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The Peng Challenge Thread Wants YOU... To Go Away.

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That's right. Go away, go elsewhere and never darken our towels again.

We don't want your kind in here. As a matter of fact, we don't want any kind in here. No kith or kynde either.

Pay no attention to that old Gnome attempting to lure you in with a piece of moldy candy.

You're unwanted, unloved and probably unwashed.

You're dense, boring and give limp handshakes.

And we hates that.

You are also, no doubt, monumentally clueless.

In fact, you are so clueless that if you dressed in a clue skin, doused yourself in clue musk, and did the clue dance in the middle of a field of horny clues at the height of clue mating season, you still would not have a clue.

But, if you insist on coming in here, these are the rules.

Learn them, love them, live them.

1. No E-mail address or location in your profile means you will be ignored (And that may not be a bad thing)

2. Challenge someONE to a game. That's the entire purpose of this place. That, and verbal abuse.

3. Don't talk about your "naughty bits", unless it's to poke fun at them. As we will assuredly do.

5. But act as if you have HUGE "Naughty bits". Pose, preen, bestride the narrow world like a Colossus!

7. Entertain us, for we grow strangely weary... "Oh Beatrice... peel me a grape..."

11. Don't be messin' with the Ladies of the Pool (Who have been oddly quiet of late), or you will get whupped upside the head so fast, you'll think it's next week.

13. Lather, rinse and repeat.

17. Only OGSF is allowed to do dialects for a sustained period. (It's not that he does them well, you understand, but he's been sort of grandfathered in, regardless of how painful he can be.)

19. And finally, listen to Joe. Pay strict attention to everything he says and you will not go far wrong!

23. Provided you do the exact opposite.

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Originally posted by Lars:

Nice title.

Of course, I only like it because I did it first several years ago.

Consider an homage. I could even call it, "Homage to a pencil-necked geek who doesn't return files", you pencil-necked geek who doesn't return files.

Which reminds me. Hey, Nidan, you owe me a turn and if you don't send it, you'll be just as annoying as Lars, although that would surely overtax the universe' annoyance allowance by a factor of about a gadjillion.

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Originally posted by rleete:

Put a * next to their names!

"* denotes loss to Peng"

Anyone remember that?

Ah yes ... Lord Lorak's CessPool ladder. Those were the days my friend, we thought they'd never end ... and I guess they haven't so far, unless you count the ladder being gone ... and Peng still being a easy mark in a game.


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Originally posted by rleete:

I meant anyone born AFTER the crusades.

Which Crusade are you referring to ... the Glorious FIRST Crusade against the incessant yammering of the outerboard herd against the very existence of the Peng Challenge Thread, the Tragic Second Crusade against the apostate Meeks in which brother fought against lesser brother (really more of a distant cousin if truth be told) or the Triumphant Third Crusade in which we eventually emerged victorious against the neer-do-well pretenders of the Gawdawfuller Thread?


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I remember the humiliation of an * for them wot lost to me! There are actually a fair number of plonkers out there who should have an * by their name.

rleete you nancy-boy, sissy, girl's blouse yeasty infection. I demand satisfaction. I will rip out your liver and snip off bits of it and festoon the edges of margarita glasses with it, as a reminder of what happens to livers and stuff, or something when margaritas are consumed in massive quantities (heh-heh, I wrote 'quant').

I will smash your CM headlamps with my Louisville slugger armor and other mixed metaphors. 'leete I am calling you out! PREPARE TO DIE A LOT NOW! or laugh trying. Oh, and it is CMAK, none of your goddam SPSF or SPSS or whatever the newfangled game is called. I don't and won't own it unless and until the dub dub too edition is debugged re-rugged and unmofofugged and even then Elvis has to buy it for usss for our birthdaysss yesss preciousss our birthdaysss before we'll ave it in the ouse.

So drop your willy and kiss your auntie Billy it is time to earn the mark of shame you so richly deserve. Buck up Stinky feet 'leet. It's tango time.

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

I remember the humiliation of an * for them wot lost to me! There are actually a fair number of plonkers out there who should have an * by their name.

rleete you nancy-boy, sissy, girl's blouse yeasty infection. I demand satisfaction. I will rip out your liver and snip off bits of it and festoon the edges of margarita glasses with it, as a reminder of what happens to livers and stuff, or something when margaritas are consumed in massive quantities (heh-heh, I wrote 'quant').

I will smash your CM headlamps with my Louisville slugger armor and other mixed metaphors. 'leete I am calling you out! PREPARE TO DIE A LOT NOW! or laugh trying. Oh, and it is CMAK, none of your goddam SPSF or SPSS or whatever the newfangled game is called. I don't and won't own it unless and until the dub dub too edition is debugged re-rugged and unmofofugged and even then Elvis has to buy it for usss for our birthdaysss yesss preciousss our birthdaysss before we'll ave it in the ouse.

So drop your willy and kiss your auntie Billy it is time to earn the mark of shame you so richly deserve. Buck up Stinky feet 'leet. It's tango time.

Ah yes, the glory of an Official Olde One Challenge. The pagentry, the anticipation, the sheer unadulterated joy of combat between two evenly matched ... what's that ... it's rleete ? ... well that hardly qualifies as a brawl ... it would be granting it status beyond its worth to call it a bar fight.

Well, I'll have no part of it, you can count me out as your second Peng and someone else will have to survey the ground and as for weapons, well best of luck in that area. With some great fortune the other idiots here MIGHT be able to put the bullet in the barrel but I wouldn't count on it.

In fact I'm in a bit of a huff over the whole thing ... I'm going to Texas for the rest of the week and see if I care.

A CHALLENGE he calls it ... against rleete ... {hummphhhffff}.


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My hamstertruppen have taken a building and captured an MG post of Noba's whilst simultaneously biatch-slapping several squads of his all without loss!

Mind you it helps to have covering fire from three Panthers and a 75mm halftrack but war wasn't meant to be easy. Not for Noba53 anyway...

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

I remember the humiliation of an * for them wot lost to me! There are actually a fair number of plonkers out there who should have an * by their name.

rleete you nancy-boy, sissy, girl's blouse yeasty infection. I demand satisfaction. I will rip out your liver and snip off bits of it and festoon the edges of margarita glasses with it, as a reminder of what happens to livers and stuff, or something when margaritas are consumed in massive quantities (heh-heh, I wrote 'quant').

I will smash your CM headlamps with my Louisville slugger armor and other mixed metaphors. 'leete I am calling you out! PREPARE TO DIE A LOT NOW! or laugh trying. Oh, and it is CMAK, none of your goddam SPSF or SPSS or whatever the newfangled game is called. I don't and won't own it unless and until the dub dub too edition is debugged re-rugged and unmofofugged and even then Elvis has to buy it for usss for our birthdaysss yesss preciousss our birthdaysss before we'll ave it in the ouse.

So drop your willy and kiss your auntie Billy it is time to earn the mark of shame you so richly deserve. Buck up Stinky feet 'leet. It's tango time.

I remember the first time I played rleete. I was a newly minted (Spearmint, actually) Squire, and M'Lud Croda had me play rleete in M'Lud's Crodaburg scenario.

Now THERE was a scenario.

It must have taken us 6 months to complete it (Of course with rleete only sending turns once a week, anything can get drawn way out), and it was painful every step of the way.

Trying to take a town on top of an escarpment with only two roads (Both mined I believe), starting with a set up zone in LOS to his AT guns, inching my way up the mountainside under withering MG and gunfire. Finally making my way to the top, only to find rleete's armor waiting for me and after working my way through them, to have the game end right before I make it to the flags.

Sad, really.

I think the game ended in a draw, or I had a tactical defeat... I don't recall, exactly.

I just know that it was about as much fun as massaging my own skull with a ballpeen hammer.

It feels so good when you finally stop.

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Don't forget "Schloss Peng"...now there was a scenario!

Or was it a brand of dishwashing liquid? I know it was kind on the hands and made you taller and lose 20 pounds and gain a family you didn't know you had with a dog called Ralph who liked Spanish food. Yeah, that was it.

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Originally posted by Stuka:

Don't forget "Schloss Peng"...now there was a scenario!

Only played that once and never made it all the way through. I forget who I was playing against (Speedbump? Aussie Jeff...?) when suddenly, right when the action was going to really start, they... faded away.

But it was a very impressive map.

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

*Blathering and posturing*

I accept your challenge, you liver licking loon.

I shall meet you on the field of battle. I shall make mince-meat out of your meat puppets. I shall make swiss cheese out of your armor, to go with the mince-meat. You shall rye the day (because you can't have mince-meat and swiss on rue, it's just not done), and I shall have a pixelated feast.

But no tango. You must wait 30 minutes after eating before dancing.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Crodaburg Now THERE was a scenario

Yes, and a worse one has never been made. Rune only aspires to create such a mess as that one. As I recall, casualty rates were around 90% for both sides.

Originally posted by Boo Radley:

It must have taken us 6 months to complete it

It was only 3. The absolute horror of the scenario itself just made it seem longer. Like a root canal with a chainsaw.

Originally posted by Boo Radley:

I think the game ended in a draw, or I had a tactical defeat... I don't recall, exactly.

I believe it was 51-49 in my favor. The funny thing was your Cromwell reversing away from my gun-damaged Tiger, just as you were about to reach the summit.

I think I still have the screenshot of your setup around somewhere.

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Well I do remember loosing to Peng once.

The bastiche had a flaming devices only force and I thought back then that it was very gamey.

Now if someone come here to talk about one Pupchen only setup, it was accidental and Steve had the exe corrected soon thereafter.


Since I'm here, have I told you that I don't miss you at all?

I may miss Elvis but his wank-by have already occured higher up so I'm done...

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Originally posted by PawBroon:

I may miss Elvis but his wank-by have already occured higher up so I'm done...

Don't you mean spent?

I've whizzed many a lead shot in Elvi's general direction myself, though that was truly many moons ago.

I've brutalized Berli (please don't tell him I said that) and sullied Seanachai, but I've yet to pounce upon (Go straight to hell you gaylord wannabes) said Peng. Thank God!

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