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How closely will the PC game resemble the card game?

Will this game be like a computer card game so being an almost exact port of the card game or are we talking a realistic graphical interpretation of the card game but underneath this the mechanics of the game are the same?

Hmm that didnt come out as it was supposed to. Ok here goes again. Will we as the player see this game on our screens be the same as looking at the real card game. i.e cards shown on the screen, plus exactly the same rules etc.

Or is the game having a overhaul to make the most of the power of computers and show instead of cards a realistic air battle unfolding in a turn based manner with realistic plane grahics and maybe a top view zoom in/out map. And maybe more features than the original card game as far as gameplay goes. A campaign game is also I feel a must.

Its the second that I would like to see.

I still dont know if Ive got my point over!!

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I know exactly what you're saying Wodin.

I also would like to see some decent graphics and such, and what I'm picturing is an "animated board game", something to the effect of:

give orders and whatnot, hit "go", watch simplified 2D/3D graphics interpretations and get some text reports of what happened. That'd be good enough for me, as long as there's plenty of strategy and some decent detail.

Who knows, maybe they're planning for better than that.

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That's pretty close to what we have planned. Play a "Half Loop" card and watch your aircraft perform that maneuver. Score a hit with "In My Sights" or "Out of the Sun" and watch the flashes and smoke as your target takes damage.

This isn't a flight simulator (nor was it ever intended to be), but we have put together some very nice animations and sound effects to spice things up.

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Animated boardgame is exactly what I mean!

Please include a campaign game maybe two for Britian (Battle of Britiain,Battle of France maybe). Two for the germans (East Front and defence of the Reich).Two for America (Invasion and PAcific War) and one for Japan (Pacific War).

Now that would be fantastic!! Even if you just chose one for each would be damn good.

This I feel with some great sound effects some good mood music for each nation and some nice animations would make this game for me a classic.

No one elese I feel is going to make a game like this again so Im hoping this will fullfill all my gameing hopes.

Thankyou anyway for taking the time and courage (going against market forces) to develop a game like this.

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Originally posted by bartbert:

This isn't a flight simulator (nor was it ever intended to be), but we have put together some very nice animations and sound effects to spice things up.

Great news. As long as you don't have to land the plane, it'll work for me. Plus we can play the game without networking off a Cray.

Sounds like all the focus is on air-to-air tactics!

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This sounds like a lot of fun and I'm really looking forward to it! I suppose the closest comparisson you can make to this game as far as the pc goes is something like Etherlords? I know that's a pretty loose association ie fantasy game with dogfighting game, but as far as the presentation goes it may be similar ie card game presented with 3d animations? So once this is finished I'm sure the next CM game will be able to have a full 3d representation of CAS smile.gif

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Originally posted by Dan Verssen:


Thank you for remembering the WWI DIF game!

The WWI DIF design is finished and ready to go. It is being looked at as a tabletop game by a European publisher, and there is always the possibility of it appearing as a computer game also.

Too cool. There's nothing like WWI dogfighting. I've been hooked since the first time I played "Fight in the Skies" about 30 years ago. :D:D
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For a superb read about a fictional WW1 RFC squadron read this trilogy.

War Story

Hornets Sting

Goshawk Squadron

By Derek Robinson. A brilliant read excellent combat description and a dark humour which flows through the dialogue.

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Dave H:

There's nothing like WWI dogfighting. I've been hooked since the first time I played "Fight in the Skies" about 30 years ago. :D:D

Ever play Ace of Aces?



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Originally posted by Dave H:

But of course! I had the Rotary series, with the Camel versus the Fokker triplane.

I don't have the books right in front of me, but AIR the rotary series had the Fokker Eindeker. The second series had, IIRC, the SE-5 against the Fokker D-VII.

I loved it because there was no map, no counters, just the two books.
Yeah, it was cool. No set-up time required and you could play a complete game in 10 minutes or so. It was just the thing for lunch breaks.

My air-to-air tactics always seemed to result in pictures of my opponent shooting at me! :D:D:D
You would have been just the kind of opponent I would have liked, then.



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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

You would have been just the kind of opponent I would have liked, then.



Sir Horseman of the Apocalypso, you have sullied the honor of a Cheery Waffle maggot. I will take your unkind slur as the first "Down in Flames" challenge. I'll meet you in the skies over the Western Front at dawn, just as soon as the game gets finished. :Dtongue.gif :mad: :D;) :eek: :D
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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

I might just take you up on that, depending. Depending first of all on whether it will play on my Mac!

:eek: :mad:


Oh, I forgot, you use one of those cute little toy computers. Getting a game against you may take a lot longer than I thought. :D:D
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Well [sneer]Emrys[/sneer], despite the fact that I detest (hightest? high octane?) you, your smilies, and those other whiny Mac using forum ruling horseless carriages, and despite the fact (that's 2 facts now if you're counting) that I almost never post any more, I gotta say ROTFLOL.

That pic is priceless. Utterly priceless. Thanks for the laugh.


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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

That's right. Not like one of these:




Hmmm, my computer always goes directly to the blue screen of death. I do not pass Go and I do not collect $200. (That's what I get for reading Seanachai's messsage about playing Monopoly.) This is the first time I've gotten to see these default Windows settings. :D:D
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