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Random tech: off!

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I wonder if someone proposed that before as I think it is a very obvious option. So, never mind if it has already been discussed thoroughly before...

What would you think about being able to turn off the Randomness before starting a game just like we can turn the FOW off? As it is right now, it is mathematically possible, altough very very very improbable, to get Level 3 infantry tech at the end of turn 2 for Germany or stay at Level 1 until 1945. It is sometime frustrating to see an opponent get very lucky while you are not at all. What if the percentage of chance of getting a tech would accumulate each turn and a new level of tech achieved only when a total of 100 points is reached? As an example, to reach level 1 when the ennemy has level 0 in that tech and no intel tech involved, if you have 5 chits invested, you now have 25% chance (5*5%) to get that tech per turn whereas, with the "Random Off" option chosen, you would get it for sure at the end of the fourth turn and not before.

Now, with the Intel tech that affects this percentage, I would argue that it would be better to keep hidden the accumulated % points as you could guess this way which Intel level your opponent has.

This system could also be applied to diplomacy but my guess is that it would render diplomacy useless or very boring as your opponent could count the turns between succesful diplo and accurately guess how many chits you invested and upon which country and invest the appropriate counter chits. But maybe this could also be an option and be called "Random Diplo"...

The +1 or -1 damage taken or received during attacks adds a little variability that, over a very long term, cancel themselves out as battles are so frequent. I think it would not be a good idea to remove them...

With "Random tech" option proposed, I already see a lot of people say that randomness adds a lot to the game and I might be thinking the same... But, having this option could prevent some experienced frustation and provide confidence to people thinking they are being cheated upon playing PBEMs because of frequent reloading to achieve techs earlier. In any case, it would be an option for anybody who likes it to be used... or not.

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Its not total luck and randomness. Its a system of calculated risk taking.

You have to be ready to respond to your opponent's moves while still following your own.

IMO most of you are too aggressive and don't play with your cards held tightly to your chest. ;)

Being patient, motivated and conservative seems to lead to more SC success. smile.gif

But I could be wrong! tongue.gif

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I also like randomness. Yea, frustrating sometimes, but in the long run it averages out. And like a good poker player, a better SC player will win most games, but luck gives a less experienced player a occasional shots in the arm with a good string of luck.


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Not a bad feature to ask for, but I agree with the majority. Randomness and how you react to or overcome events isa part of war. All great wars had some random event that plays havoc with even the best laid plans. Othwerwise in the words of Normal Dude, "miseweel play with a calculator"..lol... :>

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I'd love a non-random tech progression. Especially as an option so that everybody could be satisfied. As it is it's the biggest gameflaw for me. It's illogical and ahistorical and break the balance. Somehow almost every other game of this type has non random tech progression and it works. The player should be awarded for good decisions not for being lucky.

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I was well aware before posting this topic that many of you people would post in this thread how much you love randomness. Hence, I said myself that I like randomness. The Random Off proposition should be seen only as an option, just like the FOW, which is classically turned off. IMO, it should only be seen as a nice add-on for very frustrated unlucky players :( or PBEM fans wondering if they are playing against a reloader :mad: .

Blashy (mon compatriote Québécois), I don't think your limitation of chits per tech does make your research progression more linear, it just makes it longer. If it was to be linear, you would reach level 0.1 infantry tech after turn 1, level 0.2 on turn 2 etc...

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