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How important is frame rate for you guys?

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I have to ask this as I'm currently designing a mission for my campaign and I've found a really good combined arms action but there's a problem. Once the battle really gets going fps drop to single figures and sometimes quite low single figures until the action is resolved. I can reduce this lag somewhat by reducing the forces on both sides but that will spoil the battle. How many of you will play a battle that lags a bit for 20 mins or so in the middle?

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This is probably not the answer you want to hear but personally I don't like low FPS as it kills the immersion for me. Case in point: the scenario "Strength and Faith" crawls on my PC, so I've never liked it. All I play it for now is to see if FPS has improved if I install a new patch or graphics driver. In contrast, I've played scenarios such as "Paradise Road" and "Al Amarah" loads of times because they run with no noticeable slowdown.

Sorry. ;)

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Since I play most of my games in WEGO, frame rate isn't such an immersion killing issue for me.

Sorry you have a 50-50 split now!

P.S - really looking forward to your Red on Red campaign!

Edit - I suppose the missing factor here is the power of your PC and graphics card - my setup was pretty good a year ago (so now it's just middling!), so maybe I'm OK with slowdowns because I'm not really seeing them!

[ March 07, 2008, 05:05 AM: Message edited by: Zatoichi ]

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With the later patches I've hardly thought about framerate with my setup. I do tend to keep away from 'Best' graphics though. My minimum acceptable framerate seems to be just under 15 fps (about the same as a Scooby Doo cartoon). Any lower than that and i start grinding my teeth while playing.

A big framerate killer seems to be terrain elevations. If you can look at your map and delete some unnecessary elevation squares (whatever they're called) that might boost framerate a bit.

Dumb question. How are you guys keeping track of your framerate? I've got 'super-secret' Beta Tester powers but don't have a clue about how to check the officlal game for framerate.

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Hmm, some can live with it, some can't... that's what I was expecting to hear. I can live with it as long as it's no less than 5-6fps and for a short time only but I really don't like it much myself so I'll be working hard to redesign the situation to keep frames above 12fps. The main fps killers in this one seem to be burning wrecks and the arrival of reinforcements. In the first case, there is an easy solution, less vehicles.

I've played the situation several times and the arrival of reinforcements causes frames to drop by about 50% for 2-3 minutes, probably as the CPU is performing all those new LOS checks for them. This doesn't happen in all the scenarios in my campaign so perhaps it's just that, in this one, they enter the board in a location from where they actually have good LOS. I can try to work around that.

Anyway, I won't be happy with this one until it's running MOST of the time at 12fps+.

MikeyD: I use FRAPS for keeping track of frame rate.

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If you're interested, I redesigned the scenario in such a way as to avoid the frame rate drop without cutting the forces back. And the battle plays a lot better for it too. I played it twice this morning and frames never dropped into single figures for anything more than a fraction of a second.

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I find, once it gets significantly lower than 10, it becomes a pain. But if the scenario's worth it I'll persevere. Currently playing mission 7 of the Task Force Narwick campaign. At times (particularly once the field fills with smoke) the FR drops to about 5. Very jerky, but the battle is so good I can just about live with it.

On the whole, though, I want the action to be smooth and real. I've got a powerful Core 2 Duo pc, but it sometimes struggles to handle CMSF, and I'm convinced that shouldn't happen. I have zero knowledge of programming, but I feel this could be more optimally coded to take advantage of the twin processors.

I know BF tried this and found it didn't produce the desired result, but I live in hope . . .

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