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Maybe a Pacific Front scenario???

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I love the way SC2 is shaping up. We have the core game, heavily patched and with a global addition. We have WaW and a global war addon coming for that, and possibly a pacific-only scenario and now the PDE expansion.

Until SC3 comes out, and maybe even after that if it's a different engine/time period, this SC2 mega-package should keep us busy for a long time.

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At the risk of sounding like something of a "broken record" (or a "scratched CD" to put it into more modern terms) by repeating myself so often, I would certainly be in favor of a "Global War" expansion pack. To do it up right would require more than what could reasonably be done in a patch. It would need to include expanded naval rules, expanded invasion rules, and other appropriate rules changes, as well as new units, new unit upgrades, and many more diplomatic options. There are many possibilities for new operational scenerios that could be included. Among them are Guadalcanal, Midway, the Coral Sea, New Guinea, China, the Philipines, Burma, Southeast Asia, Leyte Gulf, and hypothetical invasions of Japan, Hawaii, Australia, India, or even the United States. I know that I'd be glad to pay for such an expansion package, and I suspect that others might also.

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"...There are many possibilities for new operational scenerios that could be included. Among them are Guadalcanal, Midway, the Coral Sea, New Guinea, China, the Philipines, Burma, Southeast Asia, Leyte Gulf, and hypothetical invasions of Japan, Hawaii, Australia, India, or even the United States..."

You're right Jeff, that's about a year worth of scenario designing and play balancing :)

Would love to see some scenarios too.

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Guadalcanal is one scenario I have in the very early stages of development. At the moment I am a little busy in certain other areas of the SC universe ;) but I would like to develop my ideas in the future.

I also have a very, very early full pacific theatre in development. To be honest, however, some of the ideas I have are probably going to be too complicated for me to develop any time soon (hence my change in direction towards other projects).

My Star Trek mod will take precedence once the PDE project has been concluded. After that I am not certain what direction I will head in.

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Jeff: If you check out the scenario design challenge thread, you will see some ideas for how to handle naval/air warfare, invasions, etc. and feel free to add any of your own!

For a Pacific mod, there definitely needs to be some fundamental design additions/changes to make it feel right. I'm sure there's a lot that could be added, but hopefully if HC and team are adding new features for a Pacific mod they address the core ones (Primarily, expanded naval/air rules and invasion rules).

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Surely, HC has to change the carriers that aren't too strong at now.

I should change the matter introducing a new unit, the Carrier Airplanes detached from the carrier (so it shall become two units).

The airplanes for the offense that can have cheaper replacements and the carrier base to develop for his defence (maybe with a new anti-air technology, for the grounded anti-air units too).

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Funks: great idea!!

would be nice to Post this Carrier-Plane Idea into the Scenario design Challenge Tread!

i even would forward the idea that up to 2 Planes

can simply "hop" on the Carrier which behaves like moving a Supply = 50% City. But how about HQ boost?

what about if the Carrier is sunk by 2 lucky Sub's? would be not so funny to see gone 3 (!) decisive Units even if it was realistic historically (midway...)

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Original Quote by 'Hubert Cater!.' "Hmmm.. a Pacific Expansion for SC2 you say? We'll just have to see if we can put something like that together if there is enough demand"
Fantastish!!! ..."""I'm DEMANDING this game!!!."""

We have "FOREVER!!!" been wanting a 'WAR IN THE PACIFIC THEATRE' Campaign!.

Whatever you & the team can come up with within a reasonable time frame will just be 'Fantastic!'. Later-On...Full-Scale-Sea-Battle's...Carrier's & all...& Full-Blown Invasion Battles on Fortified Japanese held Island's with raging sea battle's taking place off shore, as well as contributing by Naval-Forces to the Island invasion effort would be a 'Blast!'.

Depending on how the game goes,... 'The FINALE' could result in an invasion of the Island of Japan or conversely...a full-scale-accelerated-assault on San-Diego & San-Francisco!. "What-Think-Ye-All???".

You have the talent 'Hubert' as well as your 'Band of Elves',...not withstanding "US!!! Malingering GROGNARD'S ."...who are at the ready to assist helping out however we can!.

Napoleone had a 'Core' of 'Veterans' who were never-happy, they were alway's complaining,...hence the term...GRUMBLER'S or GROGNARD'S!. He never discounted their ability to contribute their best effort's in his greatest time of need!,...they were mostly the member's of the 'IMPERIALE GUARDE!'

[ March 01, 2008, 10:55 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]

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I would hazard a guess GG WitP = Gary Grigby's War in the Pacific. Gary Grigby is one of semi-legendary game designers that has been putting out wargames on computer since then inception of home computers. Other names that pop to my head are Norm Kroger and John Tiller. There are more, I just need to think......

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I've always been lured to try WitP. I'll visit the forums once in awhile, read some AAR's, look at some screenies and get excited to buy it...then I don't.

I feel like that's a game I'll tackle when I retire. Big reason I stick to SC2, I feel like I can accomplish a lot in a short(er) period of time.

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Better yet...well potentially.

Check out navalwarfare.org. NWS update on "Supremacy at Sea". This may be "the game", from the tactical to the strategic level.

The presentation is very professional, check the two pdf files, one a demo run AAR, the other highlighting the game features.

Very impressive.

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