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The Nibelungen Peng Challenge Ring Saga Thread...I Know, Let's Do a Show!

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Here we are, and you're here too, apparently, because you're reading this.

Bugger off! We're in rehearsals. We're going to bring to the World: The Peng Challenge Thread Adaptation of 'Der Ring Des Nibelungen'. Well, not exactly that. Best guess is, there will be a tale, told by multiple idiots, signifying nothing.

But here's what we do know.

You are nothing.

If you were worth a ****e, you'd only be reading this opening post to see if anything new and interesting was going to be said about the interminable 'Rules'

Nothing new and interesting will be said.

First: You will include in your Profile an email address. This is NOT because anyone here has any interest in emailing you. This is a simple indication to the rest of us that you're not a goddamn coward, hiding behind internet anonymity to posture like you're going to buy the next 5 rounds. No one who has EVER posted their email address has EVER been harassed by a member of the Peng Challenge Thread. We don't do that. Most of our members are neither sober enough, nor care enough, to even check your goddamn profile. As for sending you harassing emails? We can't even remember why we wanted your goddamn email address in the first place.

If we want to curse and revile you, we have this little bit of Paradise. Who could ask for anything more?

Of course, you could be a Great Big Toy Poodle, and make a great show of not providing your email address. I'm sure that whatever God you worship will stroke your head, fluff your tail, and tell you that you're a good boy.

Second: You will give a 'general location' in your Profile. We will use this information to attack and belittle you. Anyone who isn't proud enough of where they live to defend it should either move, or stop posting to the Peng Challenge Thread.

Finally: You need to entertain Us. The resident fools. We've been here longer than you've been posting to this Board. We could trot out for you our stories of contributions, involvement, personal loss, merriment, stupidity, drunkenness, weirdness, illegal drug use, 'statute of limitations not yet expired' tales, or any written currency you care to name.

But we already have.

That's what this place is all about.

You're here to do the same.

and now, for the normal disclaimers:

*This Thread is governed at the merest goddamn whim by the disturbingly useless concept designated as: The Olde Ones. They are Seanachai, Berli, and MrPeng. In the same way that Religion is run by people who take a mean-spirited satisfaction in being allowed to run anything, despite the fact that they are bastards, and the way that Government is run by people who are too wrapped up in rules to do it well, and the way that Education is conducted by people who aren't valued by the society that insists they prepare their children for life, this Thread is over-seen by the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread, Joe Shaw. He isn't paid ****, he takes a hollow satisfaction from the fact that he tries to run it well, and he doesn't seem to be doing it at the behest of any god. We honour him for the fact that no random accident has killed him in a way that would indicate to the superstitious and stupid that he isn't chosen by the gods.

Always behave well towards the Ladies of the 'Pool.

If you're not sure who they are, that's a pretty good indication that you should proceed slowly before you behave like a complete and utter asshole.

[ January 17, 2008, 11:16 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

So, who do you like for Odin? Berli or Peng?

I figure Berli and Peng for 2 of the Valkyries, I think Berli for Gerhilde and Peng for Brunnhilde.

Seanachai, you are most definately Froh and I shall be Donner, your brother.

Dalem is to be cast as Hagen, a role as close to Neo-con as Wagner could have intended.

There are alot of chicky-babes in this piece of work so most of the 'poolers will be frocking up for the production. A feat most of you lot will not be unfamiliar with I'm sure and indeed will likely have costumes already in the closet awaiting your coming out.

Sturmy has already made the leap and so will make a fine Freia.

Will there be free booze during rehersals?

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I hate opera. I hate faux opera like Gilbert and Sullivan even more.


I don't know. I hate them both equally, I guess. I was forced to sit through a rehearsal of the Mikado once. Or whichever one takes place in Japan and has an executioner named Poo-Poo, or something like that.

Yeah, I got your snicker-snee right yere, boyo!

Stupid faux opera.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

I hate opera. I hate faux opera like Gilbert and Sullivan even more.

You're in good company. Opera sucks giant rubber donkey dicks. The tenors sound like they are straining through a difficult defecation and the sopranos sound like someone just shoved an icicle up their asses. You notice how anal opera is? Anyone who writes an opera should be brutally murdered.

Did I mention that it sucks?


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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

I demand to be Siegfried!!!!!

.....or at least a Valkyrie.

You can be one of the horses. Or at least the horse's ass. You won't even need to rehearse.

Michael </font>

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Originally posted by Stuka:

There are alot of chicky-babes in this piece of work so most of the 'poolers will be frocking up for the production. A feat most of you lot will not be unfamiliar with I'm sure and indeed will likely have costumes already in the closet awaiting your coming out.

Once, at a wedding shower for a co-worker, I won a big "Crapweiser" beer mug for having our group dress me up in the best toilet paper wedding dress.

Otherwise, I'm pretty frocked-up most evenings, starting around 5:30.

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Originally posted by Leeo:

Once, at a wedding shower for a co-worker, I won a big "Crapweiser" beer mug for having our group dress me up in the best toilet paper wedding dress.

This just seems so very... right, somehow.

When I read things like this, I'm assured that the universe is humming along in the correct track.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

*This Thread is governed at the merest goddamn whim by the disturbingly useless concept designated as: The Olde Ones. They are Seanachai, Berli, and MrPeng.

I consecrated myself an Olde One several cycles ago.
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Originally posted by Leeo:

Do you have the springs holding the horsey to the frame well oiled? I hate that constant "squeakey-squeakey-squeakey-squeakey" when you bounce on it in your oversized hat and undersized chaps.

Ever notice that a newly-opened bag of Fritos smells like worn saddle leather?
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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Leeo:

Do you have the springs holding the horsey to the frame well oiled? I hate that constant "squeakey-squeakey-squeakey-squeakey" when you bounce on it in your oversized hat and undersized chaps.

Ever notice that a newly-opened bag of Fritos smells like worn saddle leather? </font>
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I was always more of a bareback rider, myself.

One time when riding horses with a lass upon whom I had a crush, it became apparent that the 'gelding' she was riding had apparently suffered through a botched job of said 'gelding' when 'he' became enamoured with the mare-in-heat pony upon which I was leading the way and afore-mentioned 'gelding' delivered a kick to my head while engaging in 'mounting maneuvers.'

Fecking ranchers and/or veterinarians.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

{Joe wipes a small tear from the corner of his eye}..

Writing about yourself in the third person are we?!

Reminds me of Bob Dole when he was running for President. " You wont have Bob Dole to kick around anymore..."

So Joe. Please tell us what are you running for? And what are you clutching in your left hand.

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Originally posted by flammenwerfer:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

{Joe wipes a small tear from the corner of his eye}..

Writing about yourself in the third person are we?!

Reminds me of Bob Dole when he was running for President. " You wont have Bob Dole to kick around anymore..."

So Joe. Please tell us what are you running for? And what are you clutching in your left hand. </font>

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