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Historically correct flag usage for minor countries?

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I have noticed in the other games I've played that the flags of some minor countries are not the ones that were used in WWII. The developers tend to use the the modern flags of these countries instead of the ones that were actually used. I don't know if SC2 already has finished making the flags yet or if they would be willing to change some flags. But heres a sugestion for some of the minor countries and thier historically correct flags.











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I understand that the Swastika is an illegal symbol within the European Union and this manifests itself subtly in that if you buy a model kit of say a WWII Luftwaffe aircraft you have to go to order in the Swastika decal for the tail from decal makers out with EU. Its really annoying with the Kreigsmarine flag cos at 1:350 scale it is awful hard to mark in the offending symbol in the little white blank in middle of the flag they give you!

I'm way off track for SC2 cant wait to get my paws on it!



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Originally posted by reiver:

I understand that the Swastika is an illegal symbol within the European Union --

No, it is not. It is only illegal in Germany and some other countries (France?) that still find the subject too sensitive to be discussed about or presented in any way. Swastika has never been illegal in the Nordic countries for example. And let's not forget that the Nazi swastika isn't the only swastika in existence, yet the German law bans all of them (talk about overreaction?).
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Exel, that's not correct. It's absolutely ok to display the various Nazi symbols, as long as they are used in a meaningful historical context. Of course history movies or books and the like do not have to be censored.

The law to ban Nazi symbols only applies to usage which could be understood as glorification of such symbols, or when its use would be "for mere fun". Unfortunately (for us historical wargamers), games as a whole are classified in the latter category, and the historical context is not recognized by German law.


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Originally posted by Exel:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by reiver:

I understand that the Swastika is an illegal symbol within the European Union --

Swastika has never been illegal in the Nordic countries for example. </font>
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Originally posted by Kuniworth:

Yes it is illegal in Sweden.

No, not the way it is in Germany. There's no ban for using it in historical context, ie. in movies, games and so forth. Of course the use of any Nazi symbology in any incriminating or racist manner is forbidden, but swastikas themselves are not banned.
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Originally posted by Exel:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Kuniworth:

Yes it is illegal in Sweden.

No, not the way it is in Germany. There's no ban for using it in historical context, ie. in movies, games and so forth. Of course the use of any Nazi symbology in any incriminating or racist manner is forbidden, but swastikas themselves are not banned. </font>
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Exel / Kuniworth

Thanks for the clarification. All I knew was that I used to be able to buy aircraft kits with historically correct decals but since the 80's every kit I have purchased omits the Swastika - anyway I purchased sheets of them from a Polish Company.

On another note the PC Game Medal of Honour doesnt have any but Return To Castle Wolfenstien is full of them!

Political Correctness!!


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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

Is it true it's against the Law for Euros to watch Hogan's Heroes?

Don't generalize everything the Germans do to the whole Europe. Haven't seen the movie, but if it explicitly features Nazi swastikas then it has a good chance of being illegal in Germany. :rolleyes: Don't know how the Germans have coped with some of the episodes in Band of Brothers.
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The Swastika is definitely NOT illegal in the UK. And I understand that it is also not illegal in Italy and Spain. I do know that France, Germany and Austria have banned it, but I'm unsure about other EU nations.

I still think the swastika should be there. It was Germany's flag between 1933 and 1945 so it is a historica symbol, and only a touchy fool could take offence at such a symbol. Why not ban the hammer and sickle? After all, Communism claimed millions of lives more than Nazism. Usual double standards......

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Originally posted by marklavar:

I still think the swastika should be there. It was Germany's flag between 1933 and 1945 so it is a historica symbol, and only a touchy fool could take offence at such a symbol. Why not ban the hammer and sickle? After all, Communism claimed millions of lives more than Nazism. Usual double standards......

You took the words out of my mouth, comrade. But it's the usual, victors write history, and no one wants to create "unnecessary" tension with another superpower. I guess Germans are touchy fools when it comes to their 1933-1945 history - and while it is understandable to a point, I really can never understand the ban of historical facts, be it a symbol or an actual event. The ban of all swastikas, even in a historical context, is a clear overreaction. What good does it make to anyone if we try to tone down or forget history? After all, that's what the ban is all about, whether their law-makers have intented it or not. But hey, it's not like we can change that sillyness here.
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All that some of the last few posts have shown, is that future generations forget what the symbol represents.

Consider Jane Fonda and what she means to Vietnam veterans.

Thats nothing compared to what the swastika means to the world in general. So while banning the symbol doesn't undo the wrongs, it does give some comfort to the victims.

Anyway, this is way off topic and there are other places where discussions like this can be conducted.

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Originally posted by Shaka of Carthage:

All that some of the last few posts have shown, is that future generations forget what the symbol represents.

No, it is exactly the contrary. Future generations accept history, with the goods and the bads, and don't try to tone down certain unpleasant facts. No one has denied the symbology of the Nazi swastika, but neither should anyone deny that it was there, it did exist, and the Third Reich did use it as their flag. The attrocities wont come undone by wiping the history. If we ban the flag, why not ban the word "nazi" and "fascism" as well? In fact, why not ban all the historical writing from the years 1933-45 and just pretend nothing ever happened?

And do not forget that the German/French ban of swastika does not only include the Nazi swastika, but every other swastika in the existence. They consider the Finnish von Rosen cross just as illegal as the symbol of the NSDAP. There is no excuse for that, other than overreaction and hypocricy.

Also, look at games like HoI. The game is allowed to portray the Nazi government to every detail, and practically places the player (if he chooses to play Germany) on the place of Adolf Hitler, giving him the power to name Göbbels and Hess into the government, and with Soviet Union, player may personally decide about Stalin's paranoid "purges", but at the same time the game is not allowed to show historically correct flags for Germany or Japan. Doh.

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