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Originally posted by Leeo:

What about psuedo-hippies from the Northwest? (properly bolded, as it should be!)

Hey, Leeo's not dead. Man, that makes me feel good.

Him not dead, and NG Cavscout back home.

It's a bit like "The Field of Cormallen" at the end of the 'Return of the King'.

I know I didn't make a point of welcoming Cavscout back, before. That was because I was overcome with emotion to find him back home again, safe and sound, with his family (his one daughter, the little climbing freak blonde one is WAY cute).

Either that, or I was dead drunk. Perhaps both. But not neither. Actually, the main thing is, I owed the laptop smashing halfwit a turn.

I didn't like to get too gushy and 'hail fellow well met' until I could dig out the file and send it back to him.

I figure that will happen in the next few days.

I mean, I figure in another week, the wife will get tired of being told how beautiful and amazing she is, and she'll get bored with telling him how good it is to have him home, and he'll have time to process those turns that haven't been dealt with because he was a ruddy pillock who decided to attach his laptop to a kite during a windstorm in the desert.

The one thing I DO know is: his kids won't yet be tired of playing with Daddy. And he'll only be tired of playing with them in a 'relative' sort of way. As in: everyone needs to sleep.

I bet it's way weird to be back here, guy. We're glad you made it.

I think we're all Bozos on this bus.

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Today I did something that has been a part of my own 'personal' mythology since I was 8 years old. When I was 8 years old, my Dad started taking me up to Lake of the Woods every summer for a camping/fishing trip. It was always a father/son sort of thing, with guys who were good friends of his, and their kids.

He'd gone up to Lake of the Woods with his own Dad when he was young. In those days, the roads in at the northern end of the corridor were 'corduroy' roads: logs laid into the the mud and bog, side by side, for miles.

The first leg of our journey on those Father & Son weekend trips was up MN 169, from the north side of the Twin Cities to the south end of Lake Milacs. And on that route we encountered the 'Rum River' multiple times, which wove back and forth across the landscape.

When I was a really little kid, I remember pointing out how the river appeared again and again on our route. As I got older, I remember my Dad joking about how 'the Rum River' must be called that because it staggered all over the place.

As I got older, we made the trip more often, because we'd built a cabin on Lake of the Woods by then, and it was no longer a 'Father and Son' trip, it was a whole family trip. And as I got older, I started to notice what a pretty river the Rum was. How it was a river made for paddling. How it turned, and twisted, and how intriguing it looked.

Today, I kayaked a 19 mile stretch of the Rum River from Cambridge to St. Francis, Minnesota.

Since I was 8 years old, I knew that one day I would paddle a boat down that river.

Today, I did that.

It took 42 fecking years to make that understanding come true.

I wish I'd done it decades ago. But it was still worth the wait.

Hey, George W: Mission Accomplished.

I had a dream, and a goal, and a strategy, and logistics, and planning, and everything. Also, an exit plan. When I got to the goal I'd set, I got off the river, deflated and broke down my kayak, packed it up, and drove back to Cambridge to where my friend Alison's car was sitting.

We shared the last salami sandwich in celebration.

It was a trip 42 years in the making.

Salami never tasted so sweet.

Could have done with a little mustard, of course. But then, most things could.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Today, I kayaked a 19 mile stretch of the Rum River from Cambridge to St. Francis, Minnesota.

Hey, that's a nice paddle. Good fishing too.

Try the Crow next. Some good rivers around here that nobody ever even bothers with.

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

...I find Canadians far more tolerable, than say....folks from the Pacific Northwest.

How are you on Canadians from the Pacific Northwest?

Michael </font>

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Today, I kayaked a 19 mile stretch of the Rum River from Cambridge to St. Francis, Minnesota.

Hey, that's a nice paddle. Good fishing too.

Try the Crow next. Some good rivers around here that nobody ever even bothers with. </font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

We're playing on Sunday. Remember SOP: Destroy Papa Khann first, then fight it out amongst ourselves.

I seem to recall Papa Kahn...

He was playing a CM game against me over a year ago, but he stopped sending turns. He's the one who became a Senior Kanigget by winning a bet against Seanachai.

He's a Realtor, isn't he?

Yes... I remember Papa Kahn...

By all means, destroy him first.

Then go back and destroy him some more.

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Originally posted by OGSF:

Ye cannae ride on tha tanks! Di ye ken? Ye noo can ride on tha fecking tanks!

Tha's a feckin' game killer fer mae!!

Then why don't you do it more often in our games, you belligerent earwig!?!

But I didn't come here to talk about OGSF, even if his head is so thick, it's comfort rated to 25 below. No, I came here to tell you all about how much I hate Shandorf.

How much do I hate him, you ask?

I hate him <font size = +8> THIS MUCH!!!</font size + +8>

I loathe and despise him so much... I'm looking at a piece of 2x4 right now and I could bite big chunks out of it with my own teeth and spit them on the ground while yelling like an Indian (Sorry... Native American). And maybe have laser beams come out of my eyes.

My hatred is pure and unsullied. It could become impregnated by a spirit and give birth to a deity.

My hatred is absolute.

Dove soap is like sewer water in comparison.


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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by OGSF:

Ye cannae ride on tha tanks! Di ye ken? Ye noo can ride on tha fecking tanks!

Tha's a feckin' game killer fer mae!!

Then why don't you do it more often in our games, you belligerent earwig!?!

But I didn't come here to talk about OGSF, even if his head is so thick, it's comfort rated to 25 below. No, I came here to tell you all about how much I hate Shandorf.

How much do I hate him, you ask?

I hate him <font size = +8> THIS MUCH!!!</font size + +8>

I loathe and despise him so much... I'm looking at a piece of 2x4 right now and I could bite big chunks out of it with my own teeth and spit them on the ground while yelling like an Indian (Sorry... Native American). And maybe have laser beams come out of my eyes.

My hatred is pure and unsullied. It could become impregnated by a spirit and give birth to a deity.

My hatred is absolute.

Dove soap is like sewer water in comparison.


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Okay I had PLANNED to complete the podcast with Steve of BFC this weekend BUT ... my lovely and talented wife is apparently talented in all respects EXCEPT defrosting old refrigerators.

When I walked into my office in my home, lo and behold it smelled ... well, it smelled much like Seanachai must smell on an off day that involved too much booze, too much kayaking and too many eskimo rolls followed immediately by too much sleep without bothering to remove his Manysoda river water soaked clothes.

Now I'm trying to reorganize in my daughter's old room (she was, as you'll recall, married recently) and have access to my company laptop only at present.

So ... no podcast ... no turns ... get off my case.

Oh ... Boo Radley, was it supposed to be some sort of newsflash that jshandorf is a tosser?


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If the weather holds out for Monday, we're going to do another 16 mile stretch of the Rum River. On Sunday, of course, I will be pounding Papa Khann's arse into a small, easily disposed cube of human effluvium. After which, I will destroy Dalem.

Lars, I will utterly destroy and humiliate you last.

That is because you are a Minnesotan, and understand about the racial imperative of water and boating. So you are my favourite.

I see that Boo hates Shandorf. I delight in the fact that this means we can let him wear pants with a zippered fly, instead of the extra-wide velcro closers, because he's mentally competent enough to manage to close up the front of his pants without a paid attendant.

Hating Shandorf is like admitting you're opposed to being covered with leeches, or expressing a desire not to contract Lyme's disease from a deer tick.

Hating something like Shandorf is simply the first step in becoming human.

Oh, and Boo? Hate Shandorf less energetically. Hating him 'a whole lot' gives him a significance he isn't yet worthy of.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Oh, and Boo? Hate Shandorf less energetically. Hating him 'a whole lot' gives him a significance he isn't yet worthy of.

In fact, I had completely forgotten that he even existed. However, knowing that he is somewhere out there in the world makes me feel extra good about flushing the toilet after I use it. Even now, he may be imbibing a liquid that once flowed through my body.


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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

However, knowing that he is somewhere out there in the world makes me feel extra good about flushing the toilet after I use it. Even now, he may be imbibing a liquid that once flowed through my body.


You know, Famine, there are so few out there who feel the need to do more than posture and scratch.

The gods gave us the gift of language so that we could use a turn of phrase like cracking a whip to lay down a welt on the souls of our opponents.

Most of this lot fling insults like so much fecal matter tossed by apes, that leaves the hand that threw it as dirty as the one it landed upon. Soft, clinging, unpleasant but doing no real damage

Others use insults like clubs, battering away at their opponents like angry primitives, depending on their brutishness to make an impact.

A few, here and there, use insults like rapiers, their wit flicking out to draw blood so surely and subtly that the victim isn't even sure they've been cut, until the loss of esteem becomes so apparent that they grow dizzy, and fall.

May I just say: You don't flex your wit enough when you deliver a thrust, and sometimes make a sloppy cut. But I still enjoy watching.

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