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Well, photons have both energy and momentum proportional to their frequency (or inversely proportional to their wavelength), not velocity.

And photons do have velocities below c in medium! ;) Check cherenkov radiation for clues...

Let alone photons can effectively be stopped at rest or can exceed the speed of light by the clever scientists (if we speak about phase velocity).

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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

I know they dont have a rest mass. That is rarely a problem for photons since they always travel at the speed of light though, and when they do that, they do have a mass.


Not according to these science geeks:

Anything with mass has kinetic energy E=½mv2, where m is its mass, and v is its velocity (or speed), so if it slows down it’s losing kinetic energy to some other form of energy (heat, gravitational potential energy, etc.). Similarly it takes an input of energy to speed these things up. (Agreed)

But light has no mass, so none of this applies.

If light has no mass, does that mean it has no energy? Well, it doesn’t have kinetic energy in the classical sense, but it does have energy. The energy of light is related to it’s frequency through the equation E=hv, where h is Planck’s constant (6.626068 × 10-34 Joule-seconds) and v is the frequency of light. Red light has a lower energy than blue light because it is lower in frequency.

I am guessing about this because if light had mass, then somehow some "extra" energy would be needed to accelerate that mass back up to the speed of light in air (about 300,000 km/sec, from the slower rate of speed in water, HENCE they have to claim light has no mass, I guess).

-tom w

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So what is a photon torpedo warhead doing while it is sitting in a launcher aboard the Starship Enterprise?

Is it at rest, or does the inertia applied by the motion of the Enterprise itself give the photons in the torpedo warhead their mass? Are the torpedos stored in a vacuum or are the launch tubes pressurized? If they are pressurized does that effect the mass of the photons inside the warhead as well?

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Wiki says this about that:

Under the heading Weapons of Star Trek:

Photon torpedoes

Photon torpedoes are a missile weapon commonly seen on Starfleet vessels and also used by many races. They were first seen in the original series, but were not introduced into Enterprise before that series' cancellation, so their date of first employment by Starfleet is not established in canon. They employ deuterium and antideuterium as their explosive agents. They are variable yield, adjusted by changing the amount of matter/antimatter loaded before launch. They have navigation and both sublight and warp propulsion abilities of their own, and can thus track an enemy ship. Torpedoes can also be left at or sent to a location and placed on a proximity setting.

Photon torpedo cases have been adapted for burials in space and onto planets. At the end of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, the torpedo containing Captain Spock's body was launched onto the Genesis planet's surface; presumably it still had some guidance and propulsion systems. In Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, Spock and McCoy installed additional sensors into a photon torpedo: "Doctor, would you care to assist me in performing surgery on a torpedo?" The modified torpedo then successfully targeted the cloaked Klingon bird-of-prey by tracking its plasma exhaust. (Also, in "The Emissary" TNG episode, a diplomat traveled in a tight-fitting casing at warp 9, necessitated during a crisis because no starships were available; however, it was not a photon torpedo, as some fans believe, but a Class 8 probe stripped of its sensors and transmitters, then outfitted with life-support equipment.)

Over the years, we've seen torpedoes with many different "MARKs" written on the side, suggesting this technology has undergone continual refinement. At maximum yield, a Mark VI photon torpedo (the standard Starfleet photon torpedo in the late 24th century) carries a 1.5 kilogram antimatter charge, for a theoretical maximum explosive yield of 18.5 isotons. However, efficiency and geometry reduce energy-to-target a significant amount even under ideal conditions.

Note: The idea for a lozenge-shaped torpedo casing was developed for Star Trek: The Motion Picture, but what the Enterprise had during TOS may have been considerably different. The idea of the photon torpedo was not introduced into TOS until the second season of the show, until which time the ship's phasers were the do-all weapon, even able to do proximity blasts as in Balance of Terror.

weapons of Star Trek


From Memory Alpha, the free Star Trek reference.

A standard Starfleet issue photon torpedo.

A schematic of a mark XXV torpedo

DS9 firing photon torpedo volleys from torpedo turrets

A photon torpedo (sometimes called photon) is a projectile weapon commonly used by Starfleet starships and starbases in the 23rd and 24th centuries. Its predecessor was the photonic torpedo.

Many other species also use defensive projectiles known as photon torpedoes; it is known that Klingons possessed such technology as early as 2151.

A photon torpedo utilizes a warhead of matter and antimatter, which produce a destructive explosion when mixed. The torpedo is propelled through space via warp sustainer engine, which allows it to be fired at warp. Until recently, this favored the use of photon torpedoes versus phasers at faster-than-light speeds.

24th century photon torpedoes are equipped with navigational sensors to seek and track its targets, as well as a remote self destruct system. (TNG: "Genesis") A Starfleet torpedo shares the same oblong casing as a Class-8 probe.

It has been shown to be unwise to fire photon torpedos at short-ranged targets, because this would risk damaging the firing ship as well. In 2367, the Enterprise-D was attacked by a Cytherian probe, and there was no choice but to fire a torpedo at it at close range. Lieutenant Barclay (under the influcence of the probe) was able to modify the shields to protect the ship from the torpedo's impact. (TNG: "The Nth Degree")

Photon torpedoes appear as red, yellow or blue bulbs of light when fired. While technically antiquated by the invention of the quantum torpedo in 2368, photon torpedoes remain a crucial part of Starfleet's arsenal. The Mark VI photon torpedos have a maximum explosive yield of 200 isotons (VOY: "Scorpion, Part II").

It has become something of a Starfleet tradition to place dead crewmembers inside an empty torpedo casing and fire them into space. Both Spock and Jadzia Dax were sent out into space like this. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; DS9: "Tears of the Prophets")

See also: Torpedo, Photonic shockwave, Torpedo bay


Background Information

The term "photon torpedo" was not used until fairly late into season one of Star Trek: The Original Series, in "Arena" (episode 19). Before that, when the Enterprise fired shots that looked like globular bursts, they were identified as phasers, as in "Balance of Terror" (TOS).

The idea that the photon torpedo is a physical missile-like casing was never confirmed for the Enterprise of the original series. This idea was first introduced in Star Trek: The Motion Picture as a graphic on Chekov's weapons display, but oddly enough Andrew Probert did not envision the photon torpedo to be a capsule even then, as he says in his 2005 Trekplace interview. He says "I envisioned them as what we saw during the TV era, they were glowing globs of plasma or some sort of energy. They weren't giant capsules. I envision them as big, glowy, dangerous blobs of... scariness."

Link to 2005 Probert interview:


The original photon torpedo as it was used in TOS did not have a torpedo room that we saw nor which was mentioned in dialogue. Instead, it seemed more like a setting of the phaser weaponry, which may explain why the term "photon torpedo" was not actually introduced until quite late into the first season (episode 19, "Arena") and why globular bursts that the ship fired were called "phasers", like they were in "Balance or Terror" (episode 8) and a few others. Despite that, photon torpedoes were definitely physical missile-like casings by the time of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.

Just in case you had not noticed, this thread is NOW OFFICIALLY discussing Science Fiction, where as before there was only a suggestion or an allegation by some folks here ;) that the subject matter was in fact "Science Fiction".

-tom w

[ January 04, 2006, 07:45 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Apropos of the earlier discussion on electrogravitics and scalar weapons, I invite your attentions to the current free PDF download of ATLANTIS RISING magazine available at www.atlantisrising.com I wrote the cover feature, "Weather Wars," but of probably greater interest to many of you will be Jeane Manning's (coauthor of ANGELS DON'T PLAY THIS H.A.A.R.P) "The Hard Struggle for Electrogravitics," featuring some great info on the various researchers and their discoveries, the brutal campaign waged against one researcher who had a government job, and a first class cutaway drawing of the previously described Alien Replica Vehicle (ARV). Get the download while you can, for in a few weeks at most, it'll be gone, replaced by the next issue.


John Kettler

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Originally posted by John Kettler:

Apropos of the earlier discussion on electrogravitics and scalar weapons, I invite your attentions to the current free PDF download of ATLANTIS RISING magazine available at www.atlantisrising.com I wrote the cover feature, "Weather Wars," but of probably greater interest to many of you will be Jeane Manning's (coauthor of ANGELS DON'T PLAY THIS H.A.A.R.P) "The Hard Struggle for Electrogravitics," featuring some great info on the various researchers and their discoveries, the brutal campaign waged against one researcher who had a government job, and a first class cutaway drawing of the previously described Alien Replica Vehicle (ARV). Get the download while you can, for in a few weeks at most, it'll be gone, replaced by the next issue.


John Kettler

Would someone tell me what is this "scalar weapon/technology" all about? I read the description in Wikipedia and it made my head hurt.... :(
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The easiest way I know of to describe what a scalar is is to think of it as being like an normal electromagnetic wave, but with a hyperdimensional component added to it, and therein lies the "magic" of "impossible" things like action at a distance, adding and subtracting energy from a distance, ignoring Faraday cages, and much more.

James Clerk Maxwell figured all this out centuries ago, but the math was so overwhelming in the precalculator era that Oliver Heaviside (of Heaviside layer fame) and colleagues reportedly dumped the complex higher order quaternion terms to simplify what was apparently a true Unified Field Theory. In doing so, they hamstrung western science by removing most of the possibilities in Maxwell's theories. The great Nikola Tesla through his own researches rediscovered the real possibilities, and even careful purging of his papers by U.S. intelligence appears to have left enough of a logic trail that now Nobel physics laureate Petr Kapitsa, poring over Tesla's papers in the Tesla Museum at what was then Belgrade, Yugoslovia, was able to figure out so much that the Soviet overscience of energetics was created. I say overscience because it spawned whole families of sciences under it.

If you want more detail, but are not ready for the rigor of Tom Bearden at www.cheniere.org then may I suggest Bill Morgan's superb "Scalar Wars: The Brave New World of Scalar Electromagnetics"

(Scalar Wars) and Iron Eagle's "Soviet Scalar Electro-Magnetic Weapons: Myth or Reality?"

(Soviet Scalar Electro-Magnetic Weapons)

These will give you a good overview, at which point I suggest you go to Bearden's site and look under "weapons slides" (primarily excerpted from his trailblazing FER DE LANCE: Soviet Scalar Weapons). They're listed in the Table of Contents, together with much other info of interest.

Some of the most intriguing evidence comes from sources as credible as airline pilots and as unusual as mujahedeen in the Hindu Kush (Himalayan foothills) looking into the then Soviet Union.

You can also read the book for free at the site, but it isn't the revised edition. The latter will cost you, but if the subject interests you, it's worth the money. Some slides also found in the book are available for free on Bearden's site, though.

Hope this helps.


John Kettler

[ January 19, 2006, 12:23 AM: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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On the subject in general of this "Dark Forces" suppressing "Hyper Advanced Technology", can anyone cite an example of a cuurently available everyday piece of technology, that was successfully suppressed and hidden for a substantial length of time by anyone.

I mean they can either do it for ever, which is highly unlikely, or only for a limited time, in which case there would be plenty of evidence of the practice,


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Peter Cairns,

I'll go you one better. Los Angeles used to have an extensive and inexpensive to ride network of electric trams, running on what today we'd call light rail. It was destroyed by a cabal consisting of General Motors and Firestone, as attested by a court decision to that effect. Unfortunately, by the time the decision was rendered, the Pacific Red Line was but a memory.

Thomas Edison waged a determined war to keep the Westinghouse (really Tesla) AC based electrical concept from supplanting the much more limited (required a power plant on every block) DC system. So dirty was the campaign that Edison ran ads intended specifically to link the Westinghouse AC system with deliberate execution in the public mind, with the goal of creating revulsion toward AC.

I have previously mentioned a book called STEALING THE SUN detailing how the coal, oil and utility industries systematically bought up the emerging solar based businesses and have also mentioned FIRE FROM ICE by Eugene Mallove who describes, from an insider's perspective at M.I.T. Press, the dirty tricks employed by the hot fusion community

in a largely successful effort to discredit and strangle cold fusion research at birth. So successful has this effort been that only recently has DOE been publicly reported to be investigating

low energy nuclear reactions (LENR), a PC term for cold fusion and similar phenomena. Further, I provided a link in which Mallove formally decries the denial of peer review to cold fusion researchers by mainstream scientific publications.

The entire field of advanced energy research is littered with the shattered careers and lives of those who fell afoul of the vested interests. Tesla tried to piggyback wireless energy distribution on a worldwide stock quote system he developed for J.P. Morgan, only to watch funding dry up, the experimental broadcast tower burn down, be rendered a nonperson after being pillaged for his patents, then die in poverty.

The Moray family, through two generations, has been subjected to threats, assaults, intimidations and lab burnings, Searl had the entire electrical system torn out of his house and garage, Bearden was "invited" by government agents to cease discussing scalar weapons and applied antigravity, and Canada's Hutchison has been raided at least twice. Wilhelm Reich had his books burned by the government, was jailed and died in prison.

Joseph Newman was marginalized and denied funding

on his internationally patented motor, and researcher Thomas Vallone (see Jeane Manning's column in ATLANTIS RISING No. 55, free PDF at www.atlantisrising.com ) was thwarted in every attempt to even get seminars conducted on cold fusion; among other ways, this was done by directly threatening his government job. Recently, a Japanese researcher with a breakthrough in overunity motor design reportedly got an abrupt visit from the Yakuza and, if memory serves, was carried off to Japan. And I was told directly by Canadian inventor Troy Hurtubise that he'd gotten multiple death threats as a result of his revolutionary Angel Light device (see ATLANTIS RISING No. 53, The Quest for X-Ray Vision, author's moi). It is common knowledge in the energy research community that it is the kiss of death to use expressions such as "cold fusion" and "overunity" in patent applications, and the then American Computer Company found the entire patent application process was so thoroughly interlarded with adverse, competitive commercial (inter alia,

GE, IBM, and Philips Petroleum) interests that it gave up efforts to patent the superadvanced (near zero energy required, room temp superconducting, ultra high density storage--50GB in the space of a poker chip, possibly Roswell crash derived, transfer capacitor (TCAP) technology and instead opted to wrongfoot the competition by putting the basic "art" into the public domain.

Dirty tricks against ACC included hacking from government and commercial facilities, abrupt termination of Internet services, apparent tasking of the local Mob to threaten, intimidate and run multiple defrauding schemes, death threats, posting the pictures and schedules of the children of senior executives there, in evident kidnap solicitation, plus posting pics of these same executives in rifle scope crosshairs.

If we broaden the trawl to include overt UFO researchers, then it gets worse in a hurry. Atmospheric scientist Dr. Morris Jessup, who testified before Congress on the reality of UFOs,

appears to have been suicided (no evidence of depression, had everything to live for) via carbon monoxide; Linda Moulton Howe had an op run against her by OSI in which she was first shown and promised release rights on UFO data, only to be repeatedly hung out to dry after she expended lots of effort to arrange a documentary film through HBO, and she's one of many.

Lab samples associated with her cattle mutilation investigations were stolen, and the disappearance/confiscation of evidence is frighteningly common in UFO research circles. As attested to in sworn statements by ex Naval Intelligence OPSTAT Team member Bill Cooper in his Operation Majority file and former Air Force

Lt. Col. Steve Wilson (under Articles at www.drboylan.com ) Project Pounce, which the latter commanded, exists specifically to carry out this UFO crash retrieval and evidence seizure function worldwide. Wilson was deeply distraught over the people he murdered to keep the lid on the UFO secret. Read his statements.

Elsewhere, I have quoted a military advocacy group called Justice for Military Personnel which in a letter to then President Reagan said flat out that termination, murder, was standard CIA practice to silence military personnel who wouldn't shut up about their UFO experiences. Bill Cooper, who I knew personally, lost a leg when forced off the road on his motorcycle after he began to talk and later had commandos fast rope into his backyard from a helicopter in an apparent campaign of intimidation. He received many death threats, too. UFO researchers have been followed by cars and/or helicopters, their phones tapped, etc. The Learning Channel ran a program in which an Area 51 researcher, working from public land, had his home ransacked by government agents, his computer taken, etc. Bob Lazar was made a nonperson after he talked, as evidenced by the "disappearance" of practically every public record concerning him Another black project researcher, Norio Hayakawa, whom I know, among other things brought a full Nippon TV crew out on public land to film the purported UFOs at Area 51, had a camera confiscated by the local sheriff (had to sue to get it back) and was repeatedly buzzed, while driving on a public road, by a huge CH-53 flying maybe ten feet off the ground. I've seen the pictures that prove it happened. Scary! The Nippon TV crew, BTW, got terrific footage which was then aired in a major special on a Saturday in Japan, accompanied by a panel discussion.

Other researchers have uncovered evidence of the overnight government move of whole families involved in UFO sightings and encounters, plus the sudden transfer of obscure plots of land to government control, land associated with UFO crash reports. To this must also be added a series of illegal land grabs around Area 51, Nevada and in Puerto Rico, where a huge federal bird sanctuary abruptly appeared as soon as UFO reports began appearing in one specific region.

Not only have UFO researchers been subjected to every dirty trick in the book, to include planting people on them there to learn their secrets and later deliberately and brutally break their hearts, but people have been killed while, for example, driving their UFO researcher boyfriend's vehicles, after said vehicles were rammed off the road from behind.

In the 1950s Canadian telecom engineer Wilbur Smith noticed an apparent connection between generating power from Earth's magnetic field and UFO flight behavior. He pinged the Canadian defense attache in Washington, D.C, Arthur Bray, to see whether the U.S. was interested. After a great deal of digging, Bray telexed back "The entire UFO matter is classified ABOVE TOP SECRET, two points higher than the hydrogen bomb." That was the 1950s. Please compare that with Bearden's being disinvited to continue discussing applied antigravity in 2005!

The above ought to be more than enough for you to explore the concept of technology suppression, and if you'd like a massive tome on the supppression of scientific ideas, please see Michael Cremo's

FORBIDDEN ARCHAEOLOGY. I myself was ordered to cease certain lines of investigation during my aerospace days. Why? The answers weren't good for either my firm or the government military branch that was the client. I'd uncovered a major system vulnerability, you see, and it was in neither's interest to have the matter more thoroughly explored, at least at my clearance level. On several other occasions, I apparently put two and two together and came up with something way beyond my clearance.


John Kettler

[ January 21, 2006, 02:08 AM: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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Peter Cairns,

You might want to take further note of the psyops mounted against Dr. Paul Bennewitz by OSI and a coopted UFO researcher (who later publicly admitted his misdeeds, which were done in exchange for privileged UFO data), ops that put Dr. Bennewitz into a mental institution, and the remarkable "coincidence" that both Congressman Steven Schiff

(who was the force behind making GAO investigate the Roswell crash) and Dr. Stephen Greer's personal assistant (in an apparent warning shot to Greer) both died of fast acting cancer when in the midst of high profile UFO work, the latter in connection with Dr. Stephen Greer's Disclosure Project (www.disclosureproject.org). Giving fast acting cancer via radioactive injection and other means is a favored deniable termination technique used by intelligence agencies, and it's interesting to note that Jack Ruby said that was what was done to him.

As for keeping secrets, the Navy's still sitting on Japanese intercepts from before Pearl Harbor, Tesla's sensitive stuff is in three separate and related defense research libraries, with public access to one, semirestricted access to a second, and high clearance requireded for the third (as of 1981 per Margaret Cheney's TESLA: Man Out of Time, Poscricpt: Ending the Paper Chase; post 9/11 would guess public access to what is probably DARPA would be nil), the U.S. was going hot and heavy on nuclear rocket engines and nuclear powered aircraft in the 1950s and early 1960s with most people knowing absolutely nothing about them, and do you realize that the government conducted multiple live agent biowarfare tests in major cities and that people died as a result? I believe the Serratia Marescens (sp?) release which blanketed San Francisco sent over a hundred people to the hospital and killed something like eleven.

Did you know that documents exist in which senior officers state that the deaths and radiation sickness incurred by the Downwinders, the people downwind of the nuclear tests in Nevada and elsewhere, were their "patriotic duty" to be borne "without question or demur" for the good of the country? I believe the admitted death toll in a still suppressed congressional study was something like 30,000. I know a Downwinder, now in her late 50s, who at age 12 was so heavily dosed that her hair all fell out. She's now on permanent federal disability (laundry list of maladies), and practically everyone in her family has one or more radiation related maladies as well.

Denver and other cities were dosed with toxic cadmium as a bioagent simulant, and the New York subway system was covertly dosed with a live agent which sickened many. It's a fluke that we even know of the CIA's MK/ULTRA, plus other mind control programs and assassination programs, and that's because somebody failed to destroy the relevant records which were located during the Church hearings into the Intelligence Community.

Do you realize that atomic wastes at Hanford, Washington were deliberately released into the environment just to see where they'd go, that for decades U.S. troops have been used as uninformed, unconsenting guinea pigs in all sorts of horrible experiments (documentation available

at www.gulfwarvets.com) ) and that the government has been writing off POWs and MIAs in the hands of communist regimes as dead since 1917, the Archangel Expedition? This was an official conclusion by the Senate Select Committee on POWs and MIAs. Further, when the Committee demanded the Pentagon's files on the matter, the Pentagon stalled for months, then handed over 25,000 pages of deliberately mixed up and unindexed intel material.

Did you know that magnetohydrodynamics

(the crawler propulsor in THE HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER) is unclassified, but magnetoaerodynamics

is classified? Isn't that interesting? The source for this is physicist and UFO researcher Stanton Friedman, who worked on some of the above nuclear propulsion applications for aerospace.

Are you aware that in very short order in around 1956 the entire subject of antigravity research, once openly acknowledged as being done by every top U.S. aerospace firm, simply vanished from view? Compare this with what happened to information publication regarding nuclear research when the Manhattan Project began. T. Townsend Brown demonstrated experimental small scale antigravitic electrostatic craft to military officials in 1956? and found his work classified on the spot.

And isn't it interesting that for years on end now there has been a massive chemtrailing program going on which literally blots the skies (turned the sky over the San Fernando Valley, California from brilliant blue to oily grayish blue black within hours just a few days ago) and has sickened many thousands (with who knows how many deaths), yet we don't hear a peep about it? See www.carnicom.com www.chemtrails.org the previously mentioned www.gulfwarvets.com and many others for details. Samples recovered range from toxic barium compounds at ten times EPA allowable levels to filaments full of human blood sera and multiple known pathogens. Whole communities have had their emergency rooms suddenly fill up with small children and oldsters in major respiratory distress after being chemtrailed, yet I haven't seen or heard a single word on this on any major news outlet, nor is there any coverage on TLC, Discovery, etc. That it's going on is incontrovertible. Not only is there high resolution still and video photography showing the spray aircraft, spray equipment and spraying in progress (clearly discernable from normal jet exhaust), but pilots and air traffic controllers have come forward, certain code names and bases are known, certain loadouts are identified, and a stack of related patents for spraying and the sprays have been found, not to mention things like policy statements from the likes of Dr. Edward Teller.

Finally, how long was the Stealth Fighter flying before we heard of it? How about TACIT BLUE?


John Kettler

[ January 21, 2006, 12:27 PM: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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Of all the examples you cite only two come close to the criterion Imentioned, the case of "the Red Car" and the "AC power "system advocated by Edison.

They meet the first criteria in that they are proven technologies that have been in some way attacked or opposed by vested interest.

No matter how long your quotes on UFO's and cold fussion, the fact that these are not accepted everyday technologies that we can all use, means they fall at the first hurdle.

Where even the examples you quote fail is that all of the actions that you talk about were public. These were very vocal campaigns and yes the big guy won, and they were dirty, but that is more to do with abusing a monopoly and business tactics than secret conspiracy.

The famous Apple v Microsoft battle and the claims of anti competitive behaviour at not the same as a conspiracy to suppress.


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Just how crazy is this:

Is Antigravity Technology

being Employed in the B2 Bomber?

contributed by Chalcedon

very special thanks to

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Retired Air Force Colonel Donald Ware has claimed that a three star general revealed that "the new Lockheed-Martin space shuttle (National Space Plane) and the B-2 (stealth bomber) both have electro-gravitic systems on board" and that "this explains why our 21 Northrop B-2s cost about a billion dollars each."

I feel that it is also worthy to note that the Selected Acquisition Report (with which United States lawmakers track the cost of major U.S. weapons projects) valued the B-2 program at $45 billion. With 21 aircraft built, that works out at $2.14 billion each, twice the cost as stated above.

After taking off conventionally, the B-2 has the option of switching to anti-gravity mode. It has been said that using it's anti-gravitic technology, the B-2 can fly around the world without refueling.

The F-117 stealth fighter also has hybrid propulsion and lift technologies which may be electro-gravitic systems. Utilizing conventional thrust for public take-offs and landings, switching to anti-gravity mode would allow an extended cruising range, lightning fast maneuverability, and for shrouding the airframe in invisibility (by having its local counter-gravity field bend light around the airframe).

How are anti-gravity systems controlled?

It has been known for sometime now by "Black World" technologists that the key to controlling gravity is Element 115 on the Periodic Table - Ununpentium. The most important attribute of this heavier, stable element is that the gravity A-wave is so abundant that it actually extends past the perimeter of the atom. These heavier, stable elements literally have their own gravity A-field around them, in addition to the gravity B-field that is native to all matter. By controlling the gravity A-wave, you can control gravity. By fuelling an aircraft reactor with ununpentium, you have an aircraft capable of utilizing anti-gravity propulsion.

Electrogravitic (antigravity) technology, under development in U.S. Air Force black R&D programs since late 1954, may now have been put to practical use in the B-2 Advanced Technology Bomber to provide an exotic auxiliary mode of propulsion. This inference is based on the recent disclosure that the B-2 charges both its wing leading edge and jet exhaust stream to a high voltage. Positive ions emitted from its wing leading edge would produce a positively charged parabolic ion sheath ahead of the craft while negative ions injected into it's exhaust stream would set up a trailing negative space charge with a potential difference in excess of 15 million volts. According to electrogravitic research carried out by physicist T. Townsend Brown, such a differential space charge would set up an artificial gravity field that would induce a reactionless force on the aircraft in the direction of the positive pole. An electrogravitic drive of this sort could allow the B-2 to function with over-unity propulsion efficiency when cruising at supersonic velocities.

For many years rumors circulated that the U.S. was secretly developing a highly advanced, radar-evading aircraft. Rumor turned to reality in November of 1988, when the Air Force unveiled the B-2 Advanced Technology Bomber. Although military spokesmen provided the news media with some information about the craft's outward design, and low radar and infrared profile, there was much they were silent about. However, several years later, some key secrets about the B-2 were leaked to the press. On March 9, 1992, "Aviation Week and Space Technology" magazine made a surprising disclosure that the B-2 electrostatically charges its exhaust stream and the leading edges of its wing-like body. Those familiar with the electrogravitics research of American physicist T. Townsend Brown will quickly realize that this is tantamount to stating that the B-2 is able to function as an antigravity aircraft.

"Aviation Week" obtained their information about the B-2 from a small group of renegade west coast scientists and engineers who were formerly associated with black research projects. In making these disclosures, these scientists broke a code of silence that rivals the Mafia's. They took the risk because they felt that it was important for economic reasons that efforts be made to declassify certain black technologies for commercial use. Two of these individuals said that their civil rights had been blatantly abused (in the name of security) either to keep them quiet or to prevent them from leaving the tightly controlled black R&D community.

Several months after "Aviation Week" published the article, black world security personnel went into high gear. That sector of the black R&D community received VERY STRONG warnings and, as a result, the group of scientists subsequently broke off contact with the magazine. Clearly, the overseers of black R&D programs were substantially concerned about the information leaks that had come out in that article.

To completely understand the significance of what was said about the B-2, one must first become familiar with Brown's work. Beginning in the mid 1920's, Townsend Brown discovered that it is possible to create an artificial gravity field by charging an electrical capacitor to a high-voltage. He specially built a capacitor which utilized a heavy, high charge-accumulating (high K-factor) dielectric material between its plates and found that when charges with between 70,000 to 300,000 volts, it would move in the direction of its positive pole. When oriented with its positive side up, it would proceed to lose about 1 percent of it's weight. He attributed this motion to an electrostatically-induced gravity field acting between the capacitor's oppositely charged plates. By 1958, he had succeeded in developing a 15 inch diameter model saucer that could lift over 110% of its weight! Brown's experiments had launched a new field of investigation which came to be known as electrogravitics, the technology of controlling gravity through the use of high-voltage electric charge.

As early as 1952, an Air Force major general witnessed a demonstration in which Brown flew a pair of 18 inch disc airfoils suspended from opposite ends of a rotatable arm. When electrified with 50,000 volts, they circuited at a speed of 12 miles per hour. About a year later, he flew a set of 3 foot diameter saucers for some Air Force officials and representatives from a number of major aircraft companies. When energized with 150,000 volts, the discs sped around the 50 foot diameter course so fast that the subject was immediately classified. "Interavia" magazine later reported that the discs would attain speeds of several hundred miles per hour when charged with several hundred thousand volts.

Brown's discs were charged with a high positive voltage, on a wire, running along their leading edge and a high negative voltage, on a wire, running along their trailing edge. As the wires ionized the air around them, a dense cloud of positive ions would form ahead of the craft and corresponding cloud of negative ions would form behind the craft. Brown's research indicated that, like the charged plates of his capacitors, these ion clouds induced a gravitational force directed in the minus to plus direction. As the disc moved forward in the response to its self generated gravity field, it would carry with it its positive and negative ion clouds and their associated electrogravity gradient. Consequently, the discs would ride their advancing gravity wave much like surfers ride an ocean wave.

Dr. Mason Rose, one of Townsend's colleagues, described the discs principle of operation as follows: The saucers made by Brown have no propellers, no jets, no moving parts at all. They create a modification of the gravitational field around themselves, which is analogous to putting them on the incline of a hill. They act like a surfboard on a wave... the electrogravitational saucer creates its own "hill", which is a local distortion of the gravitational field, then it takes this "hill" with it in any chosen direction and at any rate.

The occupants of one of [brown's] saucers would feel no stress at all no matter how sharp the turn or how great the acceleration. This is because the ship and its occupants and the load are all responding equally to the wave like distortion of the local gravitation field.

Although skeptics at first thought that the discs were propelled by more mundane effects such as the pressure of negative ions striking the positive electrode, Brown later carried out vacuum chamber tests which proved that a force was present even in the absence of such ion thrust. He did not offer a theory to explain this nonconventional electrogravitic phenomenon; except to say that it was predicted neither by general relativity nor by modern theories of electromagnetism. However, recent advances in theoretical physics provide a rather straightforward explanation of the principle. According to the novel physics of subquantum kinetics, gravity potential can adopt two polarities, instead of one. Not only can a gravity field exist in the form of a matter attracting gravity potential well, as standard physics teaches, but it can also exist in the form of a matter repelling gravity potential hill. Moreover, it predicts that these gravity polarities should be directly matched with electrical polarity; positively charged particles such as protons generating gravity wells and negatively charged particles such as electrons generating gravity hills. (Thus contrary to conventional theory, the electron produces a MATTER-REPELLING gravity field. Electrical neutral matter remains gravitationally attractive because of the proton's G-well marginally dominates the electron's G-hill.)

Consequently, subquantum kinetics predicts that the negative ion cloud behind Brown's disc should form a matter repelling gravityhill while the positive ion cloud ahead of the disc should form a matter attracting gravity well. As increasing voltage is applied to the disc, the gravity potential hill and well become increasing prominent and the gravity potential gradient between them increasing steep. In Rose's terminology, the craft would find itself on the incline of a gravitational "hill". Since gravity force is known to increase in accordance with the steepness of such a gravity potential slope, increased voltage would induce an increasingly strong gravity force on the disc and would act in the direction of the positive ion cloud. The disc would behave as if it was being tugged by a very strong gravitational field emanating from an invisible planet sized mass positioned beyond its positive pole.

Early in 1952 Brown had put together a proposal, code named "Project Winterhaven", which suggested that the military developed an antigravity combat saucer with Mach-3 capability. The 1956 intelligence study entitled "Electrogravitics Systems: An Explanation of Electrostatic Motion, Dynamic Counterbary and Barycentric Control", prepared by the private aviation intelligence firm, Aviation Studies International Ltd., indicates that as early as November 1954 the Air Force had begun plans to fund research that would accomplish Project Winterhaven's objectives. The study, originally classified "Confidential", mentions the name of more than ten major aircraft companies which were actively involved in the electrogravitics research in an attempt to duplicate or extend Brown's seminal work. Additional information is to be found in another aviation intelligence report entitled "The Gravitics Situation". Since that time much of the work in electro-antigravity has proceeded in Air Force black projects on a relatively large scale.

One indication that Brown's electrogravitics ideas were being researched by the aerospace industry surfaced in January 1968. At an aerospace sciences meeting held in New York, Northrop officials reported that they were beginning wind tunnel studies to research the aerodynamic effects of applying high voltage charges to the leading edges of aircraft bodies. They said that they expected that the resulting electrical potential would ionize air molecules upwind of the aircraft and that the resulting repulsive electrical forces would condition the air stream so as to lower drag, reduce heating, and soften the supersonic boom. (Although the author of that article speculated that Northrop might be negatively charging the aircraft's leading edge, the sonic barrier effects can also be accomplished with a positive charge, as Brown originally suggested.)

Although this sonic cushion effect is purely electrostatic, Northrop apparently got the idea for investigating this effect directly from Brown, for his electrokinetic flying disc patent explains that the positively charged leading edge electrode would produce just this effect. Brown states: By using such a nose form, which at present appears to be best suited for flying speeds approaching or exceeding the speed of sound, I am able to produce an ionization of the atmosphere in the immediate region of this foremost position of the mobile vehicle. I believe that this ionization facilitates piercing sonic barrier and minimizes the abruptness with which the transition takes place in passing from subsonic velocities to supersonic velocities.

Also in his 1952 paper on Brown's Saucers, Dr. Rose stated: The Townsend Brown experiments indicate that the positive field which is traveling in front of the saucer acts as a buffer wing which starts moving the air out of the way. This field acts as a entering wedge which softens the sonic barrier.

Interestingly, in 1981, the Pentagon contracted the Northrop Corporation to work on the highly classified B-2 Advanced Technology Bomber. Northrop's past experience in airframe electrostatics must have been a key factor contributing to its winning of this contract, for "Aviation Week" reported that the B-2 uses "electrostatic field-generating techniques" in its wing leading edges to help it minimize aerodynamic turbulence and thereby reduce its radar cross section. The same article mentions that the B-2 also charges its jet engine exhaust stream which has the effect of rapidly cooling its exhaust and thereby remarkably reducing its thermal signature.

Although these disclosures were framed in the context of enhancing the B-2's radar invisibility, in fact, they are part of the B-2's antigravitic drive capability. With a positively charged wing leading edge and a negatively charged exhaust stream, the B-2 would function essentially as an electrogravitic aircraft. Just as in Townsend Brown's flying discs, the positive and negative ion clouds would produce a locally altered gravity field that would cause the B-2 to feel a forward-directed gravitic force.

The design is also very similar to the saucer craft that Brown described in his electrokinetic generator patent. The craft Brown proposed was to be powered by a flame-jet generator, a high-voltage power supply that had the advantage of being both efficient and relatively lightweight. His generator design utilizes a jet engine with an electrified needle mounted in the exhaust nozzle to produce negative ions in the jet's exhaust stream. The negatively ionized exhaust is then discharged through a number of nozzles at the rear of the craft. As the minus charges leave the craft in this manner, an increasingly greater potential difference develops between the jet engine body and the negatively charged exhaust cloud behind the craft. By electrically insulating the engines and conveying their positive charges forward to a wire running along the vehicle's leading edge, the required positively charged ion cloud is built up at the front of the vehicle. A metallic surface of wire grid positioned near the exhaust stream exit collects some of the high-voltage electrons and this recycled power is used to run the exhaust ionizers. Brown estimated that such a generator could produce potentials as high as 15 million volts across his craft.

Rumors circulating among people close to the project allege that the B-2 does utilize antigravity technology. So, our conjecture, that the B-2 incorporates an electrogravitic drive, appears to be substantially correct.

Although the black world scientists mentioned nothing about electrogravitics in their "Aviation Week" disclosure about the B-2, they did admit to the existence of very "dramatic, classified technologies" applicable to "aircraft control and propulsion". They were especially hesitant to discuss these projects, noting that they are "very black". One of them commented, "besides, it would take about 20 hours to explain the principles, and very few people would understand them anyway". Apparently what he meant is that this aircraft control and propulsion technology is based on physics principles that go beyond what is currently known and understood by most academic physicists. Indeed, by all normal standards, electrogravitics is a very exotic propulsion science. source web page cached as the original no longer exists

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In the winter of 1979 word started to spread in Pembroke Dock that a flying saucer was being built in an old giant aircraft hangar in the town. Those involved were sworn to secrecy.

Govan Davies, who owned the dockyard at the time, recalls the secrecy surrounding the project.

"No-body was allowed in and they kept it locked at all times," he said.

"It was made out of timber on the outside of a steel frame. There were 30 or 40 men working on it - it was a hell of a big thing."

It was housed in the Eastern hangar which still stands today

Bizarrely, those working on the spaceship were told they could only refer to it by the code name "Magic Roundabout".

But Mr Davies said word soon spread.

"Friends talk to friends. But they still did not allow anyone in although I saw it, of course, because I owned the hangar at the time."

Security was finally breached in March 1979 when the Pembrokeshire newspaper The Western Telegraph ran a picture and story under the headline "Security Blown On Flying Saucer Secret"



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Well Wicky's post says it all, at last the truth is out.

The secret that has eluded the best minds on earth, and which governments have kept from the public is a network of secret forests growing Alien Trees from which they farvest "Anti-Gravity" wood.

Well when I say harvest, at least the stuff that doesn't float off when they cut it.

I heard a story once from this guy who knew this guy who was working at a airline crash site and he said they found a tree branch in one of the engines , The officals said it happened when it hit the ground, but who knows.


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For a laugh typed in 'Welsh anti gravity' and lo and behold:



by David Lewis

...Searl built small experimental generators at the time, not flying discs, which were supposed to produce power but not fly. He did so with the help of his seventy-year old landlady! that's right! and an elderly Welsh backer named George Hines...

...He claims to have built models as wide as forty feet, some with nylon hulls, some of fiberglass, several of which the BBC and English TV stations observed and filmed, although the BBC has not as yet been forthcoming with any footage...

It must be true!

[ January 21, 2006, 01:48 PM: Message edited by: Wicky ]

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Peter Cairns,

As long as you chose to systematically dismiss inconvenient evidence as anecdotal, you're not likely to ever learn much. I have provided you with a wealth of named sources, but you also need to understand some other very effective ways to make problems go away. You'd get quite an education on the true role of reporters in our society as far back as the turn of the 20th century if you go to www.nexusmagazine.com and click Articles on the home page, then go to the bottom of that incredibly info dense section. There, you'll find a quote from 1898 which flatly says that reporters serve Mammon and dare not speak the truth, lest they lose their jobs. The statement was made at a society meeting for newspapermen.

In order to stop reporters from covering UFOs, for example, some papers simply issued editorial policies ordering the subject to be treated in the same way pornography would. Editors can also advance or punish simply by giving prominent coverage and greatly craved bylines to stories they like, burying in the back pages or returning stories they don't like and by assigning reporters plum, career making assignments or lousy tasks, such as a stint on the dreaded obits. Believe me, the message gets through quickly.

In academic circles, it's all about funding, publishing, tenure and promotions. Military circles are the easiest of all, for someone simply issues an order. Do you think it's a coincidence that every single U.S. astronaut for decades was a military man? Do you know that many astronauts have had UFO sightings, some at very close range, while in orbit and that NASA instituted code phrases and secure radio channels after such information came to the attention of UFO researchers? Suggest you read what Maurice Chatelaine, who designed the communications for the Apollo program, has to say about these matters in Timothy Good's ABOVE TOP SECRET. Do you know that to this day it is a federal offense, punishable by jail and fine, for a pilot who sights a UFO and reports it officially to talk about it without permission? See Communication of Information Reporting Vital Intelligence Sightings (C.I.R.V.I.S.) for details.


Well done, sir! Seeing as how I have read and own

a whole series of articles from AVIATION WEEK & SPACE TECHNOLOGY by William Scott on the various black project craft and another generation beyond that, plus a related editorial he wrote, I can not only confirm the basic statements regarding the B-2 wing edge charging, but can amplify certain statements. Although Scott used some deliberately oblique language in the last article in an informal series, he clearly was discussing propulsion so exotic as to completely eclipse things like scramjets and pulse detonation wave engines (the one that leaves the pearls on a rope contrail). How exotic? In an interview with MUFON magazine, Scott said that in his view the technology probably included antigravity! Interestingly, after writing his editorial in which he pleaded for declassification of many black aerospace projects, Scott was kicked upstairs (editor in the prestigious Washington, D.C. bureau) and, from what I can tell, hasn't written on the subject since.

The article you found, which has info I haven't seen before on some of the early electrogravitic tests, confirms much of what I've been saying, and I've also got stuff by people like Tony Gonzales specifically addressing claims of antigravity and space flight capability for the B-2.

If that was where we were in the mid 1950s, where could we be today? How about the Lockheed Martin

antigravity discs armed with particle beams described by then Lt. Col. Steve Wilson at www.drboylan.com (see Articles) as seeing action in the first Gulf War, the TR-3B described to Fouche in the "fiction" book ALIEN RAPTURE by long known to him black program insiders, the ARV illustrated in the previously mentioned Jeane Manning editorial, the B-52 sized glowing discs flying out of the then McDonnell Douglas black project facility in Llano, California, and others I could name? Nor should we forget what then head of Lockheed's Skunk Works Ben Rich said about the ease of duplicating the Millenium Falcon. I have personally spoken to someone who guarded the ARV or something like it at Edwards AFB, too.

Antigravity is NOT all that complicated, either. It can be achieved through reverse mechanical or electromagnetic rotation, the use of powerful electric discharges (why saucers glow), as in the above T. Townsend Brown work, or by passing strong magnetism through the right dielectric, as was done for the ARV at Area 51. At a seminar in 1980, Tom Bearden told us exactly how much electrical power was needed to lift one pound of steel in this manner. It is precisely this kind of information he was "invited" by government agents to stop discussing.

The real magic, though, lies in folding Space-Time, for which a simple analogy exists. Treat the distance to be traveled as being a hankie, with the job being to go from corner to corner. Obviously, doing it the standard way is going to be slow when compared to the time it takes to simply fold the hankie so that the diagonally opposite corners touch. Not only is this what contactee Billy Meiers has said the Pleiadians told him they did, but it is within 20% of independent calculations made by Froning, once McDonnell Douglas's top advanced propulsion guy using a technology he called Field Effect Propulsion. As for Element 115, I wrote an article called "The Enigma of Element 115" for ATLANTIS RISING magazine (www.atlantisrising.com)

which covered it, other transuranics and the purported use of element 115 as a UFO power source.


John Kettler

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Reality check - following on from the AVRO car AVRO car

Soviet Saucer Flop

Aviation engineers in the Russian city of Saratov have tried to turn science fiction into science fact by building a prototype flying saucer, according to a report broadcast by Russian Ren TV.

Although the shape of the craft takes its inspiration from old science fiction movies, the aim of its designers is said to be no less than the first step towards "an absolutely new concept of flying" .

"The new aircraft is fundamentally different from all means of transportation known so far," the TV report said.

The original concept for the saucer, perhaps optimistically named `Ecology and Progress', envisaged a craft that could move at 700 km/h, accommodate up to 1,000 people and land anywhere, including mountainous terrain or water.

An air cushion system would allow it almost vertical take-off and landing.

The small prototype shown was built at the Saratov aviation plant two years ago.

The project has now been shelved due to lack of funds but workers at the plant "are hoping for some assistance from on high, or maybe even from aliens" , the TV said.

It was not clear from the report whether the prototype was actually capable of getting off the ground.

I'm getting sucked in


Citizens of Patuxent River, Maryland, do not be alarmed. When you see a flying saucer overhead sometime in 2007, it will not be a sign of alien attack.

Instead, the strange craft in the skies will mean that the Russians are finally here -- with a little help from the U.S. Navy.

For more than two decades, engineers at a former Soviet aerospace plant have been toiling on a drone aircraft that looks a whole lot like a prop from Plan 9 From Outer Space. But financial woes have frozen progress on the pita-bread-shaped, stubby-winged, wheel-less, unmanned ship, dubbed the Ekip (short for ecology and progress).

Momentum on the project may pick up again soon, however. After an introduction from an American congressman, the Ekip's designers at the Saratov Aviation Plant have a new partner: the U.S. Naval Air Systems Command, or NAVAIR, which has agreed to join in the development of the unorthodox drone over the next several years. Test flights are tentatively scheduled for 2007 at Webster Field, near Patuxent River.

mmm... 2007 - Just in time for CMSF with extreme rarity. But why bother if we have Nazi Cavorite* and Cheddite** technology.

*Cavorite, a material with anti-gravity properties from H.G. Wells' The First Men in the Moon (also A Deepness in the Sky, derived from Wells)

**Cheddite - Star Smashers of the Galaxy Rangers - A substance created by irradiating cheddar cheese. When incorporated into a machine known as a cheddite projector, it enables hyperspatial travel.

[ January 21, 2006, 02:50 PM: Message edited by: Wicky ]

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Yeh Yeh ,John,

Any day now they'll be repealling the law of gravity so that we can all float to work.

The world scientific community has been trying to find evidence for gravity waves for decades, and low and behold, you can find it yourself in your bedroom with two tin cans,a piece of string, a light bulb and a magnet.

I may be a cynic, but the most powerful element I've come across in your posts is Nonsensinium.


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Thanks for that link to what I believe was called the revolutionary Toriolka/ or Torioka some years ago on The Learning Channel. Saratov or Sarova BTW used to be a closed city which was completely off limits not just to westerners but all Soviet citizens without the necessary special pass. ISTR

that it was primarily about nuclear weapon work.

Peter Cairns,

Your notion of rational discourse is peculiar, to say the least. I provide you with stacks of facts from properly identified sources, which you can easily consult for yourself in many cases, yet you reply with puerile jeers and metaphorical nose thumbing, rather than address the substance of the matter under discussion.

Am starting to wonder whether you're a CSICOP member, for your dyed in the wool utter resistance to anything outside "normal" reality is practically fanatical. BTW, if you are, be advised I've read the CSICOP Charter and am well aware that no amount of proof of anything

outside third plane rational materialism, no matter how well documented, will EVER be accepted by members of that organization as true, despite the fact that they present themselves to an ignorant world as merely being skeptics.


John Kettler

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