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New T-72 game from devs


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Hey.. I noticed at the Crazyhouse homepage, they talk about a new game using the T-72 engine, concentrating on the middle east.. Is this going to be supported/published by Battlefront? Or is this just something that they have gone and done themselves?

For anyone interested I'll include the link for the new game, they have an awesome rendering of a Merkava.


As a side note.. another question for Battlefront.. will T-72 BOF support Mods, or offer mod help? This engine has an incredable potential, and with the amount of people out there who can produce awesome mods of some really bad games, there remains a huge after market area for this game! smile.gif

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damn it! that looks great too!

2 good tank sims in short time, isnt that what we all wanted for a long time*!?(*long time without usefull tanksims ;) )

iam looking forward to balkan on fire, and meybe this one will also be published by BFC(*hoping*).

Go BFC, Go!!! *cheerstomyfavouritepublisher*


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The new T72 title has been announced by the Crazyhouse guys some weeks ago for the Russian market but is planned only for 2006/2007 from what I have heard. At the moment we focus on release and support for BOF, and what happens after that, who knows.

Personally I am hoping more for a WW2 title after BOF. One way or another, it'll help a great deal if BOF does well ;)


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Personally I am hoping more for a WW2 title after BOF. One way or another, it'll help a great deal if BOF does well
i can understand that!

but for me, the wwii theme it to much trashed by other games! there are so many wwii games out, and manny are still comming!(i dont say that there is one good wwii tank sim right now, but anyways...)

iam verry happy about this more or less "unique" balkan scenario, and would be happy to see a desert-combat-tanksim wich isnt a USA against the "camel-jokey" forces sim.

i would be verry pleased with this anounced game...

EXPLAINATION: "camel-jokey" isnt used as a racist/stupid comment on those poor guys wich are living there...its more a "discription" of their equipment...

so dont flame me, becouse someone thinks iam a racist...or thinks i dislike those guys in general ;)

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I know I said it before, but WWII is so over done.. Besides.. Unless they got very indepth in the eastern front battles (well being a russian company anythings possible. hehe) or the desert battles, the rest seems just boring..

I'd like to see something new.. Perhaps following some of the Russian/Chinese border battles that have happened over repeatedly since the end of WWII..

Another one I like would be, perhaps, Pakistan vs India.. I know it might seem lopsided..atleast at first.. but they both do have a surprising amount of equipment, and alot of it is very up to date.

I still think Africa is an interesting possibility.. Eqypt, Libya, South Africa.. Lots of good counties, with lots of "up to date" equipment.. And desert warfare just seems like so much more fun..

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Moon posted,

“Personally I am hoping more for a WW2 title after BOF.”

I agree.

Normally, by which I mean for games in the CM scale, I am a huge fan of settings remote enough from WWII to have a completely new set of toys to play with.

However, for a tank sim I too think WWII would be the best setting. The shorter ranges would have real advantages.

Looking forward to giving BOF a go smile.gif ,

all the best,


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Originally posted by Moon:

The new T72 title has been announced by the Crazyhouse guys some weeks ago for the Russian market but is planned only for 2006/2007 from what I have heard. At the moment we focus on release and support for BOF, and what happens after that, who knows.

Personally I am hoping more for a WW2 title after BOF. One way or another, it'll help a great deal if BOF does well ;)


You know Chief Moon... There has not been a single tank simulator out there (that I know of at least) where a person can play in a t-62, 64, T-80U or T-90... you guys could corner the market in that genre and have an edge.

Not to say anything agaist the Greatest Generation... I grew up with my Dad telling me all kinds of wonderful stories about WWII... but it seems to me that the game market is saturated with WWII games nowadays. It's too bad my Dad isn't around to see it... he'd be glued to the computer screen.

Do me a favor guys... if BOF takes off (which I think it has a fair chance of doing) make at least ONE more modern Eastern Bloc tank sim before you go into a WWII frenzy... come on... just give it a try ok? No one has been able to play as the Soviets in a quality tank game. There is so much history behnd Russian tank designs that is always overlooked by western acheivement... PLEASE think about it okay? For us old Cold War Horses.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I have been waiting for a game like this all of my life. Keep the Israeli-conflict game coming! I'm so excited I will buy 2 copies just in case.

/jumping out of my shoes

Thanks Devs

P.S. PLease be the first to make a truly great Merkava mbt and M1 mbt game!!! THanks!

ALso, if you devs are reading this, ship it to the USA asap! YOU GUYS ROCK

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Don't forget guys that Moon says what is best for the company he works for. A WWII tank sim is expected (amd believed) to earn better sales profit overall (especially as they do not have to care about the box) than a tank sim set in a remote region of the world with a discutable (at least for some of us, myself not included) array of tanks.

However, this time around, I disagree with the tangent or Battlefront's line of thought regarding this particular market. Out of the numerous WWII simulations/games, a tank simulation would be drowned and eclipsed as so few have the time and money to play games of a same type simultaneously, we either buy and stick to one for some time rather than buy all the games of that type, e.g. WWII type. Furthermore, if I buy Silent Hunter III, I might now have the willingness to put my hands on another WWII simulation, why? because I need like many other gamers: variety. One would say, well one game is at sea and the other one is on/in land/air. It does not matter as in the end I am stuck with scenarios so repeatedly heard that my head hurts, aspects of tank/other vehicules warfare that has been so much decorticated that you know that you can't do anything if you come across a German Tiger with your poor Sherman. I want new stuff, ohhh, people say a T-72 does not stand a chance against a Merkava/ M1 Abrams... let's see it. If you go read on one of Crazy House's page, they explain very well the western misconceptions behind the T-72. Anyhow, my point was that Battlefront could put on the market an unique tank simulation experience that would please anyone in search of new thematics rather than have yet another WWII product dilluted by the presence of a great many WWII themes (and still incoming) out there.

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The thing about WW2 tank sims is that yes, there have been plenty of WW2 "Games" around, but the last serious tank sim of that time was Panzer Elite.

I like my games to compliment each other...for example I would love to play a combat-mission 2 scenario and then jump in a PanzerIV and go first-person on the eastern front.

Personally I think the more games you own about any given conflict, the more "complete" the experience gets.

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Originally posted by BlAin:

I want new stuff, ohhh, people say a T-72 does not stand a chance against a Merkava/ M1 Abrams... let's see it.

It doesn't if combat ranges are 2km> and combat occurs at night. However if average engagement ranges are 500-1000 meters and it's daytime the odds are pretty equal.

If you go read on one of Crazy House's page, they explain very well the western misconceptions behind the T-72.
I hope you're not referring to this

article. Because if you are : :rolleyes: . That article is so full of inaccuracies and general ignorance of the author that it's almost funny. I rather believe my own experiences as T-72M1 gunner and the official US Army combat reports from the Gulf War than that piece of fairy tales.

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Originally posted by Diesel:

It doesn't if combat ranges are 2km> and combat occurs at night. However if average engagement ranges are 500-1000 meters and it's daytime the odds are pretty equal.

If you go read on one of Crazy House's page, they explain very well the western misconceptions behind the T-72.[/qb]

I hope you're not referring to this

article. Because if you are : :rolleyes: . That article is so full of inaccuracies and general ignorance of the author that it's almost funny. I rather believe my own experiences as T-72M1 gunner and the official US Army combat reports from the Gulf War than that piece of fairy tales.

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Apparently the Soviets took a long, hard look at the engagement ranges likely in Central and Western Europe back in the 1940s and 1950s. The engagement ranges they experienced in the last year of the war were quite low on average. NATO even concluded that over 50% of the terrain afforded less than 500m LOS. The other 50% was mostly in the 1000m range and only a small portion was above that. If you've ever visited that part of the world, you wouldn't doubt the accuracy of that.

The importance of this discovery was the decision to emphasize compactness and mobility over accuracy and armament capabilities. The decision might have been a good one had the Cold War been waged in Europe. But it turned out to be fought in fairly open desert areas. As the technology gap widened, and the Cold War ended, the equipment built under this concept quickly became outclassed.

The T-72, and upgraded earlier models, are not bad tanks. They are simply outgunned and outarmored in their likely areas of operation against their likely foes. The development of air power and ATGMs certainly didn't help any. Many of you have surely seen the Redstone Arsenal live fire test of a Javelin at 2500m vs. a fully up armored T-72. Even though the roof had the reactive armor package, the tank was disintigrated. The turret flew several hundred meters in the air, before falling to the ground (barrel buried right to the mantlet IIRC). Sure, some Abrams get knocked out here and there in Iraq, but none have been scattered into indistinguishable pieces like that T-72.

And remember folks... the T-72 is one of my all time favorite tanks. If I had some money burning a hole in my pocket, one would be parked out back right now :D


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Originally posted by snakeeyes:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moon:

The new T72 title has been announced by the Crazyhouse guys some weeks ago for the Russian market but is planned only for 2006/2007 from what I have heard. At the moment we focus on release and support for BOF, and what happens after that, who knows.

Personally I am hoping more for a WW2 title after BOF. One way or another, it'll help a great deal if BOF does well ;)


You know Chief Moon... There has not been a single tank simulator out there (that I know of at least) where a person can play in a t-62, 64, T-80U or T-90... you guys could corner the market in that genre and have an edge.

Not to say anything agaist the Greatest Generation... I grew up with my Dad telling me all kinds of wonderful stories about WWII... but it seems to me that the game market is saturated with WWII games nowadays. It's too bad my Dad isn't around to see it... he'd be glued to the computer screen.

Do me a favor guys... if BOF takes off (which I think it has a fair chance of doing) make at least ONE more modern Eastern Bloc tank sim before you go into a WWII frenzy... come on... just give it a try ok? No one has been able to play as the Soviets in a quality tank game. There is so much history behnd Russian tank designs that is always overlooked by western acheivement... PLEASE think about it okay? For us old Cold War Horses.

:cool: </font>

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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

Apparently the Soviets took a long, hard look at the engagement ranges likely in Central and Western Europe back in the 1940s and 1950s. The engagement ranges they experienced in the last year of the war were quite low on average. NATO even concluded that over 50% of the terrain afforded less than 500m LOS. The other 50% was mostly in the 1000m range and only a small portion was above that. If you've ever visited that part of the world, you wouldn't doubt the accuracy of that.

One also has to remember that it was designed to face Leo 1s and M60s, not Leo 2s or M1s. In that light it's a pretty good match to its NATO counterparts.
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