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Enhancement Wish List

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Based on the demo here are my initial thoughts for the top 2 enhancements;

1st - Victory Requirements Screen with Game Length, Victory Conditions and different descriptive text paragraphs for Allies and Axis (or Union and Confederacy or Greece and Persia), etc. My guess is that this is already at the top of HC's long list.

2nd - Event Scripting Condition for Linked Event Activation. I.e. If Produce submarines will research advanced submaries. If UK invades Norway, USA will invade Norway too.

Medium Term


Convoy Route Enhancement Ideas

a. Intel Advantage +1 allows viewing of Convoy routes on main map, otherwise you must go to the convoy map. Intel Advantage +3 allows viewing of enemy MPP balances.

b. User can select from 1 of 3 convoy routes, as SeaMonkey suggested - User selects a route and can't change it for another X turns. SeaMonkey suggested 4 turns, I would have it be based on Intel Advantage. Default 10 turns. USA Intel Advantage reduces this by 2 turns * advantage. Axis Intel advantage increases this by 2 turns * advantage.

Example: US selects convoy route 1, if Axis has Intel Advantage +2 then USA can't change it for 14 turns. If USA has Intel advantage 2 then USA can change it every 6 turns.


Longer Term

a. Option for player scripted Event Popups that include JPG Images. Example: For Pearl Harbor event you see a B&W Photo of Japanese Attack.

[ April 08, 2006, 11:08 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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Zoom in/out for main map.

Location of units shown on small world navigation map. Blinking for haven't moved yet.

Convey routes on main map. Intel add-on and movable routes as discussed elsewhere with Edwin if possible.

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Roads and rail-road needed


Patch who allows players to choice "2D mod" with no longer possibility to attack ennemy units trought the lines(See my thread : "Mod 2D Classical hex") : it would be perfect and will allows to choice 3 way for playing the game :

3D map + 3D counters

3D map + 2D counters

2D map + 2D counters

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Roads and rail-roads needed


Patch who allows players to choice "2D mod" with no longer possibility to attack ennemy units trought the lines(See my thread : "Mod 2D Classical hex") : Here

Tt would be perfect and will allows to choice 3 way for playing the game :

3D map + 3D counters

3D map + 2D counters

2D map + 2D counters

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Very serious issue IMHO: spotting neutral units.

Germans can spot russian units , russian units can spot german units while Russia is still neutral!!! This, IRL, would imply serious air reconnaissance, which is considered unfriendly or massive intelligence activity, which is totally unrealistic. OK, historically Adolf did some spotting left unpunished by Stalin (some period prior to barbarossa) , but russian refrained from it fearing it may trigger a sudden german reaction.

The second repercusion -> this super spotting allows the russian player to prevent a surprise attack by the Axis player - think that some degree of surprise helped the germans to achieve those collossal early victories in Russia.

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Even with spotting you still get the surprise bonus, first turn Axis DoW on USSR all Soviet troops are not entrenched and do not have maximum morale.

I can see your point here but when you are the Soviet player, you pretty much can't do anything about seeing all those troops ready to pounce on you.

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Number 1 on the list of cool features - can we have national anthems for the minor countries too? :D

Oh, and a Mediterranean convoy route please, to keep the Italian sub from going bananas looking for something to do once the UK Mediterranean fleet is sunk.

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I've tried parking the Italian sub everywhere from Gibraltar yachting harbour to Cairo fish market - no effect yet.

Do the Atlantic convoy routes cease to function if the Allies somehow manage to lose all their fleets? Can't see it, somehow. It just means the subs would have a good time. smile.gif

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Originally posted by Karhu:

Number 1 on the list of cool features - can we have national anthems for the minor countries too? :D

Oh, and a Mediterranean convoy route please, to keep the Italian sub from going bananas looking for something to do once the UK Mediterranean fleet is sunk.

1- Is on the list of possible enhancements.

2- This can easily be scripted by the players if they wish to have one.

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Originally posted by Karhu:

I've tried parking the Italian sub everywhere from Gibraltar yachting harbour to Cairo fish market - no effect yet.

Do the Atlantic convoy routes cease to function if the Allies somehow manage to lose all their fleets? Can't see it, somehow. It just means the subs would have a good time. smile.gif

Pretty sure I had the Italian sub hit the convoy when it was sitting on it's old SC1 spot down by Malta. Maybe I was mistaken. Hubert?

My other comment was just a historical note. No navy, no point in putting all the merchant targets in one place to guard them ;)

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Originally posted by Lars:

Pretty sure I had the Italian sub hit the convoy when it was sitting on it's old SC1 spot down by Malta. Maybe I was mistaken. Hubert?

Of course it's perfectly possible my sub crew were too busy getting the pasta sauce ready to notice a covoy going by. :rolleyes:
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Long Term (i.e. bottom of list)

a. Option for player scripted Event Popups that could include JPG Images. Example: Pearl Harbor event might include a B&W Photo of Japanese Attack above (or below) the text.

b. Option for player scripted Event Popups that include audio files. Example: Public Domain Version of Winston Churchill's speech.

c. Events with Player Choices (and allowing for scripted AI responses).


g19930t.jpg News Flash - Dec 7th 1941 -Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor

[ April 08, 2006, 08:51 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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One minor suggestion and an even more minor correction:

I like the addition of amphibious transport v normal transport, but the resulting ships look identical to me, and I can never remember which one is which when I've got an invasion going combined with normal transport ships. How about marking the amphibious ones in some way to avoid the confusion?

One typo - Iceland should be declaring independEnce.


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Perhap's an inclusion of a ghostly infantry image superimposed over the troop transport would help?.

I had a similar problem...with confusing a Cruiser and a Submarine,...it did happen to me!,only once though!,...so, if someone can come up with an acceptable method of readily identifying/separating the various ship types...please feel free to comment!.

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Originally posted by Karhu:

One minor suggestion and an even more minor correction:

I like the addition of amphibious transport v normal transport, but the resulting ships look identical to me, and I can never remember which one is which when I've got an invasion going combined with normal transport ships. How about marking the amphibious ones in some way to avoid the confusion?


If you click on the unit it tells you what it is.
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Another potential breaker as I see it :

Allied player can use neutral major powers' transports to spot the NA axis uboats and have the RN sink them easily.

Or, blocking certain tiles with neutral major powers' transports.

It have tested it and it works wonders...moreover, neutral transports don't get hurt at all when they make surprise contact with the u-boats.

Quite an exploit IMO.

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You should be able to switch positions of units. I.E. if you have Corps A sitting in tile A, corps B in tile B, and you wanted Corps B in Tile A and Corps A in Tile B during the same turn, you can't do it, you must move one to Tile C first, then next turn complete the move, which IMO is gamey and stupid.

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