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Peng Challenges all Other Threads to Fisticuffs on Boxing Day

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things done and to do in 2006:

blank christmas- Yes

blank new year -Yes

blank battlefront ,peng etc. - er.. Yes

self-blank - Yes

more k-holes -Yes,Yes

jesus or anyone else with this same name will spit on you grave

and even dog pissing on the wall of babylon

shall not escape his judgment.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Every time that BFC scores on us, they get a point. And every time BFC wonders about the fact that they've checked their Highly Competent Records and have come up empty in terms of their participation in the Neo-Con Conspiracy,

Does this paragraph make any sense to anyone out there? Is it me? Have I suffered a stroke and and just can't process written information anymore or is something missing in what the Bard wrote?
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Well I was going to complain about my Christmas (which came complete with a trip to the hospital) but clearly others are having a worse time of it so sod that for a game of soldiers.

Boo where are ANY of your sodding men?

NG Cavscout stop grumbling just because your tricksy outflanking manoeuvre failed to bag even one of my Tigers.

Stickypixe, are you EVER going to actually attack this village?

Nidan1, you owe me another turns worth of 'wimpy, hide away amongst the rubble and refuse to come out & play' bombardment.

[ December 27, 2006, 03:34 PM: Message edited by: Sir 37mm ]

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Originally posted by SturmSebber:

And gone again! (i'm so ... amazing )

I see you've once again chosen to show your rotten face around here... you blasted idiot!

You've been naught but a hideous disappointment to me, your poor long suffering liege, and that's after taking into account that I had buggar all expectations of you achieving anything to start with.

Worse, I recieve no turns, no emails, no 'cap in hand, head bowed in shame plea for mercy' nor even some shameless flattery... instead we're 'treated' to just your usual imbecilic 'shirley this guy has been drinking from one too many lead pipes' style ... I should have sold you on ebay months ago

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Every time that BFC scores on us, they get a point. And every time BFC wonders about the fact that they've checked their Highly Competent Records and have come up empty in terms of their participation in the Neo-Con Conspiracy,

Does this paragraph make any sense to anyone out there? Is it me? Have I suffered a stroke and and just can't process written information anymore or is something missing in what the Bard wrote? </font>
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Originally posted by stikkypixie:

Are you actually encouraging the bugger to come back?? You're sick 37, you need help...well more help.

Have you been beating your head with a sack of spuds again?

Anyway hop to it & send me a turn... the quicker we finish Contalmaison then the sooner we can start the Regina Trench scenario I'm cooking up... Go Canada!

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Originally posted by flammenwerfer:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Every time that BFC scores on us, they get a point. And every time BFC wonders about the fact that they've checked their Highly Competent Records and have come up empty in terms of their participation in the Neo-Con Conspiracy,

Does this paragraph make any sense to anyone out there? Is it me? Have I suffered a stroke and and just can't process written information anymore or is something missing in what the Bard wrote? </font>
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Every time that BFC scores on us, they get a point. And every time BFC wonders about the fact that they've checked their Highly Competent Records and have come up empty in terms of their participation in the Neo-Con Conspiracy,

Does this paragraph make any sense to anyone out there? Is it me? Have I suffered a stroke and and just can't process written information anymore or is something missing in what the Bard wrote? </font>
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Originally posted by flammenwerfer:

Fart jokes..Good one Berl

Low brow, high brow, doesn't bother me, I'm game.

I believe the word you're searching for is GAMEY ... and not in the CM sense either.

Now lad, go clean up as best you can, wash up nicely ... WASH THE PISSBUCKET FIRST, THEN wash up ... then don your most presentable duds ... well, no the paisley shirt and plaid pants don't go together very well but they ARE relatively clean ... for you're to be accorded a singular honor lad ...

...{some time later}...

Oh my, is that the BEST you can do ... {sigh}

<big>BE IT KNOWN</big>

That the SSN known as flammenwerfer is now and shall be a SERF OF THE CESSPOOL as a Hole! Having been proposed to this high honor by Sir Joe Shaw Seniour Seniour Knight of the CessPool, he shall toil and labor for ALL within the CessPool until such time as Sir Joe Shaw shall deem him worthy of advancement to the rank of Squire of the CessPool.

Should Sir Joe Shaw decline to advance him, flammenwerfer {spelt but not bolded) may then be taken to Squire by another Knight if they so choose.

Labor ye well and truly flammenwerfer (spelt but not bolded) and attract the favorable notice of the Knights of the CessPool that ye might, in the fullness of time, find thyself in their company.

So let it be written ... typed, whatever ... so let it be done.


p.s. Oh ... I'll be needing a photo for the webpage lad, there's a good Serf ... and about the Pissbucket, if you'll just hold it steady ... no, no ... lower lad, you ARE dealing with the Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread you know. Have I ever told you about the time I single handedly challenged Sir jdmorse? No ... well there I was, with only one hand to type (the other being injured in a tragic paper cut incident) and I ...


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

<big>BE IT KNOWN</big>

That the SSN known as flammenwerfer is now and shall be a SERF OF THE CESSPOOL as a Hole! Having been proposed to this high honor by Sir Joe Shaw Seniour Seniour Knight of the CessPool, he shall toil and labor for ALL within the CessPool until such time as Sir Joe Shaw shall deem him worthy of advancement to the rank of Squire of the CessPool.


Aww... good grief! Are you sure about this, Joe? I mean... it's Fluffynuggets, for cryin' out loud!

Not only is the guy a Floridiot, but he's also one of the lowest forms of life known on this planet.


Those guys are too weird to even be part of the AV club!

"Ooh, ooh... I don't have enough ambient light to achieve the necessary depth of field! Ooh, ooh, to maintain over all sharpness, I'll have to use the Sheimflug technique!"

I'll bet he even shoots weddings!

Even for you, this is low.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

<big>BE IT KNOWN</big>

That the SSN known as flammenwerfer is now and shall be a SERF OF THE CESSPOOL as a Hole! Having been proposed to this high honor by Sir Joe Shaw Seniour Seniour Knight of the CessPool, he shall toil and labor for ALL within the CessPool until such time as Sir Joe Shaw shall deem him worthy of advancement to the rank of Squire of the CessPool.


...{snipped} ...


Those guys are too weird to even be part of the AV club!

"Ooh, ooh... I don't have enough ambient light to achieve the necessary depth of field! Ooh, ooh, to maintain over all sharpness, I'll have to use the Sheimflug technique!"

I'll bet he even shoots weddings!

Even for you, this is low. </font>

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Originally posted by flammenwerfer:

uuummmhh..wha.. What can I say... Should I be feeling or saying something at this point .....[awkward pause]...I've been singled out for what exactly.?..

I don't feel any different...To be honest ..[ becomes inaudible ]....

Like, eerrrrmmm.. thanks ... I guess

Btw, will this affect my tax bracket?

Nothing to it lad, it won't interfer with your normal daily routine a bit ... provided that your normal daily routine encompasses carrying a galvanized pail around for your betters to relieve themselves into ... and cleaning the boots of those who misstep ... and, well, let's just put it this way ... you're a Serf to the entire CessPool, so any Squires or Knights pretty much have you at their beck and call.

You're especially useful ... to whatever degree a Serf CAN be considered useful ... in answering challenges from SSNs so that we don't have to be bothered.

Your NEXT step, should I so choose, will entail you being "taken to Squire." Since I have proposed you as Serf I have rights of first refusal and other assorted rights* as well that we need not go into now.

The key to success as a Serf is to ... well ... BE HERE! It would HELP if, in being here, you post in a manner that suggests some wit and ability, but that hasn't stopped others in the past ... couAbbottgh.

Show that you've the right stuff and your Squiredom will be here before you know it, and after that, well after that lad the sky's the limit, you MIGHT be a Knight of the CessPool in some distant day.

In the meantime be a good lad and clean my boot ... I seem to have stepped into a large pile of Dorosh and I'd like to get it cleaned off before it puts me off my food ... NO ... don't FLING it away like that ... sorry, sorry Sir Boo Radley ... beginners luck, I meant rookie mistake on his part. ... {remarkably good aim lad}.


<small>*Prime Nocte for example</small>

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:


Those guys are too weird to even be part of the AV club!

"Ooh, ooh... I don't have enough ambient light to achieve the necessary depth of field! Ooh, ooh, to maintain over all sharpness, I'll have to use the Sheimflug technique!"

I'll bet he even shoots weddings!

Or he does Glamor Shots at a mall. Gotta watch those photogs, there isn't a redeeming quality about them.

Only thing worse than a photog is an ex-photog.

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Originally posted by bauhaus:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:


Those guys are too weird to even be part of the AV club!

"Ooh, ooh... I don't have enough ambient light to achieve the necessary depth of field! Ooh, ooh, to maintain over all sharpness, I'll have to use the Sheimflug technique!"

I'll bet he even shoots weddings!

Or he does Glamor Shots at a mall. Gotta watch those photogs, there isn't a redeeming quality about them.

Only thing worse than a photog is an ex-photog. </font>

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MINE was the cleanest there's ever been. Why, all the Kkanniggets of the pool used to jockey for position to use my polished, palsied, and perfigalicious piss-bucket.

Serfs these days...

p.s. OGSF! I hate you, you gruppens-fuhrer-stompen-gruvven! You're not fit to clear DIA's runways, let alone "fit your reed," you eupemistic excuse for an ScottStralian. You and your wee spaniel can just pull a chain.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

It would HELP if, in being here, you post in a manner that suggests some wit and ability, but that hasn't stopped others in the past ... couAbbottgh.

There are a few other things that Poor Old Joe doesn’t like to mention. You see even though the late Kitty got a hold of some bad FruitCake and melted down does not mean she was not accurate in some of her ramblings. This place is a lot like a room where many left over Nerds were stuffed after High School. Some seem to enjoy spending their time trying to use words to beat-up the new guy (that’s you) while all the while trying to ignore the guy that doesn’t fit in (that’s me).

You see just as in High School words are what they have, oh yeah and black rimmed glasses, white shirts, pocket protectors and pants that pull up to their chests. So in here not fitting in is actually a form of entertainment. Like I’m not used to being a 1%, I think I may even have a patch around here somewhere that says that. Anyway you see the 1% are the one’s that are not Nerds, which confuses the hell out of most of these guys because they do not understand why anyone would not want to be Nerd Like. It also sometimes irritates some of them to no end, which is the plus side of hanging around the joint.

Now Joe on the other hand is kind of like the Referee, so you already have a step up by him claiming you, well maybe more like a boot on the back of your neck but who’s looking right? Speaking of bondage did you ever see one of those balls with the straps on them that get shoved in people’s mouths? I saw them once on Pulp Fiction and was considering the other night, (seeming how it was brought up anyway) how I finally figured out that one of those things might be useful around here now and then when a girl melts down.

Anyway you can pick up a PBEM game or three in here from time to time. If like me you are spending your time waiting for CM: SF to be released so you can really needle the hell out of a few of these guys by killing digital Arabs while uttering Gung Ho phrases then you might enjoy your stay.

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