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SC2 v1.05a Complete World Szenario rdy!

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Moonslayer, well apparently I don't know my WW II history but thanks for the correction smile.gif

Powergmbh, I'll send you those sprites and I think you should scale down the units like Blashy recommended. Scale wise it makes sense, and it will help with the speed of the AI.

Are you planning on writing AI scripts?

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Frost: well i did'nt plan any AI Skripts, i first try to perfectionize the normal map, also checking distances between the cities for Airborn Units and so on.

I am also for the moment looking for some good pictures of the A6M0 Zero Fighter, for the Bitmaps, as i am not sooo 100% glad of the ones sent to me, they should be perfectionized, as they are a littler rough as says moonslayer.

Well we could work togehter in the way one tries to perfectionize the Army / Tank Units and the other one concentrate on Air Units.

I for my Part am on the map in first Instance, would be also happy of some ideas for the Phillipines mapping, as i have been told Phillipines Field in the south is out of supply and moving impossible. maybe Putting the harbour south? or 2 Harbours?

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I like this so far, I find the Pacific Interesting, but I am not far enough to see how island warfare works out in this limited sense.

Italy seemed to have a lot of luck against the British early on and also tied down a LOT of British troops in East Africa.

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Having fun but the AI does not work so well (not that the original game has any AI to speak of.)

For one: Russia has major problems, they automatically attack the Japanese in Asia with like 3 Armies, a Tank Group, and an HQ. They continue to attack EVEN when Russia itself is collapsing and Moscow is captured. China has a similar plan apparently, attacking and attacking even when they should just stay put.

Pearl Harbor... well... doesn't work. I lost 3-4 points on each carrier just to sink 1 Battleship. Very unhistorical, you are actually better off just saving your carrier force and attacking the Americans if they attack you first. Any attack on a port in this game is useless and stupidly so.

British AI sends a lot of forces to east Africa, something like 1 armor, 1 army, 1 corps and an AF. However, they never send they right amount needed to actually WIN and never try an amphip attack or anything like that, they just send men in, take losses, and retreat to do it again. Pretty much worthless waste of MPP and it never learns to change tactics or abandon the operation or ANYTHING like that.

The U.S. seems disinterested in the war even after joining. They did not send Air Forces to England (atleast not within the first year) and this left England at my mercy as I literally bombed every resource to zero and knocked out the convoys. It also never seemed to sortie it's Pacific Fleet.

Overall a good mod, some balance issues prehaps. It seems to me most of the problems are with Russia, it was like nothing to defeat them even though they should have had the force to hold me off.

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Excellent mod - very good work and much appreciated.

Night's criticism's regarding the AI play are all valid, but I was pleasantly surprised that the game even worked at all against the AI.

Obviously a human can beat the AI as either Axis or Allies, but that is to be expected.

Looking forward to trying this PBEM

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I have played this scenario through several times as Axis -- have yet to try Allied side against AI. Echo Night's comments on AI's refusal to use USSR or USA MPP's to good effect. Also the Eastern British Commonwealth won't join the Allies unless DOWed. Surely we should see Australia and NZ in from the outset -- although Aussie units show up in Egypt.

The map work is superb. This scenario is a great one, and hopefully will be updated with release of WaW. It has some very clever features but needs some scripting to make AI more effective

Question. Why do the cities of Urmuchi (19,25) and Kashgar (253,20) have ports on small lakes? Was the intent to have a naval loop between the two?

Another question. The cities of Kunming (19,25) and J'enan (23,22) are in China, but all of the surrounding territory is Manchuria. How is that supposed to work?

Congrats to powergmbh !!

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I enjoyed the game, but found the Map-Scale not large enough for my liking in an effort of this magnitude!.

However, my 'Real-Beef' is the demarcation line selected to divide the German/Italian and Japanese sphere's of operation/control!.

For example!,...the Japanese take all of 'China' from their side of the Map, then at last,...the Germans finally take 'Kashgar'[This is NOT even the Chinese CAPITAL] and then instantly control 'All Of China???'. This is not-a-good-thing!,...so the demarcation lines between the two spheres of influence should be fined tuned a bit more.


Ohhh!...one final note...what if the North-American & South-American Continents were removed to make more room for Europe & Asia!,...would this not be a consideration to make game playability more enhanced?.

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Some Information for the "World in Flames 39" Scenario.

I am really surprised that anyone even tried to play this against AI, as i have done not any AI Skript or any AI plannings.

This scenario is a Human vs Human for the moment.

To Retributar: In a normal Scenario against human an Axis advance against Kasaghar may be as difficult as take US-Denver. The City on the Western side is just to prevent China from really surrender.

To Gorgin:

For British ( and only British ) troops there is a loop possible from Kashagar to Urmuchi. This shall represent the "Burma Street" as its not possibleto put it in Burma.

The Cities Kunming and Jenan are sourroundet by Mandschuria Territory, as this is the only possibility to create "Rebels" within the Chinese Territory, as history tells that in CHina was something like a Civil War between Tschiang Kai Tschek and Mao Tse Tung .

For a better form of representing Rebels (Civil War Aspects) would be pleased to hear from you.

For South America: i think the role of brasil as this of Venezuela are almost important, as these normally should be gained by USA diplomatically for better MPP.

So all please Keep in Mind: THIS IS STILL NOT AI Game. only realisitc for Human Vs Human.

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