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Some Comments and Observations

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To start off with I wanted to say thank you to BF for another good effort and a much needed one in putting together a modern warfare tactical game. It is remarkable, to say the least, and I expect some big additions to it as we go along.

If I were BF I would shut the forums down for a min. of 1 week at release so that the quality and usefulness of forum input from the users of any new release is a bit more objective. I cannot believe that people can have that much to say, negatively, 3 hours from downloading the game.

Yes there are definitely bugs and such but I am confident that they will be worked out. To expect any software developer to put out a perfect game with all the variables that need to be considered is, IMHO, unreasonable.

I laugh at the pathfinding critisms. I was in the infantry starting as a Private soldier then holding the leadership positions of Squad leader, Weapons Det. Leader, Platoon Sgt., Company Sergeant Major, and retiring as Regimental Sergeant Major. In all that time I saw men and machines do things that would make your head spin. Humans do stupid things like going around to the front of a building when there is a perfectly good opening right in front of them. I have seen LAV-25s ascend a hill only to have 1, all of a sudden, roll backwards and go the long way around. When asked why the driver said "It felt like the carrier was losing power so I went the easier way." I could go on and on.

I am not saying that there are no PF bugs because there are but to me some of these are added realism to an already chaotic battlefield. And leaders at all levels must adapt and adjust to them.

I could write forever but just wanted to get my 2 cents in. I feel that this is a winner and look forward to the future from BF.

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Amen! I too am a senior NCO in the US Army and its actually pretty fun to rack up some poor PF with actual human error and basic lack of discipline. I have seen some of the finest troops in the world make some very odd decisions.

Watched a Soldier drive an ASV straight into a 5 foot deep pool of water in Mosul when there was a road going right around it. Buried it to the drivers hatch when he hit the soft mud.

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THanks for the thoughts guys! We're used to hubris, so don't worry about us :D

Yup, there are definitely bugs we need to sort through. No worries about that.

Quick "almost military" story about pathfinding. When we were getting ready to launch CMBO we had a press guy up to my house for a visit to shoot machineguns and to take a ride in my WWII M29C Weasel. I'd only lived here a few years at that time. I had the course through my woodlot all planned out on foot ahead of time (I understand the value of recon!). Anyway, we drove into the woods and I came to one possible branch. I couldn't remember if this was the 2nd or the 3rd branch (which is what I wanted). So I stopped the vehicle and confessed that I didn't know if this was the correct turn. The reporter laughed and said "cool fog of war" :D I then got out and ran 20m down the trail and found that, indeed, I was parked next to the 2nd branch. DOH!

We then discussed how if we made a game that pruposefully simulated the dumb stuff that goes on in war that nobody would buy the game. Afterall, in real war maintainence convoys don't get lost inside enemy controlled cities, do they?


P.S. I personally think the DoD shut down blogs from Iraq because people were finding out how many times our guys were getting lost even with GPS, maps, radios, and at least one NCO saying "LT, I think we missed a turn" :D

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There's a number of things I'm upset about at this point. Shutting down the forums for a week wouldnt hurt, but I dont see these complaints going away.

I'm sure nobody needs to hear it again but i'll say it anyway to add to the numbers. But please do read my comments on atmosphere with the **

Inability to purchase troops is upsetting. Maybe it was mentioned prior to release but I dont have the time to keep track of every topic. When I think of combat mission, purchasing units and choosing what to bring is one thing I enjoy very much and its a key feature I mention about the CM series, realistic for individual battles or not.

The game is way too much like Squad Assault. I havnt seen anything near the suppression of the original CM, in fact I like the way the AI in Squad Assault behave better. I knock down enemy squads to 1 or 2 men and they still try to drive on. I'll steadily kill infantry crawling at my tank and they wont so much as stop or try to crawl away.

IMO, this game would have been far more enjoyable if it hadnt gone into the realm of individual soldiers modelled. I'm sorry, but I cant see anybody convincing me that BF hasnt managed the impossible task of making that AI, IMO it shouldnt have been attempted. I'm gonna try to keep interest, but as it is its coming across as a game I'm already losing interest in.

I also was hoping for a lot more atmosphere. Theres very little communicating among the grunts and it seems very minimal.


I wanna hear atmosphere. "He's over there!" "Get that **** face!" "Clear!" Expletive expletive this and that. I dont wanna hear "Charge!" and vague yells of "Move it!" or "Go go go!" I'm sorry. I wasnt around long before CMAK but in a game where individual soldiers are modelled, I'd like to hear more chatter, not less. I paid $70 for the game and goodies, this isn't a mod which gets more additions. IMO its really lacking in atmosphere to the point I find myself reading a book while waiting for uneventful turns (which I cant fast forward) to pass

Why cant we ever hear insurgents say "Allah Akbar" and they have the same problem in general. A lot of insurgents in Iraq come from Syria. Theirs a popular shooter game out right now called "Insurgency" and the insurgents say that at times, IMO it doesnt cross any line. I've heard it argued that they only do it for the cameras, I dont buy that. Theres videos of Marines closing in on insurgents yelling it.

I dont like the way building clearing is done either

There's a few changes i like. Calling in artillery is much better, the new engine is nice aside the individual soldiers modelled, its great to see vehicles actually turn instead of just pivoting. The greater variance in building types/sizes is awesome. I like the terrain features better. I like being able to fight blue on blue and red on red etc (Would be fun to play Italians vs Germans or Brits vs Americans or Soviets vs Allies.) I like the better structured objectives.

At this point I'm telling my friend in Japan to hold off buying the game, he might or might not like it, but its completely different than the original CM and that doesnt mean its better at this point.

[ July 30, 2007, 11:06 PM: Message edited by: PLM2 ]

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Battlefront, ever consider (Well actually I am sure you have but I will throw it out there anyways) getting some good authentic voice recordings with the jargon? So far I am mostly hearing the old CMx1 voices in game. I'm sure there are a few military members here who would be willing to oblige.

Actually, come to think of it, that sounds like a good mod project! I'll have to experiment with that and mod the FO calls, if it can be done.

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