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Question re delivery package


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Hi I was wondering if someone could tell me if the delivery package contained an invoice with any personal details or licence codes for the game. My package arrived today but unfortunately must have crash landed at Heathrow airport. Package was opened and flat as a pancake and crushed... The disk seems ok and book not that badly damaged but there was no invoice in there... just wondering..... Regards Ady

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Yesh! Sorry to hear about the damage. As Mark said, there were no packing slips put into the preorders. It was a way to get them out much faster and is our standard practice. We have you in our database so we know who you are.

I have never been able to conceive of how packages can get "crushed" like that. I had a computer come via UPS that had all the internal components disloged and tumbled on the inside. The floppy drive was in pieces. This despite being encased in packing peanuts and marked "fragile". My guess is they forgot to bring the ramp up to the plane and so they threw all the packges out onto the runway :(

Ady and Dingchavez, send an email to matt@battlefront.com about your problems and we'll take it from there.


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I have never been able to conceive of how packages can get "crushed" like that. I had a computer come via UPS that had all the internal components disloged and tumbled on the inside. The floppy drive was in pieces. This despite being encased in packing peanuts and marked "fragile". My guess is they forgot to bring the ramp up to the plane and so they threw all the packges out onto the runway :(

Steve [/QB]

I had a roomate in college who worked for UPS in the summer. If you listened to his stories you would no longer have have problems imagining. According to him it was like a game to see who could break the most things.
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I have never been able to conceive of how packages can get "crushed" like that. I had a computer come via UPS that had all the internal components disloged and tumbled on the inside. The floppy drive was in pieces. This despite being encased in packing peanuts and marked "fragile". My guess is they forgot to bring the ramp up to the plane and so they threw all the packges out onto the runway :(


I had a roomate in college who worked for UPS in the summer. If you listened to his stories you would no longer have have problems imagining. According to him it was like a game to see who could break the most things. [/QB]
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I had a roomate in college who worked for UPS in the summer. If you listened to his stories you would no longer have have problems imagining. According to him it was like a game to see who could break the most things.

I worked at a UPS centre in Windsor, Ontario when it was being build. I was only security there, but I was there long enough to see how they treat the packages.

"Fragile," simply means "Throw it 3 meters instead of 6."

I won't send anything fragile by UPS again if I can help it after working there.

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I drive an artic for a company in UK that has been taken over by UPS, talk about going downhill (pardon the pun) Think the ****ty brown uniform gives it away lol.

Fragile means throw it 6 meters instead of 3 meters more like.

By the way how long did it take you guys to receive your game, i ordered CMSF on July 29th and Theatre of War on Aug 2nd, not seen a sign of either. Ordered both from Battlefront.com and im in UK.

edit - Forget delivery query, just read Hard Copy Delivery post by Battlefront.com (about cmsf anyway)

[ August 29, 2007, 05:35 AM: Message edited by: Budge4 ]

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Originally posted by MikeyD:

About license codes. My CD box has an adhesive label stuck on the back with a license key. No folded invoice slips or anything. I assume everyone else has the same and I'm not 'special' somehow ;)

MikeyD is special and now you have your own number to prove it!
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