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[Out For Justice] Beware: There is a cheater in the midst

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@Barcelona -> you could have just told me: ok, i gotta show you some weird sh*t, let's test something - it would have been ok and you could have proved your point.

But instead you wasted several of my hours and in the end pretended that you hadn't cheat - this makes you a punkass cheater and not a 'bug finder and reporter'.

And btw, why did you previously use this sh*t against Iron Ranger as well ? Wasted his time as well? Oh yeah, you wanted us to learn there are bugs at large, but to learn it the hard way, right?

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

@n0kn0k --- Good thing you've only posted 24 times in 4-years. Dude, read.

@JJR Are u actually on drugs or something? As you can see by the posting time of Hellraiser and me "posted 22 July, 2006 01:03 PM", we posted it at the same time. So there was no way for me to know in which way the dude was cheating. Since your first post was utterly lacking any usefull info, as usual.....

As for your retarded remark on my posting count. I've posted higher number of usefull replies among my 24 on these boards then you with your 9k number of trolls and flames.

Ohh and this is my second account ;) Sadly my first one wasn't recoverable due to an outdated email adres and lost password. I've been here alot longer then most of you.

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SC Community court - VERDICT

Court is now in session.

Hellraiser is right, cheating has been going on here. Jaiman; to cheat against two top players like Hellraiser(Most valuable player 2005) and Iron Ranger(SC 1 Legend) is among the dumbest thing you could have done.

Those dudes are two of the most straight up guys in this community and has contributed more to this game than most around here. Besides that, not one of them has a history of lying or talking a lot of bull. You were caught with your pants down now you have to face the consequences. Your story is not convincing at all.

The court sentence you to be expelled from competitive SC 2 play and tournaments.

[ July 23, 2006, 02:52 AM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]

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Originally posted by Kuniworth:

SC Community court - VERDICT

Court is now in session.

Hellraiser is right, cheating has been going on here. Jaiman; to cheat against two top players like Hellraiser(Most valuable player 2005) and Iron Ranger(SC 1 Legend) is among the dumbest thing you could have done.

Those dudes are two of the most straight up guys in this community and has contributed more to this game than most around here. Besides that, not one of them has a history of lying or talking a lot of bull. You were caught with your pants down now you have to face the consequences. Your story is not convincing at all.

The court sentence you to be expelled from competitive SC 2 play and tournaments.

That would be "Kangaroo Court" in session.

Nice job getting your "confession" though. Perhaps a re-education camp would be in order.

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-- -- What really amazes me is I'm the only sticking up for this guy and he hasn't said a word about it. Like I said, there are a lot of ways of wasting time here and one of them is standing up for the rights of cretins.
Perhaps a lesson to be learned? Others may join in the "defense" even if it makes no sense to do so. I would have expected the "Stop attacking those who attack you crowd, they might get mad and attack you!" from the political discussions to have joined in the defense, but perhaps when it is a game of SC2 they don't see the humor.
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Madmatt where are you? When you came down on me saying I was rude in a post for a very minor statement you said that people would be booted[your words] for not acting in a gentile manner, but read this thread, far worst than anything I said but I guess these are your friends and the nasty crap here is allowed by you.



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Originally posted by Yogi:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />-- -- What really amazes me is I'm the only sticking up for this guy and he hasn't said a word about it. Like I said, there are a lot of ways of wasting time here and one of them is standing up for the rights of cretins.

Perhaps a lesson to be learned? Others may join in the "defense" even if it makes no sense to do so. I would have expected the "Stop attacking those who attack you crowd, they might get mad and attack you!" from the political discussions to have joined in the defense, but perhaps when it is a game of SC2 they don't see the humor. </font>
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Originally posted by Cary:

Oh yeah 178 posts, gee the contributor you are. I've yet to see you contribute anything to this community except bull**** and accusations. Not my problem you got a small wee wee and need to spread a lot of horse **** around here to feel you are brave. And always those scream for Madmatt, why? because the truth is you are in love with him. You get a hard on when he steps in here and have to lock up stuff. Yeah that's what it is you love Matt and that's why you always cry for help. Cry baby, what are you 14???

Well I tell you, people like you are the worst kind, you come here with no clue of the past and act like you are in the position to condemn players that worked their ass off for this game for 4 years. Yeah Hellraiser, Rambo and Iron Ranger earned their wings and icon status because they were and still are dedicated. All those long nights of game-play and contributions to this board to get Huberts game better, and it did SC1 had 7 patches. So you think I'm gonna sit quiet and see you ridicule this community so you can sit in front of your stepmom's computer and laugh? No sir.

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This issue is clear, crystal clear. The only reason they (the lost mob) defend the cheater, is because they hate the Legend. Just proves to you, that people are more political, while claiming searching for fairness.

For the love of the game, and no cheating,


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I hope Barcelona can take a lesson with him, and it makes a difference in his life. In the Brotherhood of Wargamers honesty is an expected. Doing something to prove a point is just that, but not telling someone ahead of time is being dishonest.

BTW, Fartknock3r, cheating on tests just means you are cheating on tests. You are not testing yourself, and seeing what you really know. Eventually, it does catch up with you. The easy way is not always the bast way.

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Originally posted by Scook:

BTW, Fartknock3r, cheating on tests just means you are cheating on tests. You are not testing yourself, and seeing what you really know. Eventually, it does catch up with you. The easy way is not always the bast way.

Well, everybody in my school does it. I remember during one test, i had the book on my lap telling everybody the answers, then the teacher was answering a question to the person next to me, and told her, (she's my friend, so she told me) look at what he's doing, and sent a signal from her to me. I looked up and he was staring at me, I started cracking up, and he didn't care, he was laughing to, he just said put the book in the backpack and deducted 5 points from me, i still got an A. smile.gif But seriously i meant that as a joke, I only cheat on math and science, maybe it's because i HATE those two subjects. If it wasn't for math i would've had a 4.0, but of course, with my **** up of a teacher who comes to school every morning with a hangover, i got a D.

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Thanks to defenders of a poor man that cannot win anyone even cheating ( sorry Iron ranger but i defeated you without cheating, believe you or not ) ;) . I played more than 20 year to wargames and never i have done it for winnig or loosing only to have fun with other people (and we continue playing nowdays). I have never played for money or honour ( God they are my friends¡¡¡). If i have seen how important is the game for the other player´s ego i prefer to surrender in the first turn doing my good action of the day (there is so much pain in the world to add a little more). Try to have fun with the game because is O N LY a game. :D

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Seems to have calmed down and, hopefully, my prediction will not happen. Naturally, though, I hope these things will be handled in a calmer way in the future. They won't be, but one can still hope. :D


Of course it's only a game. As one of your defenders, thanks is accepted. ;)

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Originally posted by Kuniworth:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Yogi:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />-- -- What really amazes me is I'm the only sticking up for this guy and he hasn't said a word about it. Like I said, there are a lot of ways of wasting time here and one of them is standing up for the rights of cretins.

Perhaps a lesson to be learned? Others may join in the "defense" even if it makes no sense to do so. I would have expected the "Stop attacking those who attack you crowd, they might get mad and attack you!" from the political discussions to have joined in the defense, but perhaps when it is a game of SC2 they don't see the humor. </font>
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Originally posted by Yogi:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />@Everybody Else --- Marvel not that good shall be called evil, and evil shall be called good. We've got people all over America like this, who will not do what is right...they defend the evil, and blame the good.

Shades of Politics? But I must say Rambo, you are correct. This has become a big problem in not just America, but the whole world. Just to clarify, I'm talking the big picture here, not about the "cheater" in SC2. </font>
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Originally posted by Kuniworth:

SC Community court - VERDICT

Court is now in session.

Hellraiser is right, cheating has been going on here. Jaiman; to cheat against two top players like Hellraiser(Most valuable player 2005) and Iron Ranger(SC 1 Legend) is among the dumbest thing you could have done.

Those dudes are two of the most straight up guys in this community and has contributed more to this game than most around here. Besides that, not one of them has a history of lying or talking a lot of bull. You were caught with your pants down now you have to face the consequences. Your story is not convincing at all.

The court sentence you to be expelled from competitive SC 2 play and tournaments.



Originally posted by william bowen:

Madmatt where are you? When you came down on me saying I was rude in a post for a very minor statement you said that people would be booted[your words] for not acting in a gentile manner, but read this thread, far worst than anything I said but I guess these are your friends and the nasty crap here is allowed by you.



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