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Seanachai the Headless Peng Challenger

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Peng, old man, got CMSF yet? If so, I am offering you the opportunity to show off your fine tactical prowess. I long to be dazzled by your brilliance... ok, that's never gonna happen, so I'm willing to settle for kicking you in the yarbles and watching you writhe on the floor as I kick you s'more.

Setup man, setup!

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

In other news, Joe's armor is obviously being commanded by Sturmy... I assume that 'cus it drove out and wiggled its ass at me

FLAWED scenario ... CLEARLY flawed ... as you yourself stated.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

In other news, Joe's armor is obviously being commanded by Sturmy... I assume that 'cus it drove out and wiggled its ass at me

FLAWED scenario ... CLEARLY flawed ... as you yourself stated.

Joe </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

<big><big>aaahhOOOgah! ... aaahhOOOgah!</big></big>

The Justicar's AARs!

Ummm... didn't you forget one?

You remember, dontcha? It was the Iron Man one you played against... well, ME!

You know the one. The scenario where YOU SURRENDERED!

Selective amnesia?

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

<big><big>aaahhOOOgah! ... aaahhOOOgah!</big></big>

The Justicar's AARs!

Ummm... didn't you forget one?

You remember, dontcha? It was the Iron Man one you played against... well, ME!

You know the one. The scenario where YOU SURRENDERED!

Selective amnesia? </font>

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Originally posted by Becket:

Hey, CupOJoe! While I can't help but appreciate the historical reference in your name, the fact that you named yourself after the container - not even the instrument of execution itself, or the target, but the bloody common container - does not bode well. Dicing up bunyip is no challenge - his challenge is merely writing a coherent sentence in English - so send me a setup. [/QB]

Well I have returned from my jaunt to Vegas and I see much has happened in the thread... which is to say nothing really has happened at all.

I must disgree with you Becket as to my moniker. A cup of hemlock was indeed both the container and the method of execution for my ancient hero. I am fairly certain he actually took the cup, drank the contents, and then waxed philosophic with what little time the puissant draught gave him. I never intended my name to represent the cup *after* its use, but rather full of poison ready to be quaffed. I imagine one could bludgeon someone with the vessel provided it was of sufficient heft.

Also, it is meant to inspire terror in those of sufficient literary chops, as you surely possess. Sadly, few get it and the intended fear factor is often lost like flatulance in a hurricane.

Speaking of flatulance.... Bunnywhip has not answered the clarion call of my recent challenge. In the interest of preserving my pledge of providing an effective and concise AAR, I submit the following dramatization which I am confident would be correct had the cur had the intestinal fortitude to meet me upon the field of battle.

AAR (CupOFunnyLiquid) vs. (BunnyFart)

Location: Somewhere blasted and sandy in Syria

Time: Daytime, just before afternoon tea

Weather: Hot, really really hot, with a slight gritty breeze blowing in from the WNW

My stalwart albeit smelly Syrians were camped on a low North-South ridge looking east. We were in a perfect position for ambush and were expecting BunnyFart and his technologically superior but morally bankrupt forces to confidently saunter into the trap imminently.

The Syrian HQ had issued strict orders that all soldiers were to wait until the infidels were in easy RPG range before opening fire.

There were only two radios, one in the HQ, and one in the nervous hands of a scout section forward of the main line. This relic of an early diseased Marconi idea suddenly crackled to life.

"Sir!, the Americans are approaching you from the east."

"Yes, Hasufel, I know they are coming," replied the commander. "What manner of forces are arrayed against us?"

"Well sir... it appears they have a Stryker section, and four Abrams. Ah.. there are some dismounted troops as well... they appear to be playing football!"

The commander raised an eyebrow and barked into the mic, "They have a soccer ball? Excellent, I shall give orders that the soccer ball must be captured intact."

"No sir," replied the scout, "It appears to be an oval one... like they use in America."

"Blast!.. in that case it must be destroyed along with the rest of them. How long until we see them here?"

"I estimate 10 minutes at their current speed... less if they stop playing their game."

"Very well Hasufel, keep me informed," replied the commander.

Nothing further came from the scout as the Americans came into view. The game of football was still going on. The commander signaled everyone down and the infidels moved ever closer.

At the precisely best possible moment, each of the RPG teams rose up from the sand and simultaneously fired at each of the vehicles. Shaped charges struck with a resounding WHUMP! and two of the four Strykers were brewed up immediately. The other two vomited troops, some of whom were clearly stunned by the surprise attack. Four machine gun positions opened on these men as they struggled for cover.

The Abrams were each hit, but only one seemed have been damaged, losing a track. The RPG teams were reloading as the Abrams all popped smoke and fired coax machine guns and HE up and down our line.

The commander peered over the sand as four more RPGs fired at the tanks. Three of the teams scored lucky hits and a second tank began to pour smoke from its turret as the crew bailed out. Raking machine gun fire from our line silenced the exposed infantrymen and two more RPGs found their mark, lighting up one of the reamining Strykers.

One of the RPG teams got off another shot which struck the main gun of the disabled tank... its crew bailed out and ran for the undamaged Stryker.

The two remaining Abrams and the Stryker withdrew at full reverse. The increasing wind obscured their retreat.

The commander motioned his men forward to survey the carnage. As they arrived among the smoking ruin the commander saw no one left alive. However, the football lay undamaged among the wreckage.

"Hmph! These Americans and their silly games..."

The commander drew his pistol, firing a single round. He was greeted with the hiss of escaping air as the footbal deflated.

The Syrians melted back into the sand before the retaliatory strike they knew was coming could have any effect.


Syrians: 3 Men KIA, 12 Wounded

Americans: 1 Abrams destroyed, 1 Disabled and left on the field. Three Strykers destroyed, 18 KIA, unknown number of wounded, and one football utterly made useless for further horseplay.


[ August 05, 2007, 10:22 PM: Message edited by: CupOHemlock ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

<big><big>aaahhOOOgah! ... aaahhOOOgah!</big></big>

The Justicar's AARs!

Ummm... didn't you forget one?

You remember, dontcha? It was the Iron Man one you played against... well, ME!

You know the one. The scenario where YOU SURRENDERED!

Selective amnesia? </font>

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Originally posted by Speedy:

Ok Boo stand on equipment cabinet, attach noose to neck, jump off cabinet.

Speedy performing yet another cesspool community service.

Dear Speed-O,

You forgot to mention attaching the other end of the rope to anything.

This would explain just why there are so many Ozzies still breathing.

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Look, Hum0Cuplock did a nice big fancy post and no-ones paid the least bit of attention.

Agreed it was crap but he gave it a go, and I say 'fair play' to the lad.....

Here's cheers and get a woolly dog up 'ya HepOCumlock!

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Originally posted by Stuka:

Look, Hum0Cuplock did a nice big fancy post and no-ones paid the least bit of attention.

Agreed it was crap but he gave it a go, and I say 'fair play' to the lad.....

Here's cheers and get a woolly dog up 'ya HepOCumlock!

So you see CupO'Soup ... you've attracted the attention of a Senior Knight of the CessPool. Granted it's an Australian but well done say I.

By the way, it's possible that "get a woolly dog up 'ya" is actually a compliment ... it's hard to tell when dealing with a GooberNational for whom English isn't their first language.


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Originally posted by Stuka:

You didn't call Aussies 'Goobernationals when we saved your arses at Pearl Harbour now did'ya?

Uh ... well ... no, no we didn't.

See what I mean CupO'Soup ... another fine example of Australian education.


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