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no flaming, personal attacks, or harrassments

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[i have posted this on the general thread as well. I meant to do that and after I posted realized I was still in the SC2 forum]

Given how many of the threads collapse into questionable postings and banter that may fall into the heading of this thread; and even realizing that this one probably will too, I thought it might be interesting to hear some comments as to reasons you feel this occurs.

So to start off, some possible reasons:

1) The "hidden identity" of forum users allows us to escape responsibility or penalty for our remarks.

2) Likewise we are "bolder" when we aren't face to face. I assume (and hope) that many of the posts would never be said in a personal contact situation.

3) The immaturity and/or uncaring nature of some participants.

4) The "vicious circle" or need for retaliation. (If we feel insulted, we strike back - and on it goes)

But again, why do some posters feel they can make fun of ethnic background, sexual preference, women, religion or whatever?

Any thoughts? Those of you who do so in particular, we would love to hear form you and your believed justifications beyond "It's just fun."

I will post this on the general thread as well. In fact I meant to do that and after I posted realized I was in the SC2 forum.

[ February 11, 2006, 09:23 AM: Message edited by: Yogi ]

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the reason i can think is the realiation is controlled ooohh no someone sweared at me, big deal. now if its face to face and i say something you dont like if your stronger you beat me up not much of a discussion or if im stronger you get your friends so people mind what they say and dont tell the true though in their head.

Also some jsut do it for fun to start and arguement.

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I think the fact that there isn't much to discuss about Strategic Command or SC2 at the moment is a big factor.

When the game comes out, I bet there will be a lot of active discussions about cool things, problems, strategies, PBEM leagues and whatnot.

It's just that there's a lull right now, and folks want to have something to do in here.

The saying "idle hands are the Devil's workshop," is true.


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This is just an untested hypothesis of mine, but I'd bet that flaming and typos correlate quite high in any given forum.

When one invests some time to write a post (and to check for typos) he's probably gonna start to think about his reasoning and formulation. And that's a good thing!

After all a "bugger off" in a face to face conversation isnt't as bad as if you'd read it in a newspaper. You'll have the chance to reply immediatly, plus the support of mimic, gestic and intonation to allow for a proper interpretation. And it's usually just between 2 people. When you feel attacked by someone it may be all cleared of a few seconds later and no one will know but you two.

In a forum it's different. First of all there is ample opportunity for misunderstandings. And stuff that you write is gonna stay for quite a while. And finally it's there for everybody to read. Well, none of this is a grand new insight but basically "netiquette" essentials.

I don't want this forum to be all pc. I love it for the bantering and sillyness. Some posts have me laughing out loud at times.

But please take your time when you post - to check for typos and for that thin red line that you just may have crossed.

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How about "no self-righteous newbies cross posting the same damn thing as in the GF"?

Who went and appointed you forum cop? Don't you think it is a bit smug of you to assume that Madmatt, Moon, etc. can't handle things all by themselves?

If you truly feel that some particular poster's behavior has been out of line, drop a note to the existing (and quite capable) moderators, and let them handle it.

Quite frankly, I find your "Miss Manners" indignation to be more distasteful than the occasional bickering that occurs.

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Originally posted by Yogi:

[i have posted this on the general thread as well. I meant to do that and after I posted realized I was still in the SC2 forum]

Given how many of the threads collapse into questionable postings and banter that may fall into the heading of this thread; and even realizing that this one probably will too, I thought it might be interesting to hear some comments as to reasons you feel this occurs.

So to start off, some possible reasons:

1) The "hidden identity" of forum users allows us to escape responsibility or penalty for our remarks.

2) Likewise we are "bolder" when we aren't face to face. I assume (and hope) that many of the posts would never be said in a personal contact situation.

3) The immaturity and/or uncaring nature of some participants.

4) The "vicious circle" or need for retaliation. (If we feel insulted, we strike back - and on it goes)

But again, why do some posters feel they can make fun of ethnic background, sexual preference, women, religion or whatever?

Any thoughts? Those of you who do so in particular, we would love to hear form you and your believed justifications beyond "It's just fun."

I will post this on the general thread as well. In fact I meant to do that and after I posted realized I was in the SC2 forum.

dude you an alien or something? This was a really stupid thread. Post something valuable about the game instead of crap like this. I have yet to see you post something of value here.
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dude you an alien or something? This was a really stupid thread. Post something valuable about the game instead of crap like this. I have yet to see you post something of value here.

Hmmmm...I'm not sure Kuni but I think this is an example of what Hubert is talking about! :D
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Originally posted by Kuni: dude you an alien or something? This was a really stupid thread. Post something valuable about the game instead of crap like this. I have yet to see you post something of value here.

Well Kuni, I guess value is in the eye of the beholder. Interesting that it appears you may have read Huberts posting (copy below) before you made the above post.

Hubert Cater


Member # 7567

posted February 13, 2006 01:07 AM


I think Yogi has hit the nail on the head for some of the reasons why threads seem to quickly get out of hand and into the vicious cycle of attack/counter attack. On a more personal level, I too have often wondered would people continue the same discourse in a face to face conversation and I'd like to think they would not.

While flaming has become a bit of a sport lately I'd like to remind everyone of the forum rules and to perhaps take a step back empathize a bit before even considering personal attacks. Remember these are our SC2 forums and self moderation would be very much appreciated as we are all very busy over here and would much rather be working SC2 than constantly keeping the forums in check.

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Just one short reply, since I guess you're right in stating that an extensive discussion of this topic rather belongs in the general forum.

1. I am not trying to interfere in the moderators job by calling for censorship of specific posts. This would be indeed acting as a forum cop.

2. Instead I was rather trying to contribute to yogis question why some threads evolved the way they did.

3. It´s perfectly alright to strongly disagree and to express that. It's just sometimes more helpful to take the time for a witty rebuff or an objective reply instead of just saying "that's stupid, get lost".

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Originally posted by Yogi:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Kuni: dude you an alien or something? This was a really stupid thread. Post something valuable about the game instead of crap like this. I have yet to see you post something of value here.

Well Kuni, I guess value is in the eye of the beholder. Interesting that it appears you may have read Huberts posting (copy below) before you made the above post.

Hubert Cater


Member # 7567

posted February 13, 2006 01:07 AM


I think Yogi has hit the nail on the head for some of the reasons why threads seem to quickly get out of hand and into the vicious cycle of attack/counter attack. On a more personal level, I too have often wondered would people continue the same discourse in a face to face conversation and I'd like to think they would not.

While flaming has become a bit of a sport lately I'd like to remind everyone of the forum rules and to perhaps take a step back empathize a bit before even considering personal attacks. Remember these are our SC2 forums and self moderation would be very much appreciated as we are all very busy over here and would much rather be working SC2 than constantly keeping the forums in check. </font>

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