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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

I'm gone for a few days and look what you guys go off and do...

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So, I mosey by the CMX2 board to see what snippets there may be to mull over and I find this smoking hole in the ground where innumerable BFC fanboys and WW2 junkies crashed and burned in vicious kamikazi attacks on one another, bitching over the blasphemous news that CMX2 will (gulp) not be what they expected.

Can't leave you guys alone for a minute... :D

Seriously, I was very distressed by what I saw here in the now closed "who's disappointed" thread. Sorry I couldn't get into it before it was locked.

I saw enough stress psychology reactions in there to write a doctoral thesis on, and still have enough left over to fund a few studies on "civility or its absence in the face of change."

There will be, to be sure, some people who will now boycott BFC products out of some sense of betrayal. There will probably be more people, however, who are going to see this upcoming product and after it comes out, will look back and wonder what all the fuss and feathers was about.

In the past few years I've gotten to see this outfit and its "camp followers" evolve. I've gotten to know and like a number of you fellows and I'm glad to still be here, speaking for myself. I have great faith in the BFC team and am very much looking forward to what these guys will come up with. No other wargame design outfit out there is coming anywhere close to their devotion to their dreams, goals and ideals, as are the BFC guys.

What I find most disappointing is the way that a few disappointed people managed to turn the dialogue into a politicized flame war. I thought we'd outgrown most of that, but apparently some have done a better job of it than others. I can't say as I'd be sorry to see folks who have such narrow and negative midsets, move on. Bon voyage.

Anyway, I just wanted to say "attaboy" to those who remain here with a positive outlook, with enthusiasm for a new direction and keeping the faith with the BFC boys.

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Thanks and next time check with us before you take a few days off, OK? :D

Variety is the spice of life, but some people think that cyenne pepper is the only spice. It's a fantastic spice, no doubt about it, but I never found it much good for deserts or sprinkled in my beer. I guess I'm funny that way...

Sad thing is we expected this behavior. Ironic that we're being accused of not knowing our customers, though we pegged their childish reaction 2.5 years ago. Why do you think we've waited so long to spill the beans? We wanted all our ducks in a row before the tantrums started.


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I'll say this much, Steve...at least you got the "shock" part right. :D

I sure hope one thing, though...that CMSF is found to be a dandy training aid for the folks in uniform and that tons of it are sold to that end.

First, I want that because I want our troops to be well-prepared and able to look after themselves as they perform their missions.

Secondly, the profits would hopefully enable you guys to fund lots of new and interesting modules in a relatively shorter period of time than you have historically (no pun intended.)

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Originally posted by gunnergoz:

......What I find most disappointing is the way that a few disappointed people managed to turn the dialogue into a politicized flame war. I thought we'd outgrown most of that, but apparently some have done a better job of it than others. I can't say as I'd be sorry to see folks who have such narrow and negative midsets, move on. Bon voyage.

I hope you do not forget that this web sit was started as a WWII European computer game chat site.

Most of the participance have almost one thing in command. Playing WWII games.

I hope BFC understands that a few will leave but most will not for they will wait as I have (over 9 years) for strategy computer games of WWII. BFC has done an excellent job so far and I believe they will in the future too.

The customer is always right. ;)

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Actually, Boris, I played CM because it was a tactical simulation, not simply because it was a WW2 tactical simulation. My interests are not restricted to WW2 (though that is very interesting indeed.)

I doubt I'm alone in that.

But you ae correct in that there are folks who are WW2 grogs to some degree of exclusion or another, and for them this change would indeed rock the boat.

Fortunately for all of us, BFC has made it amply clear that both varieties of grog (generic and specialized) will have their day with the new system. It's all good.

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Originally posted by gunnergoz:

So, I mosey by the CMX2 board to see what snippets there may be to mull over and I find this smoking hole in the ground thread...

I was the same. Last looked at the site on Friday night and fire it up on Monday morning to find three pages of rant and two screen shots. Its like missing 9/11 on TV or something and being the last to find out.

Hell, there's even the junior-member-sub-9000-member-number lurkers who are piping up with their opinions. This forum got crazy in a very short period of time. But its funny.

Funniest are the guys who obviously didn't read the synopsis in any great detail and just reacted like a scalded cat. "I'm a loyal customer and I won't buy it!", "US invading Syria is unrealistic", "Down with US imperialism!" etc. Oh sheesh. They've even got Kwazy moderating forums because of the numbers of posters. I mean seriously - when was the last time we heard from him?

I think I'm happy to lurk for a few days - just reading people's posts and watching Steve and the like getting more and more frustrated. They treat Steve like a Japanese tourist who doesn't speak English. If you SHOUT AT HIM AND REPEAT YOURSELF MAYBE HE WILL UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU'RE SAYING. Hahhahaha. ;)

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I found myself in the same situation as gunnergoz yesterday when I clicked onto this forum looking for CMX2 and seeing CMSF.

Likewise it was disappointing to see so much disgruntlement among the members for what i think will be an excellent simulator for modern combat.

I think my only real concern is that the Mac version will be months later and on what the specs will be for the game to play on a Mac. will it need a graphics card with 256mb's of video memory? How fast must the CPU be?

Of course it would also be nice to havethe original cm series updated to OSX but I'm also realsitic to know that it's a low priority for BFC.

The main point is that BFC is still A1 and true to their vision of making combat simulators for the thinking gamer.


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Gunnergoz is correct to point out that this Forum, and Battlefront, were started up for the support of tactical wargaming, not WWII tactical wargaming. It so happens that the first 3 and 4th games are WWII tactical, so obviously there is a lot of reason for WWII only people to hang around. It's just that we never saw ourselves as WWII only. Heck, most of the games we've sold on Battlefront had nothing to do with WWII. Just a reminder of our history :D

Obviously some WWII guys will go away and then come back later when we release the next CMx2 game. That's OK and rather normal for most things in life. I don't go out and see every movie that a particular actor is in or is directed by someone I like. I pick and choose. I also don't expect them to check with me first before they pursue a project to make sure it's OK with me.

So obviously we will miss the old hands that retire from the Forum until we release the next game. However, I'm sure there will be plenty of new faces here to keep us entertained. If we thought CM:SF was going to be met with chirping crickets we'd obviously not have done it. The fact we did make it should pass along a pretty solid message.


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Have you gone back a few pages and seen the eruption? At first its bragging rights from the grogs for being first-to-post after the announcements. Then the tantrums start (or w00t, depending on yer point of view).

Its like that Simpsons episode where Ralph gets a crush on Lisa and takes her to the Crusty show. Afterwards, Bart is showing her the video tape:

"[sic]..and if you slow it down you can see the exact moment when his heart breaks...[/sic]"

I actually started to read a few posts until I realised most were just repeating themselves over and over and over...

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And I thought that the worst thing they could do was a current time military simulation (how are sales on T-72 doing?), but for them to pick a future game smells like "Space Lobsters of Doom".

I will wait till the price drops on it, purchase it (second hand) just to find out how to mod it.

My two bits.


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Originally posted by David I:

I will wait till the price drops on it, purchase it (second hand) just to find out how to mod it.

You do that.

Meanwhile, the calmer and (dare I say it?) more broad-minded portion of the wargaming community will be enjoying detailed small unit combat simulations in an ultra-realistic setting.

We will continue enjoying CMBB and CMAK for our dose of WW2 tactical combat, of course. We also might venture into other games, some of which might even *GASP* be non-wargames. (Oh Heavens!)

Then, when the WW2 game using the CMx2 engine comes out, you can play catch up with those of us who have mastered the game system and the refined tactics.

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I'm another 'surprised when logging in on Monday morning' guy. So many posts in so short a time! The near-future setting is certainly a bit of a shock, too! The screenshots look great, and it will almost certainly sell well if it brings the series up to date, regardless of setting, but, alas, it is not for me. I can't muster up any enthusiasm for the subject matter, and I know virtually nothing about, and have very little interest in, modern arms, armour or warfare - let alone a fictional 'near-future' conflict.

I'm obviously in a different camp to many of you who play games for the tactical and strategic challenges, regardless of setting. Personally, I have passed on many games that are apparently excellent, because the setting doesn't appeal. But if they are Napoleonic or WWII, I'll probably give them a shot.

Actually, not having another brilliant game from BFC for a time will probably be a good thing, as the others have kept me glued to my PC for far too many late nights / early mornings already! Anyway, I hope the game does well (and I believe it will) and have just one question.... when can we expect to see the WWII game? :D

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Originally posted by gunnergoz:

What I find most disappointing is the way that a few disappointed people managed to turn the dialogue into a politicized flame war.

I sure hope one thing, though...that CMSF is found to be a dandy training aid for the folks in uniform and that tons of it are sold to that end.

First, I want that because I want our troops to be well-prepared and able to look after themselves as they perform their missions.

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