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New AAR with default settings.

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Ok this is a new AAR with the default settings.

Production queue is ON.

Softbuild limits is ON.

Consumable chits is ON.

I'm not going to go into alot of details, I don't have much time on my hand today so I played turns took 13 screenshots and will to small AAR to each one.


The game begins. Notice the units have nothing under their "feet", no circles. One of three options.


On the eastern front, Germany moves their plane forward to spot the position of the French military.


Germany upgrades a corps to level 1 tech in all 3 categories.


Poland is taken in 2 turns, German units have already been op'd to the East, not enough Polish units left and they will surrender, the extra plunder from these units left in the battle will help. 201 MPPs plundered.


Benelux was taken the round before, 57mpps.

The french had to pull back from the maginot as the Axis were going to come in from Benelux.


The Allies make a blockade from UK to Norway. The small sprites in the water indicate storms.


Paris is surrounded, De Gaule managed to entrench his tanks in the capital, the Germans are in for a fight. It takes 3 turns to take Paris and the french surrender, 435mpps pundered.


Denmark is attacked by paratroopers. What you see is the plane leaving the city to the south and landing in front of Denmakr, it killed the corps (STR 3) and Denmark was taken the next turn 64mpps.


[ November 10, 2005, 10:45 AM: Message edited by: Blashy ]

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The battle for Malta will begin and it also offers protection to Axis units being sent to Africa.


Axis units have formed up around Tobruk, after over 6 turns Malta still resists, trying their best to disrupt Axis supplies to Africa (10% chance each turn). They stay put keeping the Axis airfleets busy and out of Africa.


Germany goes into diplomacy to bring Sweden onboard, Sweden increases from its starting 20% to 28%.


Axis move in for Alexandria, attacking one army.


Both Tanks attack, as you can see from this pic, the tank can move back AFTER attacking, the corps above it took its spot and destroyed the UK Army.


Due to some Australia and New Zealan units arriving for support a British counter attack manages to damage an Axis tank group pretty hard with support from the UK Navy.


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The Malta effect kicks in and the supply to Africa for Axis is disrupted.

Look at the Axis port, it was reduced from 5 to 1mpp. Can this help out the UK in Egypt?


Oct-20th 1940 ... stalemate.

Due to a reduction in supply for the Axis, they can't press the attack hard. The tank at 2 can only be reinforced to 7.

UK manages a very insignificant counter attack but is surprised by the Axis air support, which brings the carrier down to STR3 and the AF to STR4.


Italy is running low on manpower.

As you can see, Italy can no longer purchase a Corps or Army at no penalty. Another corps would now cost 120mpps, the next one 144 and so on. They save up for a tank unit to be place on Rome.


A few turns after the start of the stalemate. The German AFs finished of the Carrier, while the rest of the UK Navy is in Hiding. The Italian navy has to go back for resupplying and can't press on.

A tank unit moves in to attack a UK Corp inflicting a severe 0-4 after it was bombarded by an Italian battleship.

The Germans are still short in supply and can't re-inforce any of their units.


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Winter of 41.

Progress is being made in Africa by the Axis but much too slow for their own good.


A big jump for Sweden joining Axis, +30% (there is a 5% chance of getting a 20-30%? boost AFTER you get a succesfull hit)

NOTE: Sweden is now at 77%


An allied counter attack has limited success, it will simply slow down the advance, but plans for evacuation are being implemented.


April 1940.

The allies lost a corps the turn before, again they try a counter attack, once again failing to kill off a unit.

UK Corps arrived from the around the cape, landing on Alexandria.

The turn after this one, another UK corps died.


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A pro Axis coup in Iraq and A pro Allied coup in Yugoslavia.

As you can see, they did not join the allies, but their join % jump by a huge margin. If you wish for them to join, diplomacy. Works out well. UK has invested in Yugoslavia, knowing these partisans can be a hassle to the Axis.


This is a complete game screenshot, I only put the url because it is so big. Look at the mini screen at the bottom and it shows you what part is on display.


A counter attack by the UK kills off another elite corps. But the panzers and the AFs are proving too much firepower for the Brits.


This screenshot shows in highlight what units that plane can reach and which units it can protect through intercepts.


Egypt is abandonded by the Allie, better to save these troops for another battle, they fought well, a hard fought battle for the Axis, these troops will never make it to barbarossa on time.


Sweden joins the Axis, what you see is all their units. You can bet that Norway is about to fall under Axis control.


USSR joins the Axis ONE turn before the Axis are somewhat prepared for barbarossa, they are missing 2 panzers who are in Africa. "It was done on purpose" I want to see what a no surprise attack by the Axis can do.

Again, this is a link, you will see a full map screenshot.


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All troops evacute Egypt, they leave one damaged cruiser next to the 2 arrows to block access to the Allies.


The outcome of a huge battle in the Altantic.

The Germans came out the winners, the UK fleet is far from sunk, but they are in severe need of repairs. While the Germans only lost one sub. The Allied blockade did its job, but so long at see and supply dwindles, the German navy came out in full supply.




The initial attack by the Axis, 2 turns later, it seems they are unstoppable and the Russians have no forces on the field. This is Sept 41, fall and winter, a bad omen for the Germans?

A link, the file is big.


With that said, the Russians are slaving away building forces, mean ones at that. They are hoping to have a heavy armored wall of destruction.

NOTE: You can add 4 more corps to that queue. I bought 4 more the next turn. They've used up all the tanks they could buy.


This is just 2-3 turns later, notice I have not moved much... MUD! Everything is reduced to half movement. The Russians get a breather.


Escort duty, the 2 corps and O'Connor HQ are being escorted to England.


From November 4th 1941, 2 months and only 1 city has been taken, although 1 Army and 1 Corps for Russia have been destroyed. But time is of the essence.


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JJR did you not keep reading, look at where my Germans are in Russia because of being held up so long in Africa and Malta.

Remember the Germans were stopped in Africa because Hitler denied extra troops to be sent. Well I'm no Hitler and I sent the needed firepower. I was going to send the 3rd German AF and Italian AF but I wanted to showcase how difficult Malta is to take if you don't use massive airpower. (And I used Rundstedt, not Rommel).

The Russians have 6 level 2 tanks coming up with 6 level 1 infantry weapons corps.

IMHO, I think the Germans are going to loose this one.

- The tiles are not at all confusing, much better than hex.

- Unbiased opinion: At first I had a few issues with some of the default settings. Now I feel this the best way the game should be played.

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