convoy from a country to itslef. I also cannot freeze any territories as is suggested. I DO have one extra slot right now that I will use for South Africa. I may then combine Morrocco and Algeria into French North Africa. I may use that slot for Abyssinia but it may be difficult as Italian troops cannot be put into an occupied country at game start. These are all just game engine restrictions.

Can't do it like the Brits have with Egypt and Canada?

Or make North Africa (or one city) a sorta independent colony like with your extra country spot and there you go.

Better than having all those British and French subs just sitting on the Norway route. Nice touch, but you need to spread them out.

Now, if you could link a successful sub raid to the Malta Effect, that might be cool too. Although, leaving it out would give the Allied player an incentive to move a Bomber down there to close the ports on either end.

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Hitler Youth Panzer division in Normandy?,...There is only ONE reference that i can find at all, and that is the 12SS Panzer Division.

Here is another explanation on this...


Total War - The 12th SS-Panzer Division Hitlerjugend

On D-Day, June 6, 1944, the HJ Division was one of three Panzer divisions held in reserve by Hitler as the Allies stormed the beaches at Normandy beginning at dawn. At 2:30 in the afternoon, the HJ Division was released and sent to Caen, located not far inland from Sword and Juno beaches on which British and Canadian troops had landed. The division soon came under heavy strafing attacks from Allied fighter bombers, which delayed arrival there until 10 p.m.

By September 1944, the 12th SS-Panzer Division Hitlerjugend numbered only 600 surviving young soldiers, with no tanks and no ammunition. Over 9,000 had been lost in Normandy and Falaise. The division continued to exist in name only for the duration of the war, as even younger (and still eager) volunteers were brought in along with a hodgepodge of conscripts. The division participated in the failed Battle of the Bulge (Ardennes offensive) and was then sent to Hungary where it participated in the failed attempt to recapture Budapest. On May 8, 1945, numbering just 455 soldiers and one tank, the 12th SS-Panzer Division Hitlerjugend surrendered to the American 7th Army



[ September 27, 2006, 12:29 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]

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Originally posted by Honch:

I do not have Normal Dude's or Timskorn's AI scripts as I don't have any idea if there uploaded packages are up to date with the new patches. If somebody could tell me I wouldadd them.

You can download them over on CMMODS. I doubt the v1.04 update affected them that much, if at all. Think they'd be well worth adding as I'm seeing the AI do the usual stupid stuff.
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Version Nine is half way done.

I wanted to ask everyone playing my mod their thoughts on the following:

I was considering removing engineers from the game and changing them to low level territorial/garrison troops. I personally make very little use of engineers. I have added all of the forts and fortifications to the mod that existed in 1939 and I usually don't build any more.

Low level troops could be used to represent garrisons/partisan killing/home guards/native troops etc. They would have very few action points and limited attack but could entrench and defend reasonably well against infantry.


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