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Sprite Replacement Package for SC 2

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Hey folks,

I have been working on a complete sprite replacement package for SC 2. It replaces all 3d unit sprites, and military 2D sprites except, for the 3d naval units.

Here is my progress thus far. The infantry I thinkg will be particularily nice looking, with proper uniforms and all will be unique.

EDIT Pic removed, updated below

[ April 13, 2007, 05:57 PM: Message edited by: Normal Dude ]

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My sources include the fanstastic "King and Country" figures, some modeling websites, "the flying mule" a fantastic diecast airplane wbesite, some of the Theator of war vehicles, and mods from Combat Missions, whose authors will be given full credit when the mod is posted (MikeyD makes some awesome bitmaps!)

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To install one of my bitmaps mods:

1. Download the mod.

2. Open the bitmap file called "unit_sprites_3d" mod in paint, and horizontally flip the entire bitmap. Do not change anything else. The correct facing mod's name will be "unit_sprites_3d" and the flipped version will be "unit_sprites_3d_mirrored". I don't include the mirrored version to save on download space.

3. I suggest NOT modifying the game's original bitmaps; instead, I recommend creating a custom campaign of the 1939 with the bitmaps being the only change. To do this:

A. Open the Editor and open the 1939 scenario. Save it as a new file called by a name of your choice. Exit the editor.

B. Open the file folder in the SC 2 "campaigns" folder of the custom campaign you created. There should be a "campaign" configuration settings file. Open it, and replace the "0" by the Custom Bitmaps line with a "1". This tells the game that there are custom bitmaps being used.

C. Next, in the folder of the new campaign create a file called "bitmaps". Place all of the bitmaps you recieved from my mod package in this file, with their namesand formats EXACTLY as they were when downloaded. Include the mirrored 3d sprites as well.

D. Load up the campaign in the Editor again. You may have to click "Refresh bitmaps". The new bitmaps should appear. Save and exit.

If you prefer to replace the default bitmaps so that the new sprites will appear in all scenarios, make the mirror image, and then replace the bitmaps in the default "bitmaps" folder in the SC 2 main file. BACK UP THE ORIGINALS.

I don't believe that the other player needs to have the same bitmaps, as long as there are no other game changes are made. They may get a warning message when entering the game, but it can be ignored.

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GErman tank production during WW-2:

Panzer I... 1,500

Panzer II... 1,000

[Czech T-38... 1,400]

Panzer III... 15,000 - primary tank from 1940-42

Panzer IV... 9,000 (Guderian recommended many MORE)

Panzer V ("Panther)... 4,800 - 1st used at Kursk in July 1943

Panzer VI ("Tiger")... 1,400

Panzer VII ("King Tiger")... 500 - 1st used May 1944

Whichever sprites are used (... Fernando's are the best by far, IMO), the Panther should - whether by date or number produced,

**PRECEDE the Tiger on the battlefield.

T-38's could very well be omitted altogether. Instead, I would combine I & II,

Then - III, IV(early & late), V and VI,

In that order.


BTW: Shouldn't this thread be over in the "mods" forum?

[ April 10, 2007, 11:38 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

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they are not in chronological order, DD, but rather in order of effectiveness. I have been considering using the pZ 1/2 instead of the 38. I like your order idea, although I would still have the V after the VI.

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Ack and alack! :eek:

Out-voted 101 to 1!

[... here, as in Beta, Hubert gets 100 votes

to each of our one]

However, I STILL say the Panther

SHOULD arrive before the Tiger.

(... which was a "birthday TOY" for A Hit,

who gushed over them rush-job wonder weapons,

the un-holy, evil-dreaming - fool!)


1) It was in service and effective

FAR MORE than that lumbering fast flash one

and done done! crash-machine, AKA: Tiger.

2) Agree that it was, for the most part

THE best Tank, oh, until the mid 1950's,

AND ipso - should be ON the battlefield

sooner than the Tiger.

I say again,

Panther should be ON the battlefied

by July 1943 at the latest... if it remains

at L-5, it may not even be available

in most games to help turn aside the red tide

at Orel/Kursk,

[... especially for TaoJah, who NEVER has

ANY luck! Seems impossible, but,

he insists...) and so

Da-Da Cabaret in Berlin will be demolished

and turned into a humm-drum

Soviet tractor factory

too much sooner!


No big deal, I've been out-voted MANY times.

Last time,

It was 7 billion to one.


I had proposed a World wide requirement

That ALL humans (... and a couple animals)

Might ONLY use 1963 Schwinn 3-speed bike

For transport to & fro upon the earth.

[... no need to rely on dinosaur sediments!

and too, Ozone layer will remain somewhat intact,

thereby reducing 'em horrendous skin cancers!]

THIS time I only lost by 100 votes! smile.gif

But it's not over 'till it's OVER,

What does ennybody else got to say?

Panther first, or that... fast

Flash & crash machine?

[ April 11, 2007, 05:00 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

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Well the good news is that once you download you can spend 30 seconds switching them if you like. :D I'm also preparing some alternative bitmaps for if player have preferences. Also, all of the figures will be included seperated from each other, and there will be about twice as many as will actually appear on the 3d bitmap... thus players can create their own preferred infantry appearences if so desired...

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The fighters and bombers are all screwed up too. You've got medium bombers as more effective than the heavies. Put the B-25 first, then B-26, then B-17 if you want to somewhat go by effectiveness.

And a German nightfighter at Lvl 4?

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Yes Desert Dave already got one ready.

Lars -

The He 177 was a heavy bomber. The Germans often used bombers as night fighters as well, since they had extra space to cram sensory equipment into (Ju 88 for example).

If you were referring to the Do 217 - same thing. It was a bomber and a night fighter. They often got pressed into night fighter because of the Allied bombing campaign I believe.

As for the American bombers, I realize the B-17 is heavy, but that's how I want it to go, and if you don't like it you can change it after you download it. smile.gif

[ April 11, 2007, 07:38 AM: Message edited by: Normal Dude ]

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No big deal, I've been out-voted MANY times.

Last time,

It was 7 billion to one.


I had proposed a World wide requirement

That ALL humans (... and a couple animals)

Might ONLY use 1963 Schwinn 3-speed bike

For transport to & fro upon the earth.

Lol DD tongue.gif
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Oh yeah, btw don't take any sprite you see as the final product. They are all liable to change, probably 2-3 times, and none of them have had the final touches put on them yet. ne thing I am striving for in this set is for consistency in the camo, positions, lighting, etc.

Also, to be included will be a new 3d military unit bitmap and new colors for the countries: The Brits, Soviets, and Axis Minors are the same. The American colors have been changed to Olive Drab, the Germans to a black, the Italians to the old German color, and the Allied Minors to the old Italian color. The 3d military sprites are almost done and include the above color changes with some other changes as well, and the air units now have proper fighter and bomber symbols instead of a color difference.

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As far as Axis Armor, I'd Think the Panzer I as a training tank and probably not present at all on the battlefield for serious frontline service.

Panzer II a Infantry Support Tank... or for use against soft targets... it only had a 20mm gun, and paperthin armor, you had to open a hatch to see out while driving it. It would be a motorized coffin in comparison with the heavier tanks of the day.

Panzer III??? Great Tank, but it was outclassed fast, and lacked Firepower and Armor...and Panzer IV in that order... Was a great tank, with a longer Barrel, still not the most powerful out there... The T38 which is the Level1 Tank now was a very very capable tank, very resemblant of the PanzerIII anyway... The Level2 German Panzer is a Mark IV series... as far as the Tigers, Panthers and King Tigers I do not see them comming into sufficient #s to be even modded here... Maybe Panthers, but the idea is abstract, including tactics, Tank Destroyers, Motorized Kill Units? Like the 88s on Halftracks? This all confusing really, but I guess a toy for us to play with, eyecandy... ;)

I'd like to see IW represented or AntiTank Guns, tongue.gif with the Infantry Sprites

The Char1Bis was the heaviest tank of the French used in 1940, the Somua-S35 the best Tank of 1940...Slopped armor, great firepower, a truly efficient Weapon.

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