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We had some disscusions about optional sides in the campign against syria, such as Israel or the space lobsters, but what about Hizballa?

As all (most) of you know, Hizballa is funded by Syria and Iran, so i can see them take part in some way of fighting.

Today i saw in the news, channel 2 Israel, that the Hizballa is building a "line of outposts" along the Israeli-Lebanese border.

Ofcourse they are no match in real "war style" fighting, but if they use thouse "outposts" for kiddnaping soldeirs and civilians for prisioners realese, than it will be more usefull.

So, i'm really having trouble seeing why the Hizballa would'nt fight the US army in Syria....


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But again, how does one Arab militia differ from another? Do they wear funny uniforms? Do they have unique weaponry?

And just how many Hezbollah fighters WOULD actually care to go fight for Syria against western powers? I can't imagine Hezbollah willing to weaken their control in Southern Lebanon just for Syria's sake.

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I'll make it even more simple.

Syria=Hizballa, which mean syria equals Hizballa, it's same same.

Hizballa dont have it's own opinions, as much as you'll want it to happen.

They simply get orders from Damascus and Teharan.

Hizballa is almost a branch of the Syrian army.

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Since insurgency will not be in CM:SF, so Hizbullah is out of the picture too. I doubt Hizbullah will field anything significant in the event of an American thrust, they don't have front line troops formation afterall.

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Originally posted by oren_m:

I'll make it even more simple.

Syria=Hizballa, which mean syria equals Hizballa, it's same same.

Hizballa dont have it's own opinions, as much as you'll want it to happen.

They simply get orders from Damascus and Teharan.

Hizballa is almost a branch of the Syrian army.

Thank you for your scientific analysis of the political background of Hezbollah, but I think you're incorrect. Hezbollah is a branch of Syrian army about as much as IDF is a branch of US Army. There is a lot of common interests and hence influence, but in the end it's just empty rhetoric.

And you still haven't explained what would be gained by adding them. Hezbollah have gotten most of their arms from Syria anyway.

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What you gain by adding Hezbollah is a much more disciplined force. They probably have the best trained, best led light to medium infantry in the Arab world. The equipment may not be much different but they will use it to its limits, which is true of virtually no other Arab army.

Would that stop a competently led American or Israeli combined arms team from rolling over them? No, but it would be considerably more expensive than grinding up and spitting out the same number of troops from virtually anywhere else in the Arab world. And trust me, this is coming from someone who would not lose one minutes sleep if the U.S. and/or Israel did just that. But underestimating the opposition is how you get the important bits chewed off. Hezbolla is dangerous, Oren may have easier acces to many of the details if he is reading this thread.

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  • 5 months later...

Yes oren, I thought about and am excited for you too. As hot off all credible news wires 3 Merkavas are being barbecued in Maroon al Rass, Lebanon, perhaps you’re havin’ a bit of a difficulty postin’.

The Lebanese are about to teach Oren’s squadron a true lesson in Asymmetrical warfare; the good news for oren is he will have a nice delicacy named after him, “Oren on The Cob”.

Doubtless the rest of his squadron’s tanks will serve as a well needed recycling outlet for machine shop small arms manufacturing. After they finish roasting that is.

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Originally posted by Saviola:

Yes oren, I thought about and am excited for you too. As hot off all credible news wires 3 Merkavas are being barbecued in Maroon al Rass, Lebanon, perhaps you’re havin’ a bit of a difficulty postin’.

The Lebanese are about to teach Oren’s squadron a true lesson in Asymmetrical warfare; the good news for oren is he will have a nice delicacy named after him, “Oren on The Cob”.

Doubtless the rest of his squadron’s tanks will serve as a well needed recycling outlet for machine shop small arms manufacturing. After they finish roasting that is.

In the comfort of New York (maybe you are in Astoria and are baking???)you spew such hatred. M1A1 Tank Commander is really no better, which is why the world is the way it is.
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Personally, this whole discussion looks less like it was intended as a serious discussion of the 'game issues' than a quick romp through the political wading pool.

And, of course, people from both sides have now begun pissing in the pool.

Thank the gods they banned political discussions from the GF, or people might piss their pants trying to decide in which forum to pull it out...

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