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Should SC2 be played by kids under 18????

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On parental websites people tend not to think so. Reason is that in sc2 humans dies in millions and communism once again is allowed to florish in eastern europe.

And also disturbing is this pro-nazi stuff where Hitlers armies stroll around the whole continent getting Egypt all the time. I know many people are outraged about BF supporting this so I want to know;

- Do you think children younger than 18 should be allowed to play this game?

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Even though I am one of those old-fashioned people that think that a game where you get points for riding over an old lady should not be sold, I don't think that this game "glorifies war".

You don't see pictures of Generals with a bio explaining how good they were in sending killing people, you don't see Hitler giving speeches, you don't see Hitler giving medals to children for manning the AA-guns...

It would be kinda stupid to make this game "18+" in a time where people read in detail what soldiers do to Iraqees 14-year-old girls and their family, wouldn't it ?

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Originally posted by Kuniworth:

Latest Ive heard is that the PVMC(parents against violent movies and computer games) were bringing a law suit against Battlefront.

LOL! That has to be one of the funniest things I have heard in a long time. A case like that would be laughed out of court here in the UK. I hope it is in whatever country (US?) that the suit is being brought in. There is no bloodshed, no violence (per se) and no crimes against humanity being glorified here. This PVMC should go campaign about something worth campaigning about... like renewable energy... or spend more time with their kids and enjoy life a little!
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I'm thinking of sueing Battlefront myself for damaging my psyche. I only play solitair and only play the Axis because, basically, I've always wanted to rule the planet without having to deal with something as superflous as a congress or a legislature, yada-yada-yada, just me calling the shots, saying who should be dragged out of the General Forum and shot in the head, that sort of thing.

So I start Strategic Command and choose the Axis and next thing are four guys are on the screen, three of them looking off into space and the fourth, Winston Churchill, looking at me. There's infinite disappointment in his eyes, which are staring right at my own, and I hear him making all of his negative references about Hitler, but using my name instead! I even hearing him saying I'm a "Nahhh-zeeee" :eek:


Battlefront, how could you do that to people like me, who, as Brother Rambo so correctly recognized years ago, are closet fascists having to make do with being humdrum Republicans?!

Yes, I'm definitely sueing. SC-2 should not be played by anyone under, er, 60. Okay, between the ages of 55 and 60, er -- anyone younger than birth but older than death, uhm, uh -- :rolleyes:

[ February 25, 2007, 10:54 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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FFS - my kids play rome Total War, Zelda, Harry Potter and various other games on the PC & console that are more violent than this!

However I'm happy for those parents who have a problem to shield their offspring from violence - it will give mine that much better a chance in the world!

Edit: it's a bit sus that I can't find any kind of news of this on the web tho - I'd have thought an organisation such as this would have a fairly high profile..?? :confused:

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Its all about the money...Greed...(Someone is always suing over ridulous stuff.) So, they are teaching the kids, not to be violent, but its okay to be greedy...Whats wrong with this picture?

The best one I ever heard was the person who sued after getting into an accident in a RV (motor home.) They put the cruise control on and went in the back to make a sandwich. (You can guess what happened.) Yes the RV crashed off the road. And the company had to rewrite its manual on cruise control... tongue.gif

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Anyone who sues over this game is either insane or greedy or both!

Just another sign of how you can't do ANYTHING today without offending someone, who will then attack you rather than just moving on with their lives - since they apparently don't have one!


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If someone should be suing, it should be over over Grand Theft Auto, not SC 2.

Actually, better yet they should just learn how to control their kids.

LMAO at JJ: That's some funny shit. :D


[ February 25, 2007, 03:38 PM: Message edited by: Normal Dude ]

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Originally posted by JerseyJohn:

Winston Churchill, looking at me. There's infinite disappointment in his eyes, which are staring right at my own, and I hear him making all of his negative references about Hitler, but using my name instead! I even hearing him saying I'm a "Nahhh-zeeee" :eek:

:D:D This is so funny, Sir Jersey, thank you so much! :D:D
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Glad you enjoyed it NormalDude . smile.gif

I've thinking about posting something for a long time regarding Winnie's uncompromising stare. I really do have to look away while the game boots up -- which is when I notice Stalin's shifty eyes -- ! :eek:

Thank you xwormwood , I thought you'd get a kick out of it, and glad you did. smile.gif

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I've often wondered about that. How does someone who drinks as much as he did, year after year, decade after decade, chain smoking cigars, live to be 90 or whatever he was when he kicked off in 1965. Jeez, if he'd been even a little careful he might have still been bellowing today!

Toward the end of his second time as PM, when he was just downright too old for the job, the Labor Party sprung a thinly masked cruel surprise on him. A huge portrait of him wearing a suit and sitting on a chair, legs too far apart and it's obvious he wet his pants. The poor guy turned and looked at it and the camera caught the anger on his face. Then it vanished. He went to the microphone and told Parliament the painting was a fine example of modern art, the place breaking out in laughter and loud applause. Next day he had it burnt on his lawn and not too long afterwards he left office.

Constipated? Hmmm, yes, I see it now! :D

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This PVMC organization that threatens this great company that Battlefront is, does any of you know how to contact this group? I pretty much would like to tell these people that SC2 does not correspond to any criteria of promoting violence.

p.s. Anyway, SC2 is not the kind of game that interests that many younger people, not enough fast-action taking place.

p.p.s. Is Kuniworth Swedish? ;)

[ February 25, 2007, 05:21 PM: Message edited by: BioWizard ]

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One of Kuni's own favorite quotes from this place came four years ago when he ssked me about some outrage or other and my reply was: "You're incredible, asking me about a rumor you yourself started!"

Somethings never change. Which I'm thankful for, a lot of us really love Kuni's creative sparks. :D

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