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WW2 is over. It's fun to play the game, but it's dead.

I study culture and I study people, a hobby. German culture today is less Racist and Nazi than US Culture. Though it is finding a resurgence with the new influx of Arabs and Pakistanis. This is the way of the world. In Germany it is illegal to preach White Power, men have been arrested for it in their musical lyrics, in America Men preach it openly and cannot be tried for it. Freedom of Speech. Some may argue the morality of that, though either way I like the idea I can believe what I want. Germany may have good reason to fear letting such ideas flow freely. The USA obviously does not see danger in it.

Regardless... 10 Million Germans died? Or so... Give or take... 400,000 Americans.. I do not think my country can judge theirs now. Plus if you want to blame anyone blame the entire Imperial System of Europe it's corruption lead to WW2. Japan become a Power partly off the defeated Imperial Powers of Europe! Western Ideas.... Germany was forced to take blame for WW1, Americans in those shoes might be looking for scapegoats as well... This is reality not books, not propaganda, people are people. The USA has hatred, I see, hear, feel it on every street corner of Pittsburgh PA... Modern City, but you feel the tensions, any day with a few mistakes riots and beatings, fires and looting and murder possible. This is a Race Question? Likely... Not one yet solved to this day.

Though WW2 was as much about Vengeance, as much about Greed, as much as about everything else as it was ever a Race Question. In my humble opinion people speak about the innocent as a reason to fight... When it convenient. Though only then. Or when it affects them... Rarely do they care when it does not.. The World is imperfect and for this men will do as their deeper conscious dictates. Many of them are dogs, many of them subhuman. Many follow the pack, few follow their own hearts. I think the few cases of that in history are admirable... but remember WW2 is only 1 piece of a bigger picture, what existed there, what culminated there has been there for centuries and will probably be there a lot longer.

Rambo is Patriot, an Extremist. No reason to shun him. Ignore him if you do not like it. He believes in his Country. His Country saved Tens of Millions of Europeans, including Germans. If Stalin would've had his way, Germany would've be a lot different today. Many like him are to be thanked, as those patriotic Boys fought with British to free the West...The Americans gained nothing from WW2 but A hell of a lot of trade Dollars... and what? hundreds of thousands dead

Been easier to turn a blind eye and let the Russians eat Europe and ignore the whole thing. He lacks the etiquette the refinements of some, but I know him personally and he is a lot more intelligent than you think. I think a few beers and some bravado is taken out of context and censoring him will not solve anything. I am aware of souls like Rambo, White Supremists, NeoNazis, openminded treehugging Amnesty Hippies, psuedointellectuals who cling to an ideal not of the above exists... It all exists and it is going anywhere. People are offended to hear of it, the very words cause fear. With closer examination maybe you can learn something. The World is hardly going to get better, things are going to get worse. Rambo Needs to learn to understand Bravado doesn't get through to people, wise and levelheaded debate may. Politics... At least he is not politician, they created WW2 and Hitler was a fancy Spokesman. Many of you would've liked him! Frightening? But lets say REALITY

[ February 15, 2008, 07:22 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]

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@ Liam

Marvellous post, indeed. In general I do agree with you. There are just a few comments to be made.. is it not because of I have a different opinion, treat it more as a comment or remark.

In general the economic help and all the troops the US send to Europe helped a lot, and it was a good deed every central european should be thankful for, esp. for the Marshall plan. One of your Arguments is that the American help prevented the Russians from seizing whole Europe.. but pls have a look on it from another way. Without the massive economic help to the UK (who passed it on to the USSR) and the USSR directly I`m pretty sure the USSR would have collapsed in late 1941 or 1942.. and no one could have foreseen the result. So a complete abstain from the European theater MAYBE would have helped the germans and not the russians, just look at it that way. I`m not saying you`re wrong, it is just a possibility. And when you say that the US gained nothing but money from WW2: I think they did.. before WW2 there were many major countries like Japan, Germany, Italy, France, UK, USSR and the US, but after WW2 there were just 2 left: the US and the USSR, who dominated the rest. And when you say the war is over: we are still occupied by US troops, and there is no peace treaty yet. I have no problems with that, because they behave and bring in money, but from a technical point of view we are still occupied.

Now what you say about the funny character who thinks it is his crusade to spam every thread with his nonsense: you say he is a patriot and an extremist, and you may be right with that. Then you tell us that we should say thanks to all the US patriots who fought in the european theater.. and you are right as well. But I don`t see the point what this has to do with this person.. he didn`t fight in Europe, but he comes and says "I`m american, I`m great". He once told me that I should say thanks to every american that I can read. I think that person is a serious candidate for mental therapy, and everyone who defends him just because he is an american patriot, should get a bed in hospital right next to him. Patriotism and Nationalism is very close to each other, and this is what made WWI and WWII possible. I think every nation on earth should have a good amount of patriotism, but once you reach the point where you just give **** to all other people around you just because of the fact that they belong to other nations, you`ve definitely gone to far. If someone thinks that he`s superior to anyone else just because he was born in a certain country, I clearly need to say he´s an idiot... call it free speech.

And I really don`t understand the point why he gives **** to everyone and spams every discussion, and someone defends him because he is an american patriots. Does the fact that he is born in the US make him better than any other person who is born in Bahrain, Bangla Desh, Mexiko, France or Germany? I think no.. it is just luck, may it be good or bad, that depends on the way you see it.

I really don`t get the point why people tell us how great their country is.. I can read the internet myself. Should that impress me or make me scared? I really respect the US for their achievements, but I don`t respect someone who is hiding behind the US and its history. If people tell me their own achievements, I will feel respect.. if I read certain posts from you or JerseyJohn or various other people, I feel deep respect. But I feel nothing but compassion for people like this funny character we are talking about. If he would have a normal social life, he wouldn`t be forced to show us his superiority... and maybe he wouldn`t hide behind a movie star who has been nominated for the golden raspberry awards 30 times (10 wins) and is regarded as worst actor ever.

You defended him, I tell you my opinion.. freedom of speech.

But every community needs a jester no one takes for serious.. so maybe that is his role. Definitely I cannot see any valuable information in his posts, but if some people think he`s funny, he has reached his aim. Maybe I need to readjust my own view from that board here.. in the past I thought it is a board where people share their opinons about that game in a more or less great way. And when I see certain posts from the people I mentioned above, it is a great way, and this applies to many other people as well. But maybe I have to face the fact there are other tendencies around, and that this board is american dominated (I don`t have a problem with that, it`s finally a board of an american company). A lot of people bring a lot of culture in this board, and other people destroy it with their nonsense.

Face one thing: why was this thread started? Because a player who cannot speak english very well wants to improve the game, and I want to help him. A lot of the people who play this game are german, so quite a few people read that thread. OnlineGeneral started the same thread in english, just to give the people the courtesy of choice.. if you prefer german, take the german thread, and if you prefer english, take the english thread. This thread is to help improving the game, and I didn`t see any creative elements from some people in this thread, just bull****. Obviously it annoys people that we post in german in this thread, and Kuniworth even wants this thread to be locked up. I wonder what these people did as there were history lessons in school.

So there is one thread for the german speaking people and one for the english.. but a lot of the english speaking people just enter the german thread just to give us ****.. not everyone, as Liam clearly pointed out.

This thread was started to help OG because his english isn`t as good as yours.. and not to celebrate a german party. Most people understand that, other don`t.. and I still wonder what obfuscates their sight.. their patriostism or their lack of intelligence and style.

[ February 16, 2008, 01:05 PM: Message edited by: Hyazinth von Strachwitz ]

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Yesterday I saw rambo 4 and it was not bad, but also not good.

Rambo 3 was much much better. Maybe many more americans should watch the good old "Regean Rambo", where the american superhero Nr 1 say about the people of afghanistian "These people can never be defeded".

Also I missed the good Rambo background music sound theme.


Ansonsten viel Erfolg bei dem Projekt.


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Von Strachwitz,

Well written Post. Very clear and precise points. You are entitled to say and feel whatever you will. I do agree that you feel that this board is crowded with a lot of meaningless none sense. That may be true... However this is not a history board it's a Player's board. Yes, improvement of the game and history will pass through here. Though I will give you an example of life experience.

Just as if we were playing tennis. On a hacker competitive level, even professional. We both may be Pros and we both may be highly talented but in real life a lot of things may cross our lips that could be considered anything but befitting. Often people who're passionate or filled with certain behavioral issues will lose it or often yell out, "DAMMIT! You suck, STOP lobbing those balls and hit the damned thing (Cursing) etc... etc..." However we may play on a level of Beethoven's." Likewise when playing games in several forums in several situations I've heard racist comments, mad utterances, people quitting, cursing, anything but profanity. It's immature, agreed. Although I tend to think we're all boys and we're all playing a game. I guess I have been on-line long enough to see it that way.

Rambo is a good player, and I know him fairly well! Not ignorant just a little bit much... He will like that Tennis Player Shout out, "DAMNED YOU SISSY! GO BACK TO MUNICH!" He can't help him self.. BUT!!! I know him also to be the type to sit down like a gent afterwards and enjoy a beer with you as well. SO does he man it like that or do some take him a bit too seriously.. I don't know what to say I tend to ignore those words as in Tennis you'll lose your concentration and the match if you let someone talk you into a Emotional Hole. Concentration and Focus is paramount and I have thrown matches listening to people who talk a lot of trash. Rambo doesn't actually strike me as a good ole boy, but he has it in him. Though I know there are plenty of English and German who are on one end. Kuniworth is a character himself all on his own. I do not know what he's saying half the time. It's mildly entertaining. Though you can choose to ignore someone, I do that without much effort. I just know whenever I load up SC either of them will lose to me smile.gif 95% of the time

As for the Americans in Germany. I think it really is about bases to relocate to other interests. I think they've been sizing them back since the Wall came down. I'm sure the Germans are financially compensated and several other countries have our bases as well. Though the German Army and Air Force is quite healthy now a days. They did not come out of that war as they could have. Russians did win and the UK did aide as well. All this is true! Though the Great Powers of the time, they fell due to their own device. Nothing to do with the USA. I think that it was merely her time to reign along with the USSR. Two Opposing ideologies and in that war the USSR is the sore loser! Their economy in shambles, their people hungry and cold, near bankrupt and unstable!

The USA is nearing the end of Economic Domination and it wasn't much longer than the German Empire reigned. So Empires come and go, as the sun sets, that's no big thing.

I have lived in Germany for a tiny bit when I was young and I have lived in the UK. Very Fun countries, lots of culture. The USA has had a death of culture lately, McDonald's and XBOX has turned us into lazy boring people. Thinking about going to Europe to enjoy some of the scenery and do the scene there. Never know, it's just a lot more expensive is all... Most Americans young Americans don't know anything or have uninformed opinions about places. I think it would help if they saw it first hand! We are after all children of the European Parents

In the end Intelligent debate, history, Gaming it's what matters. The Trash talk to me is unimportant. I keep an openmind, these boards are a bit lenient but I have found boards that are overly censored as well. I'd rather the designers create more games and ignore them. I do not think they have time or energy to finger through 40 or 50 pages of our debates. If you catch Rambo on a personal level I think you'll see he's nothing like the image of a M60 barring John Wayne. I knew a guy like that in North Carolina USA. Chewed Tobacco and fought in Vietnam. I guess that's why it doesn't really phase me much to hear it here. Military Towns are filled with people who will talk, but in even that fellow was down to earth at times and a decent fellow. They get to know you they don't judge you... USA is actually formerly Country a lot

Europe classically was more city, cultural and educated

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@ Liam: very good post again, and I agree 100%.

This time there is just one point I want to say something about: you mentioned that the US is nearing to end of a long phase of economic domination.. I have the same concern. And it is a deep concern, because if that ship goes down, it takes all of us with it.

The Sub prime mortgage crisis is so much bigger than we all can imagine.. and is no longer the case that the Russians are hungry, they don`t know where to put their money to.. they sit on all the gas, oil, coal and ore the western democracies need.

Frankfurt is a bit closer to Moscow than North Carolina, and I work in an english company as an Inter Dealer Broker (my customers are the major Merchant banks like CitiBank, Morgan Stanley and so on), and I trade mortgage backed bonds, so called Covered Bonds, so I have a very good insight in what`s happening there at the moment, and it makes me frightening.

So what I wanted to say about Russia and esp. Mocsow is: that city is so full of money, no one would believe that. We are in the process of opening an office there, and what I read about the financial structures there is a nightmare.

I use to go skiing to Austria once or twice a year for a week, and a lot of Russians also do. Fortunately they haven`t yet discovered the place I go to (seems it is too far away from an Airport), but they have discovered other places. In certain Ressorts in Germany, Austria and esp. Switzerland you can already see that some Restaurant start showing their menus in russian language.. because they demand that. And they bring a lot of money. When I go there, I have to pay for myself and the missus.. when we go to a top place and have a good week there, I have to pay maybe 2500 Euro.. approx. 4000$ for that week including everything. The owner of the hotel that I use to go to told me that they made a survey in Austria, and the average Russian spends about 8000 Euro per person and week when he goes skiing.. so if its two of them, the sum is like 25 Grand in dollar.

When I think about that and how it may develop in the future, I`m deeply concerned. Maybe I better get back to SC2 and fortify the eastern border :)

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@ OG: Ja, das kommt mir bekannt vor.. ich habe letztens einen Bug entdeckt, da ist ein russisches U-Boot auf einem Zerstörer und einen Kreuzer von gestoßen, und der Überraschungsangriff, der dann ausgelöst wird, hat dazu geführt, daß mein Kreuzer meinen Zerstörer beschossen hat.. aberwitzig. Zum Glück hatte ich abgespeichert und der Bug ist reproduzierbar.. Hubert hat ihn schon per Mail bekommen.

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HvS don't concern yourself with a grandiose economic collapse. Barring some cataclysmic event such as an astroid, earthquake, volcanos on a gigantic scale it won't happen quickly.

Why???...infrastructure. The USA and other parts of the world are much too developed and hence have a certain resiliency. You want to know where Russia should put their wealth to work? Yep...build the infrastructure. It takes a long time for roads and rails, manufacturing facilities, power generation, etc. to deteriate, especially if you do a little routine maintenance.

What does take a long time is to build a robust infrastructure, but the world has pretty much done that, its in expansive mode currently. Its all about commerce, you develop something your neighbor needs and vice versa and you trade. It doesn't even need a monetary exchange medium, although that makes it easier, it, in itself, is part of the infrastructure.

Just like the wealth/money flows from one pocket to another, remember the laws of physics, matter is neither created or destroyed, it just changes shape/location. :cool:

Man, and animals for that matter, need food and shelter to survive. If you're worried about that collapse, my suggestion would be to develop your own little infrastructure that provides for those basics. Now if you get good enough and have a bit of excess....well then...you might trade some. ;)

[ February 17, 2008, 08:00 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]

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@ Seamonkey:

I hope you`re right. What you said about the fact the people need food and shelter is also my opinion. I think about buying farm land (not to form myself, but to lease it out.. and maybe a small peace of forest to get wood for my kachelofen :) In the street where I live there is a big meadow on the opoosite side of the street.. maybe I buy that and start growiing apple trees there..

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In regards to the game: I love the SC series, for the competition & the imagination of strategies...Carriers in SC-1, Subs, Rockets, whatever. I got no beef with Europe, never been there. I didn't fight WW-2, but two of my uncles did. The USA is quite diverse, as is Europe...therefore looking at nations, history, or individuals specific examination. The USA doesn't have its own Angel Hallo, but I could make a good argument that its been blessed for the foundation which was made. If you got money, life can be good wherever you live. Judging a person by the size of their wallet is for fools. Speaking of wallet, I had a gun pointed to my chest by a dude standing 3 feet away from me, down in Florida to be exact. If you want to get waxed in the USA, you don't have to look far...drive on the highway, roadrage is free. Far Europe, don't have much of a desire to visit ever since watching the movie HOSTEL. People are people. Dealing with individuals is easier than dealing with a crowd. You folks don't need to worry about Nationalism on Planet Earth, society is beyond that thought process, Nationalism is buried, dead & in the ground. We're off to a Socialist One World Order soon enough, including Uncle Sam. Economies are too mingled together, so the big boys will play nice. The oil situation, fringe groups, & rouge pirate types is the world's new threats. Far as the latest Rambo movie, I loved the action, enjoyed the flashback scene. It could have been better, could have been worse. I'm glad Johnny got to go home. Missed the music score & needed some more one liners. Either way, just entertainment. Speaking of entertainment, you guys need to lighten up.


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@foko --- Dude, I was up late one night, turned on the television. The movie on was about some Americans visiting Europe, so I checked it out, looked cool. Just before I dozed back to sleep, I found what these crazy people were doing in the Hotel. Unreal! I was considering a trip to Munich because I have enough frequent flyer miles, but not now. Think I'll stick with Disneyworld.

Speaking of Hotel or Hostel, I prefer to stay in Marriott's, they are the best chain, owned by a member of the LDS. Wait, I like Hilton's too, if Marriott not available, yet to see Paris though. I always ask for a room on the 2nd level, 3rd level at the highest...just in case of Airplane attack or fire. Never get the first floor either, remember Norman Bates in Psycho? I enjoy traveling to Florida the most. Bahamas is fun. I liked Korea. Canada in the summer.

I really was planning a trip to Germany, maybe play a hotseat game of SC against the PanzerLiga. Cuba might be opening to travel soon, since Castro is stepping down. In reality, Vegas for March Madness tournament seems the best call.


[ February 19, 2008, 07:03 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Cuba might be opening to travel soon, since Castro is stepping down.

-Legend [/QB]

Yeah Cuba is nice. I was diving at american mercenary boat sunk by Fidel Castors troops in the bay of pigs. Warm weather, warm water wonderfull.

I the museum stood, the russion Tank did not shoot far enough, so Fidel switched to a SU-152 which had a longer range. At the end the Reds hat 21000 trained soldiers surrended them within the first 48 hours.

Which I really like on cube expept the nice people and the weahter is the fact, its one of the only places which is free of american imperialsim. I hope it can keep its "communist charme" and will not become an american bordel for the mafia as it was before of the Revolution.

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