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Opinions of 1.05?

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I've encountered a curious movement anomaly that appears to have popped up in 1.5. I wanted to move a squad through a breached wall and it (the squad) just froze. They weren't exhausted or pinned. What's more, I couldn't get them to move anywhere for the rest of the game. I tried it again with another squad in a different location. Same thing. After refusing to go through the breach they refused to move anywhere. It felt like I needed a NCO unit which I could march around the map and kick squad's butts by hitting Shift-B or something.

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can you replicate the issue and save it as a save game??

If so, someone (like me) would be happy take a look at it. smile.gif

the save game is the foundation of all beta testing and without a valid save game to EXACTLY demonstrate the exact issue you are referring to its hard to try to fix it. my e-mail is in my profile. (I will check my junk mail for your response)



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Originally posted by Adam1:

but the game is still not even playable

I guess it never will be for you. I've just played through Hammertime in WeGo for 4 hours with no issues at all. It's more than playable for me - I only meant to try out the new version for an hour and now have my wife moaning at me ;) - good job BFC!
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Thanks for the patch guys. I'll get to work on some awesome 1.5 scenarios for you. :cool:

Well "playable" for me means I can get accurate results and translate my will into the motions of the most basic units in the game.
1.5 is a lot better in this regard. All we need are some 1.5 native scenarios to take advantage of this. The two provided are mediocre, and not very interesting. :(
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Sorry AdamL, but calling the game unplayable and 1.05 less playable then before is such a *ahem* dubious position to hold that you are bound to get a negative response to it. Indeed, such statements seem calculated to draw such negative remarks.

Considering the circumstances under which you changed your name I feel Melnibone was quite apt and deadly in his choice of retort.

If after 1.05 you have still so much ill feeling towards the game then it's clear to me that your expectations and the game will never meet. Cut your losses and move on?

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I haven't time to read through this entire thread so the following is based purely on my experiences of playing the game today for a few hours with 1.05 installed.

Lots of good things seen today, such as:

1) MGs teams picking up the MG when the MG gunner became a casualty. One team even picked up another team's MG, ending up with 2!

2) Stryker's hit by RPGs protecting the crew and passengers much more even when knocked out.

3) Troops using internal doors of multi-tile buildings much more effectively.

4) Very nice dynamic lighting effects in low light conditions. I particularly enjoyed watching the tail motor of a Javelin throw a moving circle of light on the ground below as it flew towards its target.

5) Objective now work much better. I had a few test scenarios to prove objectives problems and these all work fine now.

Some problems also:

1) The low wall problem - it broke my "Kurds Attack!" scenario!

2) Tanks on berms in mission 1 of the campaign seemed to have to expose themselves more than normal to get off a shot.

3) Missing intro (minor issue).

Overall, I'm pleased with v1.05. The game is starting to capture my interest again after having been put on the back burner for a while. If the low wall problem can be fixed I think it's almost there.

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OK folks... let's knock it off. For what it's worth, I think Adam meant well. However, I do agree with Elmar that his choice of words was mixed and could easily be seen as needlessly confrontational.

For example, we have always listened to people's feedback. One of Adam's comments could be interpreted as we only started to do this just now. That's not only insulting, but it is factually incorrect. So I would recommend just sticking to identifying problems and trying to help work through them in a productive way. Whether someone thinks it is playable or not is a subjective opinion that generally doesn't help move the discussion along in a positive way.


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Well AdamL, you post an opinion, I decry that opinion. Contrary to your beliefs I most certainly do have that right. And damn me if I don't find your opinion so contrary to mine that I will exercise that right when I feel like it, until BFC ask me not to.

I was hardly telling you to leave, though do I urge you to use your best judgement on that issue and give it serious consideration. Because if after coming all the way from 1.01 to 1.05 you still think CMSF utterly unplayable and indeed not improving but going backwards then what hope is there for you that playing CMSF will every be worth it? None, I tell you. So why waste your time and mine carping here? Cutting your losses would be the sensible thing for you to do.

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You have not always listened to feedback, and that is a fact.
I've always listened, but I've not always agreed with what I've heard. That's a different thing completely. I've also not agreed with the manner in which the feedback was sometimes presented. Don't make me go quoting you.

I am trying to compliment your forthright acknowledgement of the problems that were immediately evident in 1.05, as opposed to the amount of arguing we had to go through over the exact same issues in the other patches.
I'm going to restrain my reaction and phrase this delicately: in your mind this might be the truth, but you are not remembering things clearly.

Genuine problems were not ignored nor argued with. The arguing (I would call it hurtled feces in our direction) was not over specific issues but fundamental and philosophical directions we took from a design standpoint. Even then we listened to what people had to say, but we also strongly disagreed with those who proclaimed the system "fundamentally broken" and beyond salvage. If such claims were made today they would receive the same treatment. Since you were one of the people beating that drum I am not surprised you mis-remembering events.

I'm trying to say this place is looking more productive.
Then why make comments like the game is less playable now and "unplayable"? Obviously these are highly subjective opinions and have nothing of value to add. In fact, they are a distraction from positive discussions. Take out the hubris from your post and there isn't anything wrong with it at all, so why put it in there?


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