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Putting My Complaints In Perspective

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As the majority of my first posts on this forum have been negative, I would like to provide some context. I have many years of experience in the software business and many times that as a computer gamer. So, I do understand milestones, deadlines, realworld pressures, and target audiences.

The issues I have raised mostly have to do with disagreements with decisions, not with outright bugs in the software. Combat Mission Shock Force is a solid game, and from the forum postings, appears to be almost, if not completely, Crash Bug free. This is quite a difficult feat to accomplish, more so by a (relatively) small group. I would like to commend everybody involved in the creation of CMSF on a job well done. There are some bugs, some of which I have experienced and commented on in these forums, however, none of the bugs reported are "stop ship" bugs that went undetected. Invisible MMGs are tolerable and do not prohibit game play from continuing.

So, I hope you folks understand that my overall opinion of CMSF is positive, but my experience with version "One Dot Uh Oh" is a bit sour. And as such, I will recommend that CM 1 through 3 are better purchases, at this time, until CMSF is updated.

Thanks for listening. :cool:

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If I may somewhat chime in as a guy from the outer ring of this extraordinary crew, I'd say none are afraid of constructive comments, no matter how hard it might be to take sometimes.

Some calls are legit, some are due to the fact that CM2 is NOT CMx1, some because differents gamers have different experiences, likings, etc. All this is perfectly fine.

I commend your taking the time to put these comments "in perspective", and I'm tempted to do the same from the other side of the fence: release is release, the game everybody were waiting for for a long time is finally here, it's pretty enjoyable at that, and there's more: BFC is committed to making it better and better in the coming years.

To me, this is a win-win situation.

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Actually I am stuck at 640x480 now, so the game turned from going great into "playable, but..." this morning.

Considering I'm one of these arrogant bastards who tells other people that they cause their own PCs to malfunction that is pretty funny. Just not much :mad:

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The patronizing "CMx2 isn't CMx1" is crap. It's nothing more than the warcry of the rabid fanboi.

Folks are trying to nicely say "this game is buggy, visual unimpressive, and has a clunky interface" by comparing it to a different game that BTS was very successful in creating.

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Originally posted by metalbrew:

The patronizing "CMx2 isn't CMx1" is crap. It's nothing more than the warcry of the rabid fanboi.

Folks are trying to nicely say "this game is buggy, visual unimpressive, and has a clunky interface" by comparing it to a different game that BTS was very successful in creating.

If anything it is admitting that the CMx1 series is dead and has no successor.

But im more optimistic than that and I think that they will improve on this game and games in the future.

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Originally posted by rlg85:

But im more optimistic than that and I think that they will improve on this game and games in the future.

I'm actually optimistic too that the game will improve. I'm specifically lashing out at the fanbois with their heads in the sand that keep repeating that annoying mantra of "CMx1 isn't CMx2".
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Jan and Nick - I think it is ATI giving you trouble. I had multiple hard crashes on my desktop machine, running XP. My laptop, running Vista, runs the game just fine. It has a Geforce 7300 video card - the desktop had a 2-3 year old ATI card. My recommendation is to get plenty of RAM and a recent (and up to date driven) Geforce card. You don't need to avoid Vista. One man's experience...

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