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Extra BMP file spaces


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Can it be done so that extra building, faces and terrain Bmp files can be created by modders to add to the bmp already there.

What I mean is that you can add winter mods at the moment into tha game by changing the bmp numbe. These bmp are then playable. So the same can be done with adding extra building, faces and terrain bmp created by modders by changing the bmp number. Room has to be made in the bmp numbers so that extra bmp's can be fit in.

When the extra bmp are put in, they can then be activated by the game. What this could mean is that loads more different looking terrain, faces and buildings can be put in the game. It also means that the developers will not have to do the work themselves. At the moment its rather bland as you have only have very few types of building and terrain to choose from.

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We (board haunters) don't know what the skins for this game are going to be like - Maybe like the all-in-one skins for Drop Team? I'm not at all sure what format those files are in, old slow mac system 8.5 guy that I am. But I don't think they're BMP format.

I remember in a VERY early bone BFC mentioned they hoped to be able to have multiple skin slots for vehicles. So If one vehicle has a big yellow '1' on the turret side the next could have a big yellow '2', etc. I hope this feature appears - not so much for the plain-Jane U.S. armor but for the Red Team (Syrian) stuff with all its camou possibilities.

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At the moment, you can not add extra variations without overriding the defaults. And for a very good reason... VRAM usage. For example, today we were discussing various modifications to how buildings are textured. One idea, that Dan and I really liked, would have filled up a 128MB card just for one type of building. Doh :D It's just a reminder that there is limited space to sock these textures away in and we're going to have little extra room to play with.

What we would like to do is have some easy way to load particular Mod Packs. These would override the defaults when the game is loaded, not on the harddrive. For example, there might be a Mods directory and inside that you could put MikeyD's "Ridiculously High Res Boots Mod". When you go to load a game you can select to use this Mod and it will override the default one. However, there won't be two different textures for that one type of boot.


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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

What we would like to do is have some easy way to load particular Mod Packs. These would override the defaults when the game is loaded, not on the harddrive. For example, there might be a Mods directory and inside that you could put MikeyD's "Ridiculously High Res Boots Mod". When you go to load a game you can select to use this Mod and it will override the default one. However, there won't be two different textures for that one type of boot.


Operation Flashpoint does this by having an extra parameter added to the executable i.e. "-wgl" and inside the game folder is a folder for the mod with all the modified files inside copies of the game folders.Dunno how easy it would be to implement though..
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I am most interested in having varied uniforms within a squad so that everybody doesn't look so cookie cutter. Like say, in the WWII game; a couple german soldiers are wearing full field grau, a couple may have gray pants with camo tops or vice versa...or even different variations of field grau within a squad...maybe some unis are dirtier or more worn than others...Not a big deal but would be pretty cool.


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Quoting myself, above:

"...I remember in a VERY early bone BFC mentioned..."

D'oh! Recalling those VERY eary BFC hopes for the game have come back to bite me in the arse a couple times recently. I'd hate people quoting back to me stuff I promised to get done more than a year ago! I suppose for pennance I'm going to be obliged to do "Ridiculously High Res Boots Mods" when the game comes out. :rolleyes:

[ October 13, 2006, 08:27 AM: Message edited by: MikeyD ]

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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

At the moment, you can not add extra variations without overriding the defaults. And for a very good reason... VRAM usage. For example, today we were discussing various modifications to how buildings are textured. One idea, that Dan and I really liked, would have filled up a 128MB card just for one type of building. Doh :D It's just a reminder that there is limited space to sock these textures away in and we're going to have little extra room to play with.


Well then, are there going to be more buildings, faces and terrain to choose from. It just looked too samey in cmx1.
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Don't worry, giving soldiers variety is a lot easier to do from a technical standpoint. You'll at least see differences in the different types of soldiers. Meaning, the Greandier will have pouches for the M203 grenades while the other guys won't. In WWII we can swap parts of uniforms around without any impact on VRAM. Remember, once we've loaded something into VRAM it can be used infinitely without any additional hardware hit.


There will be a ton of variety in the look of the buildings. Just not as much as we would like. To do that we'd have to sacrifice texture quality elsewhere, and we don't want to do that.


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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

At the moment, you can not add extra variations without overriding the defaults. And for a very good reason... VRAM usage. For example, today we were discussing various modifications to how buildings are textured. One idea, that Dan and I really liked, would have filled up a 128MB card just for one type of building. Doh :D It's just a reminder that there is limited space to sock these textures away in and we're going to have little extra room to play with.

What we would like to do is have some easy way to load particular Mod Packs. These would override the defaults when the game is loaded, not on the harddrive. For example, there might be a Mods directory and inside that you could put MikeyD's "Ridiculously High Res Boots Mod". When you go to load a game you can select to use this Mod and it will override the default one. However, there won't be two different textures for that one type of boot.


I think you misunderstood the point. The extra textures are picked up if the (L)user placed them in the texture folder. If the e.g. second set of textures for camel tent isn't there then the first set is reused.

Of course you don't ship a second set and the users adds them at their own descretion.

It would be useful if CM would include displays for frame rate and Vram usage this time, though.

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