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How to destroy the United States

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Originally posted by arado234:

One other scary fact is that countries that spend lots on the military tend to use it to try and justify the spending.Lets hope this turns out to be false this time.

I thought they were using them already. :confused:
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Don't you guys get it..its not the governments, its people, we...are the governments.

The people are responsible, you and me, not anyone else. Look in the mirror, there lies the problem, stop transferring responsibility to general entities.

Its about us and it starts there. Just look at the accusations that fly around this forum about cheating from time to time. The difference of opinions, the unyielding perspectives of what is really the truth.

Oh yeah ....we are so trusting of one another....and then you expect governments to be.

What a joke!

Remember this forum is just a microcosm of the world, ....get to the root cause.....look in the mirror.

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

@exel --- Don't be bewildered, son. Just understand that the majority (the world) do not allow this procedure to take place in their heart...thus the warning to "get a clue". Ah, the mysteries...

Oh I thought the exact opposite, that the majority of the world actually claim the love of God(s) etc. If people started having a clue, maybe there would be a little less fanaticism about it.
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so what? His deathbed "conversion" doesn't contradict my sig in any way shape or form.

He said that it's better to believe in god and be wrong than not to believe and be wrong.

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Yeah, alot of people got & get headcracked over religion, money, power, etc. That's called the world. The real kingdom is not of this world.

Even people who claim "no religion" have religion. Because whatever is the most important to you, is your religion. Then they like to pin their "no religion" as the only religion, thus it's a new religion...the religion of oneself.

"For their be gods many, and lords many...but to us who know the true and living God".

"He chose poorly" --- from the movie classic, Raiders of the Lost Ark, the Last Crusade.

Yep, you have Pascal's sig & confesion correct. Neither contradict, parralell truth is no problem for the Legend to understand. Everything comes to definition of words anyhow...because it the beginning was the Word.

[ February 14, 2007, 02:46 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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The "Word" is and was written by Men. I rather endorse the "religion of oneself" than the religion of someone else.

For each a religious conviction on his own, not to be told by others what to believe and what action to take. If you truly believe in God, follow His calling, not the words of other men.

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

it comes down to belief, and it seems you do not.

True, but I have no problem with people believing in God or by whatever name they choose to call their Deity. The only thing I don't understand is why one should believe in what other men tell them to believe let alone act upon what others tell them is the "Will of God". If you truly believe in God, why do you need a Priest to tell you how to believe?

The reason why I have my gripes about (organized) religion is that I don't think there have ever been so many atrocities committed by any other cause than in the name of God.

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Belief or not, what I despise about religious organizations and many religious people is that they wish to IMPOSE their beliefs on others.

Gay marriages should be banned they say... because their religion says so, who gave you the right to impose your views? You don't agree, just don't participate in supporting it, but don't try an IMPOSE it by lobbying for laws against it.

That's why you have wars, religious people trying to impose their views on others.

The basic principle to preach your religion and if you have takers, then good for you, but if not, move along and respect others... people forget alot about those fundamental teachings.

Keep you religions to yourself, in your homes and your churches and that's it.

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A world without religion would be a true blessing ;)

Been raised as a good Christian here, but over time when i got older i realized it's just a bunch of BS rituals to keep people in line with others.

I'll just have faith in myself and my friends, that's more then enough for me ;)

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@Exel --- Priesthood was done away with, obviously you're pointing the finger at the wrong group.

@Blashy --- Your religion is whatever you deem as true. Why should I trust your non-belief, which is a belief?

@n0kn0k --- Being raised something is totally different than believing smile.gif

Okay, back to the subject...which was "how to destory the US". Speaking on military terms & temporal, I find it very interesting how a country of 300,000,000 with only a 200+ year history is calling the shots. During WW-2, we had the huge advantage of the Pacific & Atlantic Oceans protecting us. At the same time, it also made for a nightmare for getting involved. The transportation network alone was an amazing feat!

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Yes USA is young but the people who migrated there were 99% from old Europe.

And they found a VAST land that had tons of resources and after eliminating the indigenous people they were free to use these resources without competition (unlike Europe).

And throughout history any country who has sought to undermine other countries or the people of those countries for their own personal benefit (well for a very SMALL minority) via supporting dictatorships, totalitarian regimes, despots have always crumbled. You can push people are ... but everyone has their limit. The Greeks, Romans, The Vatican, The Ottoman, The British, The French, The Germans and the Japanese have all experienced this failure and now USA is slowly starting to experience it...

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@Blashy ---

-The 99% forsake Europe, it sucked, & were baptized by the Atlantic Ocean trip smile.gif

-The indigenous people sold their land, (see Manhatten land deal). They had lots of competition between themselves & butchered each other just like European vs European did/does. smile.gif

-If you're so concerned about social justice, why don't you give your house back to the indigenous people you so dearly speak of. Then get in a boat, and sail back to wherever your ancestors are from. smile.gif

Somebody rack me >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OUT

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Originally posted by Blashy:

Belief or not, what I despise about religious organizations and many religious people is that they wish to IMPOSE their beliefs on others.

Gay marriages should be banned they say... because their religion says so, who gave you the right to impose your views? You don't agree, just don't participate in supporting it, but don't try an IMPOSE it by lobbying for laws against it.

Keep you religions to yourself, in your homes and your churches and that's it.

Sorry, but gay people try to impose their view of the world as well, and of course they are lobbying for laws, too.

They have their own "religion", and i would be happy if they would keep it in their houses and clubs as well.

After all, i don't see any differences. Sorry.

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AFASIK laws permitting gay behaviour do not force you to participate in it.

that's a fairly major difference between them as a lobby group and most religons.

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Asking for laws that treat them equally is NOT imposing ANYTHING on you. You don't have to go out and participate in anything they do.

NONE of the laws gays want to have has ANY imposition on anyone, not even gays.

While if say for example the Christian movement was in power of the law in USA and Canada, well condoms would be banned, abortions and the list could go on for 100s of pages on laws they would create that would IMPOSE certain behavior on people who would not believe in those values.

It used to be like that and people progressively through out the church from government. If you want to see what USA or Canada would look like with religion getting their say in what is law and not... just look at the middle east, some of those countries that are ruled by religion have some of the most oppressive laws in the world as well as a terrible human rights record. If you think you can't compare... just listen to the Christian coalition and what not in USA... it would be the same damn thing.

JJvR... my point was that the people who came over had experience, USA did not start with nothing, just like Canada. And the indigenous were for the most part killed and those that did sell their land were virtually robbed, those sales were jokes.

FYI, I'm not saying we should give them anything back, that was 100s of years ago and it is sad it happened but I find it stupid that to this day we still accept their constant nagging for money.

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@Blashy --- Calling & comparing "America" the same as the "Middle East", is laughable. We have more freedoms then we know what to do with. We're not "under the law", but something better.

NEXT TIME YOU GOTO A HOSPITAL, check the name of the founders on the side...you'll see stuff like St. Vincents, St. Luke's Memorial, Children's Baptist, North Methodist Emergency Center...go visit the Red Cross, Salvation Army, Rescue Missions, all the volunteers at Katrina, food passers, schools, NAME IT!!!

Go visit all the colleges that were formed in this country, see the basis. Read our constitution, laws, and justice system. Read about our Civil Rights, Religious Rights, etc.

Get off your computer & quit thinking about your favorite sin, or defending some other sin...and actually sitdown, meet some new people, friends...fellowship & enjoy the love.

Yeah, were not going to help fuel problems by passing out condoms, syringes, & welfare checks. Instead, we promote marraige, health, & work.

And before dinner, they all said,"Grace",


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JJR - yuo have got to be kidding using the Manhattan purchase to show that Amerinds willingly sold all their land??!

How about a few treaties with the US broken? Wounded Knee, The Indian Removal Act, the Trail of Tears or any one of many other brutal actions by the USA against the Indians?

Sure Indian fought each other - so what?? when was it that Christian morality said that 2 wrongs made a right?

Truly you do not know your own history, and are bound to repeat it!

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