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I loved the original Strategic Command because of its playability. I also got onboard a bit late, after the game had been patched a few times.

When the SC2 demo was released, I downloaded it, but it didn't excite me the way I thought it would. I really didn't like the squares or the isometric map. And I wanted to wait until the game had been run through the wringer a few times so that the problems could be found and patched.

So, what's the consensus now, two months (and one patch) on SC2? Am I missing out by not buying it yet?

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YES - you are missing out big time!

Like you I had a some difficulty adjusting to the SC2 - it looks different and displays different than the original. The AI needs lots of work, etc.

Inspite of all that - it's plays better, and in a year or so after a few more patches to boost the AI - SC2 will be incredible!

As things stand now - it's great and I love it. It's a better game now than SC1 even with the flaws the Hubert and company are working on fixing.

Buy it now buddy!

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Guest Mike

Not me. SC2 is as good as it is going to get - there are only a few improvements that can be made because the fundamental principles of the game limit real improvements - improved scripts do not improve the game IMO.

SC2 is a good game - but I dont' think it is great or outstanding by any means - it gets a "B" grade from me.

There are still far too many silly problems with it - lack of stacking, absurd convoy/u-boat/ASW interaction, far too generous amphibious invasion possibilities, inability to do things that were done historically (D-Day can't be done 'cos you can't get suppoy across beaches, ditto for Anzio), poor representation of naval units in general spring immediately too mind.

Land combat is OK, production is good but the lack of real supply rules is a bit of a pain (eg moving Panzers hundreds of miles doesn't take up any of your oil production), troops can get upgraded instantly - which = 1 week in summer or 1 month in winter, production is not constant - month long turns in winter give no more production than week long turns in summer, movement penlties in winter whit you with a double whamy - you move less because the weather is bad AND you move less because each turn is a month instead of a week or 2 weeks but you get no extra movement - not even for ships which don't have to cope with mud!

Some people will prefer the simple systems that are used, but I'd like to see the computational power we have utilised to do more than present a swept up board game.

So the game works OK, but falls well short of its potential.

I'm on Slitherine's boards now too, hoping they will do better with "Commander - Europe at War", which is still in its design phase.

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If you are looking for a very good turn based game human vs human I think SC2 is your cup of tea.

Right now I don´t like to play much (never) against the AI because I don´t consider it a challenge but reading the other comments on the board Hubert and the modder are beefing it up fast.

I think with some small changes the game will be even much better than SC1. Still it needs some work from my point of view.

Contrary to Stalins Organist I Like the way the naval encounters are handled. I like the way supply works its supple but its one of the main mechanism to win or get beaten.

(Note: I think now with squares the ZOC should be handled differently next to cities. I would like to see it easier to cut of supply to a city.)

Already I got literally hundreds of hours of fun out of the game. Occasionally it drives me mad. But that’s some luck and I am a sore loser

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If you'll play it MP, you should enjoy it. I don't play MP, but it seems from other's posts that it is a superb MP game.

If you will be using it SP only, don't bother until the AI is improved. I'm yet to win a game later than Sept 42 as either side. As allies, I had a game where Poland held out to mid 41 and games where France did not fall at all. My copy is now on the shelf gathering dust, where it will stay until the AI improves or I figure out a way (given time zone and work commitment issues) to play it MP.

Don't worry about the squares vs hexes issue. It plays just fine on that level.

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As was the case with SC, SC2 will continue to evolve. That is what is good about it, not what is bad about it. smile.gif

It is what it is. A fun little game that is an interesting diversion for an afternoon. It is not Advanced Third Reich... nor does it pretend to be.

Game designers have to make choices. No game can simulate everything no matter the level of complexity. Are there things I'd like to see? Sure. I'd like to see even rudimentary stacking... no reason I should not be able to have an air unit in the same city as a ground unit. That said, you'll note that the addition of ports has allieviated this problem on the naval side of things.

An interesting thing about the tiles... it was huge controversy... that is until the game was released. Now... no one is talking about it. That might tell you something. I'll tell you what... with a hex system... offensives are easier or more difficult depending on the orientation of the grid. For example... take your favorite wargame and rotate the hex grid 90 degrees. You've got a whole different game on your hands. With tiles... North/South offensives go about the same as East/West ones.

Make your own rule when you play the AI. No big deal. For example... I am one of those who thinks that Norway needs to be more important than it is in the game right now. So.... when I play Axis against AI, I make myself take Norway. smile.gif

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If you like games in that genre (Clash of Steel, Third Reich, High Command), then look no further.

Yes, I too found the demo unconvincing, and once I bought the game itself I needed about three tries to really get into it. But since then I´m having a blast. The AI has to improve still, but it is already much better than it was in 1.0 and the scripters are doing great work. The endless possibility of mods is what will keep SC2 alive and fresh for a loooooong time to come.

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I love this game heh. Its perfect for me because I need a quick wargame.

I play many types of wargames, from battles in Italy to World at War, but i just love playing this one, dont know why but it is very addictive and fun. I liked the modding you can do also

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A thought!:

Original Quote from Stalin's Organist :

inability to do things that were done historically (D-Day can't be done 'cos you can't get suppoy across beaches, ditto for Anzio )
What we might use here are 'Mulbary Harbours',...These were Large Creations made out of 'Concrete',... they were floatable & Towed out and emplaced in their landing beach locations to help assist transport's to rapidly/safely unload their cargo!. Also, as to the subject matter at hand,...were instrumental in aiding supply to the Normandy Beaches!.[Would act like a City for supply purposes]
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Frankly, I do not think that the missing of a Mulberry harbour (or supply to beachheads) is a big deal. Just plan your invasion so that you get a harbour quick and everything´s fine and dandy. It is also a bit more of a challenge like this.

But maybe you guys think of the poor AI? Well, that´s a different thing indeed. I wouldn´t mind if we could have an option where the AI get´s like a free full turn of supply after unloading (or something like that).

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Plans are all very well and good, but there's this thing called the "enemy" who tends to upset them - the Allies DID plan to take harbours ASAP, but they also recognised that it was a jolly good idea to have the Mulberries jsut in case!

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