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Why Battlefront should write, II. (my 2 cents)

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I have to agree. BFC have always been active participants in almost every discussion. Hell, they even drop in on the MBT and the Waffles every once in a while.

I am willing to say that they are rather busy, expecially if they are working on a module and a major patch. I may be kidding myself but I consider this community sort of my extended family. I just can't believe they are off somewhere just because.

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For a BFC product? Especially when they are working on the next bit? Not really suprising or atypical.

All I see is a bunch of people who hyped themselves up to bursting point about the new game. They're bound to be disappointed. The thread could have been called;

"Why I'm so important and why I know the computer games market better than BFC"

I'm sorry but there are few people in this forum who do. Certainly the vocal complainers are not amongst those select few.

The complaints about spin are either irrelevant or apply equally to anything that BFC have done, especially CMX1. The algorithms and model were always closely guarded and presumably trade secrets.

The problem, AFAICT, with some of these forum skirmishes, is that people have started threads full of belligerence (this is another one), squaring up to BFC and demanding that their point of view is the right one/important/representative of a large portion of the game-playing public. The belligerence may not be intended, but it comes across that way, sure as sherbet is fizzy.

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I use to be so hardcore supportive of the CMx1 games and SM:SF and one of the main reasons for this was the awesome communication and support that BF was giving on the boards and with the fast patches. I checked the boards mulitple times every day in hopes of reading a new interesting and informative post where the devs were chiming in. Developers that are open, honest and communicative are a very rare thing these days and when I find a game that has these kinds of developers, it really goes a long way to make me a soldier for that game's cause. When the open and frequent communication with the developers breaks down, I usually see that as a very bad sign and that it is time I move on. This absolute lack of communication and zero discussion on CM:SF's internal game mechanics has alientated me, a previous BF fanatic. This strategy is not working, you are at most, losing some of your most loyal fans and at least, screwing up the image BF has conjured over all these years :mad: :( :confused: . Guess I'll check back in about a year and see if this corpse has moved any. Off to play Crysis, Hellgate London, Company of Heroes, The Orange Box, Supreme Commander ............

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O ye of little faith!

Given the *years* of gaming pleasure that BFC has already given me, I'm perfectly content to let their communications slide for a few week, especially since it's likely that they're working on ways to give me more of that goodness.

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Originally posted by flamingknives:

For a BFC product? Especially when they are working on the next bit? Not really suprising or atypical.

All I see is a bunch of people who hyped themselves up to bursting point about the new game.

I'd hardly call us "hyped up". I've been guarded ever since the whole "yeah, we might dump PBEM, no biggie" fiasco thread. That was the first indicator to me as to exactly how far removed BFC was from their customer base.

They're bound to be disappointed. The thread could have been called;

"Why I'm so important and why I know the computer games market better than BFC"

I'm sorry but there are few people in this forum who do. Certainly the vocal complainers are not amongst those select few.

And I'm not sorry to state that I may know Richard about the computer games market, but I know a helluva lot about customer and sales support - certainly more than BFC has evidenced so far.

The complaints about spin are either irrelevant or apply equally to anything that BFC have done, especially CMX1. The algorithms and model were always closely guarded and presumably trade secrets.

And if the basic issues of LOS, LOF, and unit behavior had been as jacked up in CM:BO v1.0 (and we know they weren't perfect) as they continue to be in CM:SF vWhatever then there would have been a plea for mechanical details then too.

The problem, AFAICT, with some of these forum skirmishes, is that people have started threads full of belligerence (this is another one), squaring up to BFC and demanding that their point of view is the right one/important/representative of a large portion of the game-playing public. The belligerence may not be intended, but it comes across that way, sure as sherbet is fizzy.

I don't think this is a belligerent thread at all. I don't read the frustration that comes through as hostile, just... frustrated.

One of the bottom lines is that BFC used to, by and large, have our trust - now they, by and large, don't. So our tone changes too.


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And if the basic issues of LOS, LOF, and unit behavior had been as jacked up in CM:BO v1.0 (and we know they weren't perfect) as they continue to be in CM:SF vWhatever then there would have been a plea for mechanical details then too.
I rather suspect that the issues were there, the pleas were made and they were dismissed or ignored in the same way.

I only came in a bit before CM:BB, but ISTR something about machine-gun modelling being off, that was repeatedly brushed off by BFC but actually addressed in CM:BB, along with a whole bunch of other issues that hand't been addressed so vociferously but nonetheless made CM:BB so much better (IMHO) than CM:BO, such that I could never really go back. Doubtless there are plenty who thought that CM:BB was a retrograde step and that BFC had betrayed them then.

It starts frustrated then rapidly turns hostile when BFC stick to their vision rather than what we small men in the fora believe. It may not be intended that way, but it certainly comes across that way, sure as sherbet hurts like **** when you snort it up your nose as a joke.

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Originally posted by flamingknives:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />And if the basic issues of LOS, LOF, and unit behavior had been as jacked up in CM:BO v1.0 (and we know they weren't perfect) as they continue to be in CM:SF vWhatever then there would have been a plea for mechanical details then too.

I rather suspect that the issues were there, the pleas were made and they were dismissed or ignored in the same way.</font>
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I saw that on Digg the other day, quite hilarious. On a related note, this is a game, we all feel a certain way about it as a result of our feelings about past BFC games. Remember people its a game, not real life, but just like real life its not fair and it nots what YOU invisioned. I very rarely play this game anymore, because i just dont find it interesting. It's a pattern in the gaming industry, but remember BFC is a business first and they makes games for gamers second. Thats just the way it is. Vote with your feet.

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Originally posted by Dirtweasle:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by thewood:

I think Steve did that a couple of weeks ago. A good search should reveal the answer.

Well, I checked just now and cannot find what you're thinking of. </font>
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Demanding access to game design notes is just about the most arrogant thing I've ever read in all my years visiting the CM boards. Oh my God, how absurd! Do you people realise what you sound like? I mean REALLY? I know shizophrenic's who are less taxing to be around. And you wonder why nobody pops in for a chat anymore? The players who are enjoying the game have pretty much all given up and abandoned this forum.

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Hi Guys,

Firstly thanks for taking the time to pass on your thoughts.

As Ive mentioned in a couple of other similar threads, we are very busy at the moment trying to finalise 1.05 and get it out to you guys. We are getting closer now guys, and I am happy to say that personally I am very happy with the way its shaping up thus far. Until that point we will probably be a little more scarce than usual in the forums. After 1.05 hoping time will allow us to be more active here.

With that said Im going to lock this one up as its heading off topic fast.


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