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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

We have the equivilant of Squires (for the love of Gawd) making policy on NEW RANKS! There are, and I never thought I'D be saying this, enough ranks and procedures thank you very much. The addition of {shudder} PoolBoys is ... unsettling to say the least and would lead, depend upon it, to the introduction of foofie drinks with umbrellas and young lads with 6 pack abs and names like Brad and Chip ... not that there's anything wrong with that.

Joe, but we need the PoolBoy! I was just going to borrow him this afternoon and have him muck out Yeknod's paddock. It's been a very long time since it's been mucked out...the smell is unbearable.

I wouldn't mind a Margarita or a Mai Tai with an umbrella. Joe, you can have some Fosters.


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Originally posted by CMplayer:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nestor:

You may not want SSN's polluting the MBT, but methinks deep down you know you need us.

Need you? NEED YOU??? PAH!

We need the likes of you about as much as we need an oozing Croda where the sun don' shine.

Need you...the cheek!</font>

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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

We have the equivilant of Squires (for the love of Gawd) making policy on NEW RANKS! There are, and I never thought I'D be saying this, enough ranks and procedures thank you very much. The addition of {shudder} PoolBoys is ... unsettling to say the least and would lead, depend upon it, to the introduction of foofie drinks with umbrellas and young lads with 6 pack abs and names like Brad and Chip ... not that there's anything wrong with that.

Joe, but we need the PoolBoy! I was just going to borrow him this afternoon and have him muck out Yeknod's paddock. It's been a very long time since it's been mucked out...the smell is unbearable.

I wouldn't mind a Margarita or a Mai Tai with an umbrella. Joe, you can have some Fosters.


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Nestor, you pestering annoying litte *bleep*

Who's thoughts are but past tense, but loaded with sheep.

You sleep where you stand as thy head hits the floor.

Your brain is but a peanut, and I, your Lord.

Get back now you fat sow, your breath offends me

The stench is of ruin, the life you live by times three.

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

Nestor, you pestering annoying litte *bleep*

Who's thoughts are but past tense, but loaded with sheep.

You sleep where you stand as thy head hits the floor.

Your brain is but a peanut, and I, your Lord.

Get back now you fat sow, your breath offends me

The stench is of ruin, the life you live by times three.

PoolBoy, enough of your nonsense...go make the Ladies some Mai Tai's with umbrellas...make one for Joe too.

Then go muck out Yeknod's paddock.

Get to it!


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Hmmmm.....The PoolBoy.... culled from the SSNs for displaying almost no potential, but admirable desire...an everpresent reminder of why you all have retreated (I was rescued) to this foul smelling domain....an outer-boarder who resides among us, whose mere presence is the ultimate taunt.

A mascot....

A slave to the fair Ladies of the Pool....someone to bring them Mai Tais while the men are doing battle....a helper to the Lady In Waiting (There are A LOT of castles to clean around here!).

When his chores are done he could help Panzer Leader search for his yarbles.

The one and only PoolBoy. There can be no more. The One True Thread could not survive it.

Then one day, when the first proton begins to decay, The Olde One's may see fit to make him a Serf.


Oh my! How the mind wanders while scrubbing castle floors. Whew! It's time for a break....and just in time for my favorite soap too.

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Peng, Croda, Marlow, and Simon all posting! Has someone been stirring the Cesspool? You know, these turds don't really get better with age. True, each one is still, individually, better than the combined lot of all the recent entries in the Pool, but it is still safest to let them rest at the bottom of the Pool. They make a nice foundation for the rest of us to stand on.

Maybe I am being paranoid here. Maybe the only agitator working being the scenes is the Great Fred himself, who has seen fit to inspire these lost souls to return to us. Thanks be to Fred!

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Pool boy.


1. Annoys and confuses Old Man Joe.

2. Pleases the Ladies. (And trust me when I say that I am all about pleasing the Ladies.)

3. See #1 above.

4. Pleases me.


1. Will bring GF into close contact with Yeknod. Yeknod's last post was almost intelligible to me, and GF's latest posts are becoming entertainingly surreal. If some unholy union of these two were to occur, then can a script treatment of a Joanie Loves Chachi movie be far behind?


The Pros far outweigh the Cons. In my heart GF will always be a poolboy to the Ladies, no matter what a deluded Officialdom decrees.

Message Ends.

[ August 16, 2002, 03:35 PM: Message edited by: dalem ]

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Originally posted by Buzzsaw:

Peng, Croda, Marlow, and Simon all posting! ... Thanks be to Fred!

Out of the mouth of babes. Buzzy, since you are soon to be joining the illustrious House Ruin, let me welcome you with a nice warm Kick to the Head. Send me a setup, somefink nice from the Scenario Depot will do.
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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Roxy:

Then one day, when the first proton begins to decay, The Olde One's may see fit to make him a Serf.

I have it on good authority that that ain't gonna happen even if protons decay.</font>
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Originally posted by Marlow:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Oh ... Papa Khann ... ***BOOT*** I AIN'T a gonna tell you agin boyo ... get that there Shavian House bolded in yer sig line!

Papa Smurf, Show some backbone. Don't do it.</font>
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Marlow:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Oh ... Papa Khann ... ***BOOT*** I AIN'T a gonna tell you agin boyo ... get that there Shavian House bolded in yer sig line!

Papa Smurf, Show some backbone. Don't do it.</font>
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Silence, Heretic! Let no man come between a Knight and his Squire!

Is it just me, or did that sound kind of icky?

Far be it from me to interfere with Jo's "Mentoring" of his Squire. However, the proper Pool way of aquiring another's sig line is through the ritual Blood Hamster challenge. As enforcer of tradition, Jo should know this.
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Originally posted by Marlow:

Far be it from me to interfere with Jo's "Mentoring" of his Squire. However, the proper Pool way of aquiring another's sig line is through the ritual Blood Hamster challenge. As enforcer of tradition, Jo should know this.

Well, there's something to that, after all. Bit of a dilemma, actually. While I fully support the right of a Knight to humiliate and torment his Squire, the tradition of Blood Hamster is one that stretches back months into the dawn of our history.

Ah, wait, there's a precedent! Knight's have assigned Squires 'Quests' or 'Penances', including having to have a shameful and soul crushing sig line.

And I can't imagine anything more soul-crushing than bolding 'House Shaw'.

I did this to R Leete, in fact.

Still for the penance or quest to have validity, it has to be conditionally limited by time, such as completing the Quest, or having performed the needed penance.

For Joe to impose the sig, he also has to set the conditions under which Papa Khann can regain it.

[ August 16, 2002, 04:36 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Arrrg i'm old! Kids these days!! Listening to their Rock'in and Rollin music, growing hair past the tip of their ears...grumble grumble piss and moan .


Does anything please this troglodyte? How did he become a villiage elder when i have yet to readon a single amusing post from this grumpy arthritus ridden little hemoroid.

I have a challange for you Mr.Spnkr, remove the small furry woodland creatures who'm you hold hostage within the confines of you rear end try to break a smile instead of wind for a change,

If Seanachai is the jolly garden gnome, Then Spnkr is the bitter old drunken dwarf, who sees everyone as outsiders trying to steal his precious mold

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Pond Scum:

Back in days of yore, when I was moaning to an Olde One about the injustice of having been plucked from the pool by dalem, I was told that refusal was always an option.

Ummmm, I'd have to see the citation on that one lad, I think you're wrong but that WAS during my Testors huffing phase (as opposed to my current, more high class, Drano huffing phase) so I suppose it's possible.

Of course if it turns out you WERE given that option, by someone reputable mind, I'd be in favor of immediate revocation of that policy since, frankly, it sucks.</font>

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