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A Pengly Pastafarian Challenges The Notion of Spaghetti Monster Side Salads

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Where is my thuggish henchman, Boo Radley? I almost called him, tonight. But then, I thought about the fact that it was 3 AM in Ohio...

So I had another drink. And I just listened to music.

She rises from a double bed

And puts her blue dress on

And goes out to the kitchen

Where the table's set for one

She imagines there's a gentleman

Where there's just a winter sun

And life had just begun.

She wanders to the window

And gazes at the cold

And looks back at the letter

That is lying on the floor

That was brought by a man in uniform

From the Secretary of War

Regrets come to her door.

Old men talk of the Beast

That held the Germans in its sway

And we gave them bloody hell

Until we drove the Beast away

But the Beast got up, and he looked around

And he crossed the northern seas

And settled in with you, and me.

Broad is the road that leads to death

That's what the poets say

Thousands walk together there

Go blindly on their way

And wisdom shows a narrow path

Available to man

But it doesn't play as well on CNN

You talk about your patriots

And your fancy flying bombs

But modern war is a bloody hell

When all is said and done.

The rich will eat their caviar

And the poor will feast on sand.

That's how it's always been.

Back in the kitchen

She's sitting there alone

And she'll sit right there

For another 40 years

Till God will bring her home

It's one more day in the land of the Beast

Beneath a winter sun

When all is said, and done.

When All Is Said and Done

-Farm Accident

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[... and as the winter sun of hope sheds a wan pool of morning light across the hard, vast acres of cold eternity there is brisk activity from behind the Paddock shed with something dark and heavy and a rather well-used rubber toy]

*snort* Good morning Mr Gnome! Truth and Justice, Truth and Justice, Truth and Justice and a sponge bath. A cold, wet, frosty sponge bath for you!

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by NG cavscout:

I extend my thanks to the members of the MBT for leaping to my defense. I really didn't mean to disparage our brave troops by my post. Of course if the SSN had bothered to read my profile it might of kind of leaped out at him that I am one of those brave troops.... well one the troops anyway. Oh well, SSN's, what can you do with them?

Hush, now! Like anyone jumped to your fecking defense, you silly bastard!

Mind, I'm after being glad to know that you're alright. When are you coming home, you bugger? When you arrive, I'd be honoured to drive over to that hell-hole of a border town you call home, and buy you breakfast, and such. </font>

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I'm bitterly disappointed lads, bitterly so.

I attempted to find a photo of those goofy Australian Rules Football referees, you know, the ones that look like they're wearing a white zoot suit and make bang bang signals upon scoring ... or maybe not scoring ... hard to tell actually.

It would appear that they've changed the uniforms since the last time I saw them. I'm bitterly disappointed.

It's just not RIGHT to take away a perfect opportunity to make fun of yet ANOTHER goofy thing about Australia ... other than Mace that is.


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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

Damned right you'd be honored to visit the garden spot that is Beloit Wisconsin.

Do you know what the sound of quarter falling into a toilet is, lad?


Very fitting.

Originally posted by NG cavscout:

We are supposed to be home in August or September of 2006. I look forward to another visit. You can see the new baby too. You will be glad to know that Kathleen (Katie) is in the running for a name.

Kathleen...it's a lovely name, you know.

She was such a pugnacious, lively child. And such a bossy, loving adult. I miss her immensely. When I dream of her, lately, she has her hair back. It makes me cry, when I wake up, but it makes me glad.

We always called her 'Kathy'. When she got older, and took her life into her own hands, she always insisted on 'Kat'. We always honoured that, but amongst ourselves, her sisters and I still always called her 'Kathy'.

If you name her Kathleen, I'm willing to bet she'll be a tough, loving and capable person.

Eh, feck it. I think I'll go off, have a good cry, and pass out.

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Losing a loved one is the hardest thing I have gone through in this life Seanachai. I don't know if I ever told you lot why I dropped off the board back in 2003. We lost one of our daughters. Anna's twin sister Olivia was still born. things like the board took a back seat to grief. It took over a year before I came back. I am sorry for your loss Seanachai.

[ November 27, 2005, 02:44 AM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I'm bitterly disappointed lads, bitterly so.

I attempted to find a photo of those goofy Australian Rules Football referees, you know, the ones that look like they're wearing a white zoot suit and make bang bang signals upon scoring ... or maybe not scoring ... hard to tell actually.

It would appear that they've changed the uniforms since the last time I saw them. I'm bitterly disappointed.

It's just not RIGHT to take away a perfect opportunity to make fun of yet ANOTHER goofy thing about Australia ... other than Mace that is.


Ok I am on a quest to find a picture of the good old fashioned goal umpire, we were all pretty pissed off when they lost the white trenchcoat and went yuppie on us.

While I am looking here is some info about the game for your enjoyment www.frogandtoad.com.au/home/sports.html .

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

If England hadn't needed to maintain their in-bred, stratified, 'screw the poor' society, and what with not having North America to send their wastrels to, you wouldn't exist.

Oh yeh?!!

Well next you'll be spouting how we owe you for WW2, and stopping the jap, or krauts, or russkies, or those nasty kiwis!

So just you be calling me 'Dad', and showing a bit more respect, then, eh?
lessee. *does some mental arithmatic*

It's been about ummm 30 years since I got pocket money, factor in CPI, and accrued weekly.....


Oh and here's a beer.

I didn't spit in it this time. Howzat for respect?

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

Women in uniform can be quite fetching. I can't believe how many beautiful soldiers you see here. There was this Danish LT in the mess hall a week or so ago. wow.

You better stop giving away all this secret ****.

From what the media says, only the US and Britian have any personnel on the ground in Iraq.

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Someone might want to explain that to the Czechs, the Poles, the Danes, the Slovaks, the Japanese, the Bulgarians, the El Salvadorans, and the Iraqis I see here on a daily basis. Still, I would love to see a Panzer Grenadier battalion rolling down the highway in their Marders.

On another note, can anyone recommend or disqualify the Panzer Campaign games by HPS? The wife authorized me to get a couple of new games, and I was looking at them online today. Unfortunately Grognards isn't ready for purchase yet, neither is Drop Team, and I already own all three CM games.

Oh, speaking of secrets, Nidan is a gamey Bastiche who kills innocent pixeltruppen from ambush, and uses all kinds of unrealistic gamey stratagems while mopping the board with me.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

From what the media says, only the US and Britian have any personnel on the ground in Iraq.

Yes, I'm sure the other nationalities make up for a large percentage of foreign soldiers in Iraq... hopefully the Vietnamization of the conflict works better.
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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

If England hadn't needed to maintain their in-bred, stratified, 'screw the poor' society, and what with not having North America to send their wastrels to, you wouldn't exist.

Oh yeh?!!

Well next you'll be spouting how we owe you for WW2, and stopping the jap, or krauts, or russkies, or those nasty kiwis!</font>

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