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Once Upon A Peng Challenge

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MrSpkr ... I depart with the morning breeze (the very EARLY morning breeze, at 6:10 freaking AM) and shall arrive in Dallas later that morning. I shall be involved with critical meetings concerning my gainful employment that afternoon.

My evenings, on Monday through Wednesday, for the most part, are available for your Quasi Annual Review, Audit and Inspection ... I trust you are prepared.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I shall be involved with critical meetings concerning my gainful employment that afternoon.

I presume this involves your usual begging a pleading on your bended knees not to be fired for incompetence. No doubt this will entail a pitiful story of how you are the sole source of support for your crippled mother, your threadbare wife and barefoot children, together with photographic evidence of the squalor you have been reduced to by the hard economic times. Just remember not to offer the boss one of your expensive cigars.


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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I shall be involved with critical meetings concerning my gainful employment that afternoon.

I presume this involves your usual begging a pleading on your bended knees not to be fired for incompetence. No doubt this will entail a pitiful story of how you are the sole source of support for your crippled mother, your threadbare wife and barefoot children, together with photographic evidence of the squalor you have been reduced to by the hard economic times. Just remember not to offer the boss one of your expensive cigars.

Michael </font>

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Lads, it's that time again. I'm off to Dallas tomorrow and I'll be there through Thursday with no assurance I'll be able to monitor activities here so ... well ... I'll have to leave you to the tender mercies of the Auxilliary Backup Deputy Justiciar of the Peng Challenge Thread.

Sorry about that ...


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

... my sage counsel...

You talk to weeds? Well, I guess you have to take your audiences wherever you can find them. At least plants can't run away from you...except maybe tumbleweeds.

...I have the requiste skill to translate their needs into a clearly defined and actionable plan.
Two spelling mistakes there, Joe, 'requisite' and 'objectionable'.



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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Stuka:

How and WHY do you think of such things??

It just seems to fit perfectly all that we know about you.

Michael </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Lads, it's that time again. I'm off to Dallas tomorrow and I'll be there through Thursday with no assurance I'll be able to monitor activities here so ...

But that's always the way when you head off into areas with infrastructures that would leave third world countries covering their faces out of shame.

well ... I'll have to leave you to the tender mercies of the Auxilliary Backup Deputy Justiciar of the Peng Challenge Thread.

And the MBT breathes a collective sigh of relief...

Sorry about being Joe

I may have messed up his last sentence, but it works for me.
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Lars isn't going anywhere tonight. Too damn drunk.

And how.

Man, that was fun. Haven't tied on a good hard liquor drunk in a long time.

And when the Etruscans, Samites and Gauls are all allied against you, what the heck else is there to do?

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Originally posted by Lars:

Man, that was fun. Haven't tied on a good hard liquor drunk in a long time.

Lars, I'm curious. Does that mean the previous night doesn't count, or you just can't remember back that far?



Glad to hear you eventually made it back home in one piece. Not so much because you're in one piece as it ensures that, at least for the time being, Shari may be less likely to pull Seanachai apart like a rotten wishbone then beat me to death with one of his appendages.

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Well another night of debauchery at dalem's has come to a close, so I thought I'd share a few of my thoughts with you all...

We played Sword of Rome, a rather involved card-driven board game that can take a long time to play through to conclusion, even when half or more of the players aren't complete drunken pillocks.

Lars, Seanachai and dalem are a sodding lot of drunken pillocks. I hate them all.

Getting up at 8 o'clock in the morning to drive someone to the airport didn't used to feel all that bad. But it does when you get home at 4 o'clock in the freaking morning.

We only made it about halfway through the game. Have I mentioned that Lars, Seanachai and dalem are a bunch of drunken pillocks?

As pillocks go, Lars is an entertaining sort. Especially when he's both agitated, becaue he thinks someone has cheated him out of a cardboard chit, and so drunk he can't form intelligible speech. Truly, the man gesticulates wildly with the best of them.

Calling Seanachai in from outside (where he was indulging in cigars and no doubt peering through dalem's neighbors windows) to take his turn, when in fact he'd long since run out of cards and couldn't do anything other than pass. Good fun that.

Watching Lars send yet another Roman army up into the mountains to attempt to root out the Samnites, only to see the broken carcasses of his troops come tumbling off the side of the mountain. Lars seems to do that pretty much every time we play. "Lesser men" would perhaps learn from their previous mistakes.

We broke in the Noo Guy, who I believe is some sort of parole officer of Seanachai's. At least they seemed to know each other. He worked out very well. Under my tutelage, he happily formed an alliance with me that benefited both of us greatly. In fact, we even formed a second alliance later in the game, after some sort of something or other caused us to not be allies briefly (I don't recall exactly what that might have been, but I'm sure it was of no real consequence).

The hightlight of the evening for me was easily when this little gem occurred...

... dalem finished the last play of a turn, which to those of us not quite enebriated enough to attempt to mate with dalem's sofa CLEARLY INDICATED THAT THE FECKING TURN WAS OVER...

... At which point Seanachai, sitting to dalem's left, proceeded to inidate that he was going to PASS because he was TOO FECKING STUPID AND DRUNK to realize that the turn was actually over...

... So I took it upon myself to attempt explain to Seanachai that, being an idjit of unparalleled proportion, he had failed to realize that the turn had already ended...

... At which point Lars, sitting to Seanachai's left, indicated that he also would PASS because HE HAD CONSUMED ENOUGH RAW ALCOHOL TO FUEL A JET for a flight to Miami and was TOO FECKING STUPID AND DRUNK to realize that the turn was actually over, even though that fact had just been explained to everyone who didn't have a pair of corks from now empty vodka bottles stuck in their ears...

... At which point I attempted to explain to both Seanachai and Lars that the tiny private worlds they inhabit were in need of sunshine and fresh air...

... Upon which Lars loudly proclaimed that he was CHANGING HIS MIND and that the turn wasn't really over because he didn't want to PASS....

... I swear on the deity of your choosing that I'm not making this up...

... How in Hades could anyone make this up?...

... Now it was at about this time that Seanachai, who would seem to possess slightly more capacity to function in a state of absolute inebriation than Lars (but only slightly mind you), finally opened his mind, however briefly, to the sound of reason and realized his error...

... At which point Seanachai ably demonstrated what a great fecking moron he truly is, and took it upon himself to try to explain the whole fecking mess to an incoherent Lars...

... Which inevitably lead to the horror of one drunken pillock attempting to enlighten an even greater drunken pillock...

Sword of Rome will (hopefully) never see another moment like that one. I'd embellish the story, but how could anyone hope to top that? I should have had a camcorder with me. I could have extorted the both of them for months.


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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

Man, that was fun. Haven't tied on a good hard liquor drunk in a long time.

Lars, I'm curious. Does that mean the previous night doesn't count, or you just can't remember back that far? </font>
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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

I should have had a camcorder with me. I could have extorted the both of them for months.


How? Everyone knows they're idiots and everyone knows they're drunks.

Would you have said, "If you pay me twenty-five, NO... fifty dollars, I won't tell the three Inuit Indians presently on a fishing expedition in the middle of the Beaufort Sea that you're both drunken idiots!"

And then Seanachai would say, "You mean Ibli, Chancta and Dave? Nah, I'm pretty sure they already get the newsletter."

In order for blackmail to work, it kinda has to be a secret, Sparky.

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Originally posted by Stuka:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Stuka:

How and WHY do you think of such things??

It just seems to fit perfectly all that we know about you.

Michael </font>

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Someone get me a gorram drink.*

Ice didn't go out of the Metro lakes this year until about 4/23. Monday night was the first time I've paddled since last year. Had a couple of chances to do so before that, but one of them was the Sunday after playing Sword of Rome with the Minnesota Miscreants, which didn't work out so well for me. The war wound started acting up. Previous week, my good friend and kayaking buddy had injured her shoulder gardening, of all the stinking things, so we gave it a miss.

She doesn't even raise vegetables. Her fecking yard is a glory of flowers and plants chosen for their 'aesthetic value'. It's a beautiful place to hang out, mind you. But no crop value. And it requires too much time during the Spring paddling season.

Not like Dalem's back yard. Hard as he's worked at it, for all the time he's put in on it, it looks like some place that Rutger Hauer would have invaded as a robotic soldier in 'Blade Runner'.

I can just see him, staring into a distance we can only imagine, and talking about it:

"I remember the bones. The bones and driftwood. Gnawed by dogs. The ground was beaten. Into a fine, hard-packed black earth merry-go-round trail. And the hostas... like exploding flowers of greenery against the nebulae of weird green 'no passage' wire fencing...

Time... to die..."

So, we're paddling now, here in the North Country.

May I just state, again, for the record, that pretty much all of you bastards are a puddle of piss that no amount of mopping will make into a happy ending?

**This is a great example in a Sci-Fi program made by people who actually read stuff. 'Gorram' is an example of 'linguistic drift', where consonants soften over time. Look it up.

[ May 06, 2008, 11:58 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Well I've got an alcohol inbibing, cigar smoking poker night tomorrow night followed by an early-ish rise to blast around the desert dunes on a high powered dirtbike with a TEXAN of all people.... Nationality and State not withstanding, he's not bad company, I mean, he could be Mini-scrotian or sumfink...

So I couldn't really give a monkey's toss about your amusement levels Seany old fruit....

[ May 07, 2008, 04:05 AM: Message edited by: Stuka ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Hmmm...feck off.

No one here has amused me all that much, lately, if we come right down to it.

Seanachai....you've gotten so effing boring lately, one could mistake you for a byphodine user.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

**This is a great example in a Sci-Fi program...

Yes, yes, yes. To be sure, "FireFly" was the best TV show ever created and we're all so thankful that you discovered it.

After it went off the air.

Just like you came in here and announced to the world that Kate Rusby was a wonderful singer. Approximately 10 years after the rest of us heard her music.

And let's not forget the time you stormed in here, jumped up on your soap box and told all of us that Leonard Cohen was the greatest thing since sliced bread... even though he almost predates sliced bread and some of us... more enlightened people... have been listening to him for almost 40 years.

But don't let it bother your pointy little head. We all love you very much, even though you're more than a bit slow.

Oh... and you may want to check out this writer fellow. Name of Will Shakespeare? He can really turn a phrase, I'm tellin' ya.

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