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Peng Challenges Joe Shaw to Present the Next Podcast!

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Still on the Donald Duck thing, Michael?

Boy, I tell ya. When you come up with one of your signature inanities, you just put a stool down next to it and milk it for what it's worth, don't ya Sparky?

Sad, really...

It's not that, Michael just has a hard time remembering that he used it already. To him it's freshly minted wit.


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Originally posted by stoat:

Illinois itself is a Native American name.

Yes, I believe the term was 'Illini', which amongst the aboriginal peoples meant 'Annoying, arrogant bastards who drive like ****e, talk too loud in South Wisconsin bars, and are otherwise unworthy of being considered human'. Funny how prescient native peoples were...

Originally posted by stoat:

There is also a large Scandinavian influence 'round these parts.

Don't even TRY to go with this. You're simply not even in the fecking running. Poseur.
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I am currently listening to Shaw's presentation of me in the Third Peng Challenge Thread Podcast, and, so far, the primary flaw I see in it is that Joe has edited out most of the truly revealing bits, and that I let Joe talk too much.

I think that another Seanachai podcast should be scheduled soonest, and in the next one I do not allow Joe to talk at all.

Also, I think we're going to need to do a 'CD Director's Cut' of my interviews, with all the really vile, filthy stuff put back in, as well as the Collector's Edition version of me singing the 'Hymn To Great Fred', as well as the truly, truly brutal stuff that I have to say about the lot of you, not to mention my 'Spoken Word' piece on "Australia: All The Ways to Hell".

Also, I'm considering a lawsuit against the phone company for whatever they did to my voice to make me sound like some sort of freaking lawn ornament. My actual speaking voice is full, rich and deep, and sounds much more like James Earl Jones than is coming across in the podcast.

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Unlike the rest of you lot of tossers, Dalem was treated last night to something that has almost never been seen in the last 50 years of Western Civilization.

He saw me left speechless.

Oh, and Lars. Why were you driving a Honda back from Miami? There have to be cars in the Twin Cities that would have been just as easy to steal. Ask your cousins.

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How were you left speechless Seanachai? I gotta hear this one, it is like claiming you saw Rush Limbaugh turn down a free Vicodin, or that MTV actually played a Rock and Roll video.

Stoat, do you have a Liege yet? Jeez, if someone doesn't claim you soon... well, I am sure not adopting you! You use tricksy, gamey tactics like taking advantage of my tactical incompetence to beat me like a hippy at a gun show.

Well, Uncle Sam decided to give me a day off, and of course, my computer is wending its way through the US postal system, so I can't do turns, but I will catch up with them as soon as it is fixed and returned, by the way, regarding the repair of my computer, I just have to say, Mr Peng, you are a hell of a guy.

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Bloody hell. I haven't talked to Berli enough lately. Or Peng. And where is my Caliban, Boo?

I feel like holding a demonstration for the 'Disappeared'. Let's give a shout to a few of those names, that they might never be forgotten. I know I will miss some, but late at night, they come to me in hideous, technicolour dreams anyways. So they are always with me. And I am never alone.


Mark IV!


German Boy/Andreas!


Elijah Meeks!

Agua Perdido!


Hiram Sedai!

Goanna (Eldest Australian)!


Bauhaus (sit down)!






Aussie Jeff!

And, finally, a nod to 'Minnesota Joe', who gave us 'The Cesspool'. I think that was his name. As age overwhelms every one of my abilities except the ability to rant on at great length about whatever comes into my diseased mind, I find myself taking comfort in the fact that many, many things are mercifully passing away. All the anger, all the outrage, all the angst is blurring into a fluffy pink collage of butterflies and pop tunes.

Oh bugger. Wait, that might just be the insane amount of Brew Pub 'Anniversary Ale' that my friend Christine gave me last night...that, apparently, is based...now that I read her note...on the Smithwick's Barley Wine recipe...barley wine? Oh, bugger...

Well, who's for a bit of spontaneous poetry, then, eh?

Here's to the lads of the Peng Challenge Thread

If they weren't still drinking, they'd probably be dead

In Hell they await them with pitchforks and dread

And a great big clipboard with every word that they've said.

Here's to the Ladies who grace the Cesspool

And their ongoing tolerance of bastards and fools

They were courtly, and lovely, and maintained their cool

While dispensing quick kicks to the family jewels.

Here's to the fact that we're posting here still

Untold thousands of posts of gibberish and swill

We'll post while they let us

And never forget this

Until you showed up it was grey empty vastness

Don't leave it as such, you vain stupid bastards

Ack, feck, vile bad rhyme there, at the last. But you know what I mean.

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

How were you left speechless Seanachai?

Hush, now. Suffice to say that when you reach a certain age, with all your sins upon you and a wealth of self-knowledge such as to make Lady Macbeth's attempts to wash her crimes away appear 'quaint', it can rock you right back on your arse to find that you have friends.

It is a hard world, filled with idiocy and violence, bigotry and stupidity. But what a marvelous place, that has such creatures in it as friends.

I have spent an entire life achieving absolutely nothing. I have failed by the numbers, with an almost Germanic attention to detail. And yet...

I find that I am rich. Hell gapes wide to receive me. And I laugh. I am a vile, bad person. Believe me, because I've checked. I am, quite frankly, a Horrible Little Man.

But what a marvelous group of people I've managed to inflict myself upon.

Including this place, the Peng Challenge Thread.

Now, shut-up, stay safe, and drag your arse back home so I can come over there in August and scare your freaking kids.

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My wife and I already use your unholy name to threaten them, much as parents of old used the threat of the Huns or the Mongols to frighten their progeny into obedience. You work noticeably better as a threat than the Boogeyman, or even Hillary Clinton.

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

You work noticeably better as a threat than the Boogeyman, or even Hillary Clinton.

That's because the concept that I might be under the bed is more terrifying than the first, and the picture of me in a dress is more terrifying than the other.
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Originally posted by Seanachai:


Mark IV!


German Boy/Andreas!


Elijah Meeks!

Agua Perdido!


Hiram Sedai!

Goanna (Eldest Australian)!


Bauhaus (sit down)!






Aussie Jeff!

What a great bunch, I'd gladly get drunk with anyone of them.

But a special nod is deserved to my absent cobbers Lorak, YK2, Mensch and especially the uber-babe Kitty.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I am currently listening to Shaw's presentation of me in the Third Peng Challenge Thread Podcast, and, so far, the primary flaw I see in it is that Joe has edited out most of the truly revealing bits, and that I let Joe talk too much.

Forget all that nonsense... did you wear the pointy red hat?
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

Manage to sort out yet that Grover Cleveland is no longer president, Joe?


You were at the funeral, weren't you, Michael? </font>
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Unlike the rest of you lot of tossers, Dalem was treated last night to something that has almost never been seen in the last 50 years of Western Civilization.

He saw me left speechless.

He must have wept with joy and thanksgiving.


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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

Stoat, do you have a Liege yet?

I move that Stoat be declared Squire at Large. That is, eligible to be booted by anybody. Naturally, this will result in his being given a confusing and contradictory plethora of signals concerning the proper conduct of a Kiniggit of the Pool, but that's okay. It'll be good for his moral growth, doncha know?

You use tricksy, gamey tactics like taking advantage of my tactical incompetence to beat me like a hippy at a gun show.

...I just have to say, Mr Peng, you are a hell of a guy.
Yeah, yeah, he's a regular Virgin Mary. We've heard all about it.



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Here, Seanachai. You and dalem are rum drinkers, right? I mean, if that's what's in the glass, you'll drink it? So, do you know anything about Meyer's Rum? I ask because a friend recently gave me a bottle and I thought it tasted kind of weird. When I mentioned it to him, he said it tasted weird to him too and that's why he gave it to me, the thoughtless bastard.

See, I've never had Meyer's before, and I don't know if this is how it's supposed to taste, or if something fell in the vat while they were cooking it up. It's hard to describe the taste. It's sort of a chemical taste, like some kinds of plastic. I didn't like it, so I poured the last half of my drink down the drain.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I think that another Seanachai podcast should be scheduled soonest, and in the next one I do not allow Joe to talk at all.

Farmers across the nation could obtain recordings of the 'cast and by broadcasting them over and over via loudspeakers, could negate the need for scarecrows and propane guns out in their fields.

Although, come to think of it, hearing Seanachai's voice on a continuous loop could stunt the growth of the plants themselves.

Or cause them to commit suicide.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Oh, and Lars. Why were you driving a Honda back from Miami? There have to be cars in the Twin Cities that would have been just as easy to steal. Ask your cousins.

Had to go down and get the new step-daughter.

Best age for having a kid really. Nineteen and ready to be pushed out the door.

I'd ask you if you knew of any place where she could get a job but that would just be silly.

btw, is that what they got you for your birthday?

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

Here, Seanachai. You and dalem are rum drinkers, right? I mean, if that's what's in the glass, you'll drink it? So, do you know anything about Meyer's Rum? I ask because a friend recently gave me a bottle and I thought it tasted kind of weird. When I mentioned it to him, he said it tasted weird to him too and that's why he gave it to me, the thoughtless bastard.

See, I've never had Meyer's before, and I don't know if this is how it's supposed to taste, or if something fell in the vat while they were cooking it up. It's hard to describe the taste. It's sort of a chemical taste, like some kinds of plastic. I didn't like it, so I poured the last half of my drink down the drain.


It's called flavor, you sick bastage.

Pouring good booze down the sink, it is to weep…

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Originally posted by Lars:

It's called flavor, you sick bastage.

Pouring good booze down the sink, it is to weep…

You've just confirmed every doubt I ever entertained about you. I bet that if you worked in a day care facility you'd smuggle in PCB to lace the kids' milk, wouldn't you? And probably claim that you were doing them a favor of some kind.


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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

It's called flavor, you sick bastage.

Pouring good booze down the sink, it is to weep…

You've just confirmed every doubt I ever entertained about you. I bet that if you worked in a day care facility you'd smuggle in PCB to lace the kids' milk, wouldn't you? And probably claim that you were doing them a favor of some kind.

Michael </font>

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