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It' almost the 2nd quarter Hubert

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Im sure he would be more than happy to oblige you and all of us with a release date if the game was close enough for completion.

It's basically 'only'-Hubert making this game...and not an army of programmers...so try join us in the 'Patience'-Room!.

It might take a month, or two, or three longer than our longest expectation...BUT!!!,...the game will arrive...'THIS YEAR'... .

There's an old saying about PATIENCE...that someone once said to me....

"You must have lot's of PATIENCE, because you never use any-of-it!."

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Contrary to popular opinion...

Patience isn't a virtue, its a skill.

Hey Hubert, I have my hands sort of full right now, so take your time smile.gif

If you can have the game ready for next Christmas season, that will suit me smile.gif

Doubt that will make the others happy, but hmm, I don't care hehe smile.gif

Why not take the whole summer off if possible.

Relax the brain cells, and get in some side projects you might have been thinking of doing.

I bet you are fairly tired by now eh.

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Originally posted by it's Les:

If you can have the game ready for next Christmas season, that will suit me smile.gif

Ah yes...same old I don't care to wait attitude. Well that just plain old. After all we all remember the ole famous quote;

"I rather be butt****ed by a flaming homo than play sc"

wonder who said that? ;)

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Ditto that, Les.

HC take your time and make SC2 the one for the ages. Get that Intelligence/Espionage feature down = 3 months. Now don't forget that simple yet sophisticated supply model, + 3 months. A few more user friendly suggestions for the AI...ala Edwin, OK another 3 months. Let's see, that's about 9 months....Christmas...right on schedule.

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Still, right now only the really real hardcore fans are still waiting for SC2 and I think other players still playing SC1 will loose interest as time goes by without any news.

I would like to see discussions /AAR from the beta forum as I can understand( prefer) that Hubert is working on the game instead writing comments.

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Originally posted by GeneralMark:

patience young padawan

be mindful of your thoughts they betray you

if u choose the quick and easy path as vader did, u will become an agent of evil



Patience? PATIENCE? :mad: ( tongue.gif )

We had patience with Hubert for a long time. It is time to take other means to get SC2.I say: Chain Hubert to the computer! No sleep (well just the minimun 2 hours a day), no sex, no cigarettes no beer until SC2 is finished! ;)

Douglas Adams wrote that at one point his editor put him into a hotel without distraction though he finished his 2nd book on time

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  • 2 weeks later...

I saw a post at the Wargamer site in a thread for the new Gary Grigsby World at War by someone with the handle of pzgndr (I don't know if it's the same as the admin at this site) in answer to someone that brought up the soon to be released SC2. The pzgndr at Wargamer said - don't get your hope up as the game won't be out until late summer. Sorry I don't have the link to the thread and I don't purport this person to have the last word. I'm just reporting what I read.

[ March 29, 2005, 07:39 PM: Message edited by: Fubarno ]

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Well, think guys......Hubert is a very nice guy & a programmer dude. Everybody pressured him to announce stuff about SC-2, he didn't want to disappoint, so he threw out an opportunistic timeframe. You took his date as an absolute. Software isn't an absolute, stuff happens. Hopefully, some new information will come out soon. Hubert?

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Just being realistic guys. There's nothing official until something official is announced. A lot depends on how well development, playtesting and AI implementation goes. Things could happen sooner, or later. We'll all get there when we get there. smile.gif

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After really trying to get into GG World At War, and still not enjoying it at all, I'm reminded of the first time I played the demo of SC. Instantly in love!

I hope Hubert takes whatever time is needed to make SCII as much fun. I want a quality wargame, and I've waited 31 years for it, so I can wait a quite few more months...

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Ditto that fischkopf. I to am into WaW presently. Once I got my PC to run it, way underpowered, what a ram hog. Its OK so far, but not anything like what my first impression with SC was. So it will take up some time until SC2 is ready and then, most likely will get shelved. Above all, Hubert take your time for SC is truly a gem, don't cut it or reshape it too much, just some polish and of course the new setting.

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But I think that everyone trying GGWaW is very much on point. While many here likely won't like it, from a business perspective they are probably better off intentially delaying SC2 until at least late summer. Games today have a pretty short shelflife and they really don't want to release this title right behind another Grand Strategy WWII title. Even though these games are very different, a smart businessman wants people thirsting for a new title when his game hits the shelf - not evaluating another title trying to decide whather or not they really like it.

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WaW sucks, it's like axis and allies hardcore eg looks good but sucks. Guys gear up your pc and by silent hunter 3 instead...hell of a game I'll tell ya.

When sc 2 comes out we will be ze best community again. Three cheers for Kuni the magnificent!




gay equals happy.

Lets all be gay!!! And the crowd chanted;




Everyone wil quit taking WaW in the ass when sc2 gets here..and the crowd chanted;

we will go gay when sc2 gets here!

we will go gay when sc2 gets here!

we will go gay when sc2 gets here!


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Originally posted by SeaMonkey:

Ditto that fischkopf. I to am into WaW presently. Once I got my PC to run it, way underpowered, what a ram hog. Its OK so far, but not anything like what my first impression with SC was. So it will take up some time until SC2 is ready and then, most likely will get shelved. Above all, Hubert take your time for SC is truly a gem, don't cut it or reshape it too much, just some polish and of course the new setting.

Dit SeaMonkey my feelings exactly at the moment. I hope I will like it better when I start playing PBEM against humans.

RANT modus on:

Right now the system requirements are freaking me out. Come on there is no way this game shouldn´t be able to run on a 500 MHZ Pentium 2 with 128 MB Ram.It is like a freaking board game think axis and allies from the presentation.

2,6 GHZ, 512 RAM and you have to run the game in low resolution mode and there seems to be a meomory leak because the game starts to get slower and slower (let the game on your computer and walk away for an hour and you will see)

Rant modus of: Still hoping to enjoy the game only spend a few hours with it.

But please Hubert bring on SC2. At least tell us if you are already in the final beta phase smile.gif

SC1 was fun from the first click of the mouse.

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I don't really have much desire to pick up the GGWaW and the posts and reviews are confirming my decision. Maybe if there had never been a SC I might have picked up WaW, but SC scratched that itch well enough and I think I can forgo 'Axis and Allies Advanced' for now.

I know one of these days I'll check this site and there will be an announcement of the impending release of SC2. One of these days...

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