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Syria makes computer games too

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I rather like the screenshot of Merkava vs slingshot.

People on this board have often commented on the heavy U.S.-centric and somewhat zenophobic content of most games out there. Well, they kept the zenophobic part but you sure can't say this one's U.S.-centrc!

If nothing else BFC should take a look to see what an Arab game maker thinks is appropriate for buildings and 'irregular' unit dress styles.

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Actually this game looks interesting. I thought it was just a joke but I guess maybe not.

But even though I am a member of the US Army Reserve, have been on two tours in Afghanistan and was a part of certain operations in the Middle East during my active duty days, I do understand why they feel blighted and just as we do are prone to making historical assessments that fits our political adgendas, they have the same right I suppose.

Arabs are some of if not the most prideful people on the planet. They can also be among the nicest and by far the most hospitipal peoples in the world. I wont get into examples of this but it wasnt always that bad being among them.

But maybe this game will give you more understanding of thier take on things which in turn may help you to understand that war is a game politicians play and someone else fights.


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It's no joke, this is a genuine computer game being developed in Damascus, Syria, as far as I am aware.

In case I sounded a bit flippant about it, I too find it interesting that there are games out there showing the other side from the one we normally see in the West.

I can picture kids playing this computer game on an out of date PC in a half bulldozed house in Gaza or somewhere, and it does make you think about the current very polarised state of our world.

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LOL Cpl, that out of date PC is better than mine if it runs that game hehe. Me and the wife unit (thats girlfriend in code that keeps her happy and keeps me from doing something stupid) had a fight about me buying a computer to play CMSF when it comes out.

She said we arent spending 5k on a computer and I told her it would only be 1k to make it (I know I was only talking about the Vid cards but she wont know until AFTER I open the packages and its too late to return :D )


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Originally posted by Cpl Steiner:

I can picture kids playing this computer game on an out of date PC in a half bulldozed house in Gaza or somewhere, and it does make you think about the current very polarised state of our world.

You are really optimistic naive guy, and i can relate it of you never beening to gaza strip.

Not just that 90% of homes there dont own a computer, many of them dont have the money to eat 3 meals a day.

The situation there is really bad, and now, with Hamas in lead, it might get even worst.

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Originally posted by oren_m:

"...so players can tell the difference between a history game based on lives of real people trying to survive ethnic cleansing..."

Are you ****ing kidding me?!

This man is a brainwashed psyco!

Up until now I thought this was a fairly open minded and civilized discussion, humorous even, without being unnecessarily provocative to anyone's point of view.

The guy is expressing a commonly held view in that region. I don't happen to agree with it, but I have to admit that the Palestinian people have legitimate grievances against Israel and the West. He may even be "brainwashed" to a certain extent - but then aren't we all by our respective leaders? As for being a psycho, I seriously doubt you could make that claim. If he's a psycho for wanting to create a violent game based loosely on real-world events, then so is everyone on this forum.

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First of all i would like to aplogize if i offended someone.

Seconed, i hope that you all understand the wrong and misplaced use of the term ethnic cleansing in the Palestinian case.

I know it's corny of me to say it, but the state of Israel, and the jewish pepole are the last in the world to be accused with ethnic cleansing.


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During Defensive Shield in 2002, the internet cafes of Hebron were full of teenagers playing Counterstrike. Some played the terrorists, some played the counterterrorists, and it was all pretty apolitical. Various versions of Under Siege have actually been around for a few years, and I've never heard of it being particularly popular anywhere in the Arab world. I suspect kids play games because they're good games, not because of their ideological orientation.

I hope this doesn't go too far down the political path, but certainly Israel has been credibly accused, by Israeli historians, of ethnic cleansing in the past (Ramla and Lod, in particular), and at least one party which I think is still in the Knesset, Moledet, has ethnic cleansing as part of its platform.

That being said, it is pretty silly though if the game depicts, as it implies, that any real family "survives" by slingshotting Merkavas. A lot of folks in the Arab world have a rather funny idea of what day-to-day life in Palestine is like.

[ February 04, 2006, 05:19 PM: Message edited by: nijis ]

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I thought that was bloody hilarious.

Seriously though, the response to the game here is more interesting to me then Under Seige is. Imagine how a game like America's Army must look to foreign governments.

The Palestinians do have legitimate grievances, in my opinion. If the same thing had happened to any nation in the world involving any two peoples there would be grounds to complain. All I have to say is if you look up 'ancient Israel' in my encyclopedia it says see 'Palestine'. I know this is political but if you could choose just one other viewpoint to be aware of this would be a good one.

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Originally posted by oren_m:

Seconed, i hope that you all understand the wrong and misplaced use of the term ethnic cleansing in the Palestinian case.

I know it's corny of me to say it, but the state of Israel, and the jewish pepole are the last in the world to be accused with ethnic cleansing.


I would have thought such a suggestion was incredulous not long ago, but the Israeli's seem to be overstepping the mark of pure military operations these days. Some of their activities, for example their incursion into Jenin in 2002, have been widely criticised for the level of indiscriminate killing of civilians and destruction of civilian homes. Admittedly, terrorists operate out of these camps like Jenin, but they are also home to thousands of civilians and it simply is not acceptable for any civilized power to ignore that fact. In Jenin half the town was bulldozed, including one house with a disabled person still inside. If Israel doesn't want to be accused of ethnic cleansing then it has to behave in a much more measured way when it uses its military IMHO.
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Let's look at this from the Arab/Palestinian point of view. This is what I perceive they think. Note--this is not what I think, but there is truth in much of what is said:

1) It starts with the Crusades nearly 1000 years ago. The Europeans are bothering us because God told the Pope to retake Palestine. Thousands die. Thank you Europe!

2) It continues with European colonialism. Now they actually took over our lands and are stealing our natural resources, creating products with them, and selling the products back to us. Oh--and we lost our right to self rule. Their missionaries are also bugging us to convert to Christianity--this strikes us as arrogant. Thanks again, Europe.

3) Move ahead to World Wars 1 and 2. Now the Western Powers are actually fighting battles (with each other) in our countries and creating colonial armies with our men. Are we a party to all of this? Why do our men have to die over these stupid disputes? Oh and after the war, many of our nations will have to fight bloody wars against European powers for our independence.

4) World War 2 and its aftermath. One western nation (Germany) perpetuates a horrid crime against the Jews. Instead of carving out a huge piece of Germany for a Jewish homeland (appropriate for Germany's many crimes), the world essentially hands Palestine over to the Israelis whose only claim is some Biblical nonsense that they have a "right to return" here (there are only a few thousand Jews in Palestine when this whole thing kicks off). Thousands of poor and powerless Palestians are displaced and the Germans got off scot free for killing 6 million people (the US needed the Germans as an ally for the coming Cold War)! Oh--and the US bankrolled the Israelis. Thanks for that, America.

5) Cold War. The US and Soviet Union prop up numerous brutal and corrupt dictatorships in the region. These dictatorships kill thousands (millions?) of people while the superpowers look the other way in return for cheap oil (the US) and ideological sympathy (the USSR). In Iran, the SAVAK (secret police) is an especially ruthless killer (later an Islamic revolution will topple the Shah and the SAVAK). Oh yeah--Saddam Hussein was once a friend of the US. He and Rumsfeld and Cheney had lots of laughs together. The average man in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Iraq has little to thank the US and USSR for.

6) The Soviet Union attacks Afganistan to suppress a likely Islamic insurrection and create another "puppet buffer state." This is perceived to be an attack on Islam since the Soviets actually state that their aim is to prevent an Islamic goverment. About 3 million Afgans die before the Soviets are ejected.

7) Cultural Imperialism. US foreign policy is perceived as--"if you are not a capitalist democracy with an open society, you are wrong. You should be providing markets for our products and should pattern your culture after ours." Arabs and Muslims are fairly conservative. They don't really want Howard Stern beamed into their living room. They think Paris Hilton is an idiot. They think we are too materialistic and have high divorce rates and a variety of social problems. They see our attitude as arrogant and believe they have a superior, family oriented culture with Islam. But rather than agreeing to disagree, the West aggressively exports its culture and continually tells Islamic countries that they are wrong on a variety of issues (e.g., women's rights). The arrogance! Throwing stones at us when they themselves are chaulk full of problems!

8) Modern day Palestine. The Israelis treat the Palestians like garbage. In the US, there is talk about how Segregation was hard on African Americans who were treated like second class citizens. Well, the Palestinians are treated like third class citizens. Jim Crow was easy compared to checkpoints, bulldozers, and land appropriation!

9) Nuclear double standards. Western nations can have nukes. Middle Easten nations cannot. Er--we will make an exception for Israel.

10) The average man in the Middle East can often see the Western news coverage. The Western news media mentions little of what is above. Instead, the people in the Middle East are portrayed by the Western News Media as crazy and "a threat to the West." But from the Middle Eastern perspective, they are the ones who have been victimized for nearly 1000 years. 9/11 was seen as an isolated incident in that the Middle East did some damage to the West. But the truth is that the West has been taking it to the Middle East for centuries.

In their eyes, we don't seem like the good guys do we? Perhaps they are not as irrational and evil as our new media would lead us to believe? Perhaps our own motives are not so good and pure?

All of this explains the video game and the silly language (our video games are just as silly). But the sad thing is--this also explains suicide bombers and the election of Hamas.

The bottom line is that Islamic fundamentalists will ALWAYS appear (to the man on the street) to be the better choice than those (like Arafat and Fatah) who want to do business with the West--a West that has never really appeared to have the interests of the people of the Middle East at heart.

As is always the case, there are two sides to every story . NEVER simply believe your leaders when they tell you that the man on the other side of the world is evil. Do your own research looking at all sides of the issue and come to your own conclusions. It may turn out that the guy is, in fact, evil. But more often than not, the dispute boils down to petty, self-serving crap and there are idiots on both sides.

[ February 04, 2006, 10:51 PM: Message edited by: Nemesis Lead ]

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Originally posted by Cpl Steiner:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by oren_m:

Seconed, i hope that you all understand the wrong and misplaced use of the term ethnic cleansing in the Palestinian case.

I know it's corny of me to say it, but the state of Israel, and the jewish pepole are the last in the world to be accused with ethnic cleansing.


I In Jenin half the town was bulldozed, </font>
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As far as I am aware, a total of 27 armed terrorists were killed in the battle of Jenin. To achieve this, are you really telling me that the IDF was justified in completely destroying over 140 homes and seriously damaging over 200 others (see link).


I think you make my case for me.

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I dont know if you are aware, but in war, this is what happens, civilians get hit when they get in the combat area.

If it was so importent for them to prevent such a thing, they could expell the terrorist from their home.

If you had terrorists in your neighberhood, and you knew that the army will come and kill them, what would you do?

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