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Distributing the Peng Challenge In Europe: No Rest for the Wicked

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Originally posted by athkatla:

And Geer what is your obsession with Scunthorpe? Twice I have seen this in your posts, and it offends me, please refrain from mentioning that scummy town again, or else I'll be forced to inflict horrendous taunts to your personage and possibly challenge you to handbags at 20 paces. Or failing that, powder puffs at 10 paces.

ArseKisser, don't you ever disgrace Yeknod's most beloved Scunthorpe ever again! It's the garden city of England...lots of thistles. I think you owe the Donkey an apology.


[ July 12, 2002, 08:41 AM: Message edited by: Persephone ]

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ArseKisser, don't you ever disgrace Yeknod's most beloved Scunthorpe ever again! It's the garden city of England...lots of thistles. I think you owe the Donkey an apology.

Ma'am. You got it partly right. Scunthorpe / Ass / End of the world.


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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

But mind your manners, lest I be forced to exercise my superior tactical awareness and unleash the fury of Panzer Armee Khann upon you and your unfortunate


I keep hearing about this Pansy Amy Whatever ( Which I still say sounds like a half-hearted attempt at a porn name), but the only thing I've seen of them is a bunch of raving lunatics, running full-tilt boogey up one side of a map, over open ground, right into heavy weapons fire.

Not necessarily something I'd be beating my saggy man-breasts about if I were you Pepper Corn.

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posted by my GrandLiege

Uh... I kinda like infidels... it's the faithful that bother me
So when do we get to kick THEIR heads ? I love the sound of a squishy, boot-given "crump" !

(Especially the Lawyers).


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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

Goanna. What the h*ll sort of name is Goanna anyway?


The Goanna. A bloody great big lizard which eats Papa Cant's and poops it out the other end. Don't mess with him!

Were you trying to cheer your sister on in a footrace? (And given the likes of AJ, Noba, Mace, and the rest of your inbred lot, lord knows the poor girl would have good reason to RUN FOR HER LIFE.)

Hmmm. Obviously suffers from Australia wanttobeus. These feelings of inadequancies are understandable, given your place on the wrong end of the evolutionary ladder.


[ July 12, 2002, 09:06 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Ah, grasshopper (I didn't know grasshoppers got this old outside of Grimm's Fairey Tales), you fail to grasp the true meaning of persiflage.

Try again.

What HO! Got something against Princeton then? Right, well, let's be about looking up some other sources shall we? After all, you DID ask me to try again:

From Yourdictionary.com we find: Main Entry: per.si.flage

Pronunciation: 'p&r-si-"fläzh, 'per-

Function: noun

Etymology: French, from persifler to banter, from per- thoroughly + siffler to whistle, hiss, boo, ultimately from Latin sibilare

Date: 1757

: frivolous bantering talk : light raillery

Hmmm, not much better I'm afraid. First it points out that it's from the FRENCH for Gawd's sake and then ... frivolous bantering talk, light raillery. But not to worry dalem, I'm sure the next will be a vast improvement.
From dictionary.com: per·si·flage Pronunciation Key (pûrs-fläzh)


1.Light good-natured talk; banter.

2.Light or frivolous manner of discussing a subject.

Oh dear, good natured, frivolous no, no that won't do at all will it. Still, stout heart dalem, the Justicar is on the case:

\Per`si`flage"\, n. [F., fr. persifler to quiz, fr. L. per + siffler to whistle, hiss, L. sibilare, sifilare.] Frivolous or bantering talk; a frivolous manner of treating any subject, whether serious or otherwise; light raillery. --Hannah More.

Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.

No? Blast it, more of the light raillery and frivolous talk. Well this simply won't do. Once more into the breach dear friends ... or something like that ...
1) persiflage. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000.

...Light good-natured talk; banter. 2. Light or frivolous manner of discussing a subject.

French, from persifler, to banter : per-, intensive pref. (from Latin; see...

{SIGH} Well dalem lad, I'm sorry to report that, as you can plainly see, MY definition of Persiflage is quite consistent throughout. I don't suppose that ... YOU would be wrong?



[ July 12, 2002, 09:48 AM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Well dalem lad, I'm sorry to report that, as you can plainly see, MY definition of Persiflage is quite consistent throughout. I don't suppose that ... YOU would be wrong?



Ahhh O dung beetle, True Wisdom has passed close by, but you have failed to check out its butt.

Try again.

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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Well dalem lad, I'm sorry to report that, as you can plainly see, MY definition of Persiflage is quite consistent throughout. I don't suppose that ... YOU would be wrong?



Ahhh O dung beetle, True Wisdom has passed close by, but you have failed to check out its butt.

Try again.</font>

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Originally posted by Mace:

Hmmm. Obviously suffers from Australia wanttobeus. These feelings of inadequancies are understandable, given your place on the wrong end of the evolutionary ladder.


Mace, it's not so much that he's on the wrong end of the evolutionary ladder, it's that he's not really on it at all, if you know what I mean.

His branch of the homonids (Pappa-Khanis Blow-Hardus Eternal-Natter-Onicus) is from a still, stagnant backwater in the human gene pool. Laughed at by Neanderthals and their close relations, the PK's were the butt of almost every hysterical, prehistorical jape devised by our ancestors.

Pithecanthropus Erectus would take large Banyan leaves, fill them with mastodon droppings, tie them shut and leave them just outside the PK's cave, where they would set fire to them and wait in the shrubbery for the PK's to come out and stomp on them.

Australopithecus Afarensis took them Snipe hunting. Their relatives, Australopithicus Boisei, went so far as to hunt them down, kill them, stuff them and use them as decorative planters and doorstops.

When confronted with their continued existence into modern times, Darwin went out and got really, really hammered.

So bottom line is, instead of explaining them or understanding them or even pitying them, we should follow the course our ancestors laid down for us and mock them at every turn, or when possible, hollow them out and use them as coat racks.

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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

No ... I've done my part and am satisfied that you have a really stupid House name.


Well, they say that ignorance is persiflage.</font>
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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

No ... I've done my part and am satisfied that you have a really stupid House name.


Don't worry Dalem...we all know that Joe is wrong, again.


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The Justicar is dead! Long live the Justicar!

As we can see, he started off just fine:

Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

dalem you blithering idiot!

I think we can ALL agree with this sentiment.

But somewhere along the line, THIS emerged:

Besides, once Berli and I work out the details of the Great CessPool House Tourney we'll ALL be laughing at you and ...
The TRUE Justicar would never have uttered such blasphemy, addle-witted fancier of Brigham Young's leftovers or not. Obviously, the Justicar is either Dead or has been abducted (in which case he's dead because really, WHO AMONG US will cough up $3.95 for ransom?) I suspect Geier, but I'll not cough up a cent for payment, err, reward, just yet.

So long, Foul Joe -- it was nice kno-- . . . err, we'll miss y-- . . . umm, try not to stink up the place so much, 'kay?


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

The Justicar is dead! Long live the Justicar!

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Besides, once Berli and I work out the details of the Great CessPool House Tourney we'll ALL be laughing at you and ...

The TRUE Justicar would never have uttered such blasphemy, addle-witted fancier of Brigham Young's leftovers or not. </font>
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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Marlow:

He must be Terminated.

You forgot the part about " . . . with really SUPER EXTREME prejudice."

Just trying to help.


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This explains his lack of response to my Blood Hamster Feud . Anyone who says Buzzsaw is MY serf, has my vote to the position. [slightly bend with Bauhaus behind you].

BUZZSAW, you twit. You have not responded to boot the tasks I have boot assgined to you. You must boot post your latest AAR boot and send a picture boot to the Lady. Now, boot I hope I am making boot myself perfectly clear on this. boot boot boot


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