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Locked Threads


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I've been a "registered" member here for 2 days and have seen more locked threads in this CM Forum than I have in 3 years of being the CM MOD at SZO.

Discussions and comments (non-vulgar/rude) seem to be highly restricted here. You'd think that having players very interested in one single topic and carrying on a lively debate would be welcomed even if they were going harmlessly in circles. Whats the harm if players are expressing their concerns as long as it's done in a civil manner?

I read the CMx2 "PBEM" issue and understand BFC's position & heads-up notification: most likely it will be in but a chance it might not, fair enough. BFC stated their case very well and I applaud this & their honesty- rare to find that these days.

However: as a Mod of a CM forum with nearly 300 registered CM PBEM users I found the "I'm locking this thread because there's just too much talk about it" actually rude (twice).

(Is locking threads a common occurance here? Maybe in such a large & the "Official CM Forum" it has to be done more often.)

Which is probably why I rarely visit other CM sites...

The PBEM topic brought me here but I see no reason to visit often if the seemingly heavy-handedness of this forum is common.

CM is a great game, but ANY AI can only be played against so many times unless you handicap yourself vs it.

Here's hoping that CMx2 knocks our socks off!

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Originally posted by Palantir:

Geech, and here I was thinking it was something more involved than "because"...

Threads are locked when they reach the 300 post limit because the board software is a bit cranky and can crash if threads go over that.

I think it's also because some subjects have been discussed to death and BFC want more than just the same rehashed threads here.

There are always alot of locked threads in the General Forum, because Dorosh has alot of interweb stalkers.

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Originally posted by Palantir:

Geech, and here I was thinking it was something more involved than "because"...

Come on - I don't buy for a second that more players play CM solo than PBEM but I also know that Steve isn't going to back down on it. None of which matters - they WANT to keep PBEM in and will do so if possible. I have no reason to doubt that. Neither does anyone else. And even if they did, so what?

It's a dead issue, a broken record, and there's nothing to discuss. We all like PBEM, many of us won't buy CMX2 if it isn't a feature. It's been said.

Welcome to the forum, by the way. :D

Now go post a greeting in the Peng Challenge Thread, say hello there, also a post on what you think the scale of issue was for the Bren tripod.

Then send Seanachai a postcard filled with hate. But don't hate him too much, I implore you to save your top-quality enmity for me, and me alone.

*sniffs new guy's butt*

Ok, I think this one is alright. Woof woof!

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Comparing it to the ACG forums is a no-go. I've been a member there for some time and it's one of the more annoying forums I've been to in some respects.

The difference is also black and white - this is a publisher's website. Not an open forum created by gaming enthusiasts. Just like political discussions and plugs of other games are largely verboten here, so is pointless discussion about things BFC has already made a statement about.

Besides, if you want to see a draconian forum, stop by the official Operation Flashpoint forum, where I've been a mod for over two years now. We're a lot stricter than BFC and we don't take guff from anyone. Helps keep the internet idiot levels down - something many other forums could benefit from.

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Come on - I don't buy for a second that more players play CM solo than PBEM

Eh?? Surely most computer games of any sort are played solo more than multiplayer, let alone PBEM. That's the primary point for the majority of gamers - a ready opponent.
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Originally posted by fytinghellfish:

if you want to see a draconian forum, stop by the official Operation Flashpoint forum

Ha! I think the America's Army R&R Forum holds the record for locked topics! I once received an official warning for calling George W Bush a.. well, um.. maybe I shouldn't push my luck here. I also received a warning for using the word effing.


what the heck is wrong with effing?

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Just because Battlefront owns the forum and can do anything it wants, does not mean that their decision is exempt from being wrong headed arrogant and even rude. I recall a similiar "vibe" when some of us provided criticism of the CMBB demo.

Palantir's points are all well taken and he is not the only person who holds those same views. He is perhaps the person who has expressed them in a manner far more polite than most others who hold them.

Just because Palantir has not graced us with his presence around here, does not mean that he is some CM rube to be dimissed as an uninformed newbie. He is the long time CM forum coordinater at SZO, has designed and run tournament for CMBO, CMBB and CMAK. He is also an accomplished CM scenario designer.

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Exactly 2 threads have been locked in the entire CMx2 forum, both on the PBEM issue. I'm guessing the reason they got locked was that previous threads on the issue (search the CMAK forum) got very heated and very stupid. You're still free to post your wishes and opinions in the poll thread at the top of the page so it's not like you're being muzzled.

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Originally posted by KG_Jag:

Just because Battlefront owns the forum and can do anything it wants, does not mean that their decision is exempt from being wrong headed arrogant and even rude. I recall a similiar "vibe" when some of us provided criticism of the CMBB demo.

Palantir's points are all well taken and he is not the only person who holds those same views. He is perhaps the person who has expressed them in a manner far more polite than most others who hold them..

Hey, everyone wants PBEM in, including the developers. Was there something else to add? Hellooo-ooooo. Seems like all there is to do now is register complaints about supposed "rude" treatment. Take it up privately with Steve.

Better yet, Madmatt. He is the Human Rights Commissioner of the forum.

Just because Palantir has not graced us with his presence around here, does not mean that he is some CM rube to be dimissed as an uninformed newbie. He is the long time CM forum coordinater at SZO, has designed and run tournament for CMBO, CMBB and CMAK. He is also an accomplished CM scenario designer.
That and a toonie will get him a double double at Tim Horton's. If he has some comments to make on game design, scenario design, or tournament play, I think he can speak with authority - looking forward to his participation.

Not looking forward to complaints about locked threads where everyone agrees....

However: as a Mod of a CM forum with nearly 300 registered CM ...
At last count there were 18223 posters here (not all of which play CM); or approximately 60 times as many. Not sure how many of them have more than 1 or even 5 posts, but is easy enough to figure out by a quick scan of the directory. The implications should be obvious - dead end discussions are disruptive, and not everyone here is a ladder player and instantly impressed by "celebrity" CMers.

I bet some of the crustier grogs here don't even play CM at all....

[ September 01, 2005, 10:37 AM: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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2 threads! Holy crap it's a freeking epidemic!

Both on PBEM? Good God - these Combat Mission people are forum Nazi's...

That does it, I'm calling my congressman - oh wait, I'm Canadian... Ok my Ambasador to the US.

This regime needs to be removed and replaced with a PBEM friendly administration!!

Viva la revolution!!!

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Ths is BFC's Forum much like a Home

If you are in my Home and you do something I don't like

its simply not up for debate: Go Home

"But I can watch TV past midnight at my house"

This isnt your House

BFC didn't just fall of the turnip truck

in Making Games or in Moderating Forums

They know what works not by guesswork or caprice

but by experience and research

If you would go into someones home or business

and attempt to tell the Homeowner or Proprietor

how to run their household or company

then it may not be them who needs the lessons in protocol

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Hi All,

Just to clarify: I made my "registered 2 days" & "300 registered PBEM players" comments so everyone knew exactly where I was coming from & as Steve basically said, "honesty is the best policy."

I have dropped in here from time to time (unregistered) but only to check on some question that was raised elsewhere. So I don't have a clue to the "locked thread" debates of the past- so my apologies if I'm behind on that knowledge.

I also memtioned I don't visit other forums often, way too busy and never enough time to check things out. And I thought I asked a simple but honest question- why so many locked threads? I guess I was just lucky to hit the "two" threads that were locked. smile.gif

But I suspect it did generate more interest in CMx2: publicity is rarely a bad thing.

On the PBEM Locked Thread: I just think the Mod could have closed it out a tad bit easier with a, "I think we've discussed this in detail now, how about we move on to a new topic until we have more info for you?" (but then I don't know the "heck" he's had to take on this issue or others before so he may be justified. There is a point as a MOD where you can only take so much).

And thanks for that unusual welcome Michael, kinda tickled but I liked it! tongue.gif

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Originally posted by Palantir:

Not sure what that means Michael.

I have no control over ads and the one I see is for some game called Squad Assault. But then I only play CM so...

Squad Assault was originally GI Combat which went straight to the reduced price bin. Then Eric Young's Squad Assault came out, and now it looks like a new developer has picked it up for a third kick at the cat, billed as SA: Second Wave. Just an interesting byproduct of clicking through to your forum. Eric Young posts here on occasion, or used to.

Anyway, posted a new thread in our General Forum about this if anyone wants to discuss it there.

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Originally posted by Palantir:

On the PBEM Locked Thread: I just think the Mod could have closed it out a tad bit easier with a, "I think we've discussed this in detail now, how about we move on to a new topic until we have more info for you?" (but then I don't know the "heck" he's had to take on this issue or others before so he may be justified. There is a point as a MOD where you can only take so much).

LOL he probably was pretty congenial the first five hundred times this topic has been approached and locked...do a search in the CMAK board and you'll see why. You just arrived but many of us here have waded through a TON of repeated threads so many times over I have been suprised that we even have new topics to discuss! Thankfully this new engine has opened up vistas that I couldn't even imagine.

So anyway welcome...you've survived your initiation of fire...and I've been here almost five years and Dorosh never once sniffed my butt WTF?...btw watch out for that Dalem guy he likes to pee in other people's pants...


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