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Macintosh - Fusion & Bootcamp

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I bought Shock force CD when is was released. I can not get the game to run on VMWare Fusion or in Bootcamp on a new iMac 2.4 GHz 1 GB memory OS 10.4.10.

In Fusion the game loads but will not run.

In Bootcamp when trying to place way-points it quits.

I will down load v 1.04 of Shock Force and see if that helps.

Has anyone got this game to run on a Mac??

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try this to start:

web page how to Mac OS X boot camp solution

more recent thread here. :)

It works FINE in boot camp, I am not sure about Fusion. (?)

Boot camp running Windowx XP with Service Pack 2 should give you no problems what so ever.

At least Two beta testers AND Steve are running XP in boot camp on intel macs and playing the game with no problems at all.



good luck

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I started the 'space chimp' thread when I decided to play guinea pig bootcamping my imac and testing the CMSF beta. Everything worked out just great ... after downloading relevant windows upgrades and buying myself a proper PC mouse. I don't think crashing the game while placing waypoints was even an issue, no matter what the setup. If Tom's links don't fix things do a search for the old "MikeyD Space Chimp" thread and scan down the comments, suggestions and links. Might need an ATI driver upgrade... if you use an ATI card?

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Here also no problems via BootCamp.

Do you have problems with other games or app. via BootCamp?

Running smooth and fast on a Mac Pro....



Theatre of War


Hehehehe, I just see it.... all war games and BFC related on my computer..... I wonder why :D

I wish you good luck my friend and don’t give up.


War Raven.

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Lanceh2 --

When you do get the game up and running properly, I'd be very curious to hear what kind of performance seeing on your iMac. I'm currently debating between getting a 2.4Ghz 20" iMac, or a MacBook Pro.

I do need a compact computer (gotta love the NYC apartment), but I don't really need portability that much. So I'd get the iMac without a second thought, except that I'm less than impressed by the ATI 2600 PRO card (which is apparently actually a slightly underclocked 2600XT). So I'm debating getting a MacBook Pro instead, because I can get it with an nVidia 8600M.

But if the 2600XT is decent for CMSF, then the iMac gives me a bigger screen, larger hard drive, and costs less to boot. Though there are some very good deals on refurbished MacBook Pros right now, which narrows the price difference considerably. . . as you can see, I'm having trouble making up my mind!

Anyway, I'd love to know how the iMac is working for you.



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Ya, in an ideal world, I'd be able to get an iMac with an 8600M.

From what I've read, the 2600XT is actually a very good card for photo/video editing, possibly better than the 8600M in these areas. Since this is the most demanding "real" task my wife and I need from the home computer, for the most part the iMac makes sense.

But Steve and others' past comments about ATI's buggy drivers make me leery of the 2600XT for games. I'm not a big gamer, and realistically I only have time for about one computer game in my life, so as long as it run CMSF reasonably well, I'm happy.

Another part of the equation is when and if BFC decide to do an OSX native CMSF. There have been hints that this might happen, but I'm not counting on it. An OSX native version would make me a lot less leery of the ATI card, since running under OSX it would use video drivers created by Apple, not ATI. I have much more faith in the quality of Apple's OSX video drivers, than I do ATI's OpenGL drivers in Bootcamp.

Hence my indecision. . . I can certainly afford the MacBook Pro, but I don't like to throw money away, and the iMac is more bang for the buck.

I dunno. I'm waiting at least until Leopard comes out at the end of the this month before I buy anything. Maybe by then, BFC will have a more definitive answer as to whether they're going to do an OSX conversion or not.



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Originally posted by YankeeDog:

But Steve and others' past comments about ATI's buggy drivers make me leery of the 2600XT for games.

Actually the last drivers have increased cards performance a lot. Indeed the 2900PRO ie. is a good performer and can comepte with the n-vidia cards of their range.
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Originally posted by KNac:

Not sure if it was just a typo on your part or not, but the card in the new iMacs is a 2600PRO, not a 2900. Furthermore, as I mentioned, according to people who have actually cracked the new iMacs open an read the serial numbers, apparently this "2600PRO" is actually a somewhat underclocked 2600XT. Whatever the case, it certainly uses 2600XT drivers when running on Windows on the Bootcamp side.

But this is all tangential. I'm not so much worried about the raw performance of the 2600XT in terms of fps, etc., as I am ATI's less-than-stellar record of driver support, especially wrt smaller, niche-market games like CM. I remember well the fog-compatibility problems in CMx1. The current mouse click problem in CMSF doesn't sound as bad as this, but I'd still like to avoid problems like this if I can.

I know both nVidia and ATI cards have had some issues early on with CMSF. But over time, I have alot more faith in the NVidia issues clearing up than I do the ATI ones. Hence my preference for an NVidia card in my new machine.

But as I mentioned, this all becomes moot if BFC does a native OSX version of CMSF. Then it will be running with Apple OpenGL drivers, and I have a lot more faith in Apple creating and maintaining efficient, bug-free video drivers in OSX, than I do either ATI or nVidia doing so for Windows.



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I want to thank every one for the help.

CMSF has been running just fine after

updating Windows XP with

Update for Windows XP (KB896256)


Then updating the ATI drivers at


Then updating CMSF to 1.0.4.

I am not sure if the Windows update was necessary??

The game plays just fine with normal settings. I don't know how to determine the frame rates.

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Thanks for the update, lanceh2. I will bookmark this thread and do exactly what you've done when my new Mac arrives.

If you want to determine frame rates in-game, you need to use a utility like Fraps that generates a fps readout. I don't recall the exact website, but if you google "fraps," you'll find it.

No need to do so on my account, though. As long as framerate and detail level is good enough that the game looks visually decent to your eye in a good-sized scenario, and you're having no stability or interface problems (fog and smoke is working, no wierd mouse click issues, etc.), that's good enough for me. I'm not one of those that needs a consistent 60fps and all the eye candy to enjoy the game.



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  • 5 months later...

Yep; Bootcamp works great, at least on the demo.

I'm kinda holding out for the the promised OSX native release. . . we'll see how long I make it. I've only been back to the mac for 5 months now, and already I'm spoiled.

While OSX boots up nice and quick, it seems like WinXP takes for freakin' ever. . . that's lost play time!!

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