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The Lord of the Peng: The Two Challenges

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No, Nidan_1, you don't suck at CMBB -- you suck at life.

I know you try to hide it, but you can't -- it's too obvious. I mean, you subreference Charlie Sheen movies for goodness' sakes -- what were you thinking?

Lad, now is the time for you to follow your destiny. You should run with Joe (preferably fast and far away) as his Vice-President.

Then you could get sent on meaningless junkets around the world to places that don't even HAVE computers, let alone CMBB. You could hide in an office out of sight and out of mind for months on end (so in some ways it wouldn't be too much different than today) until some major scandal erupts (probably involving Mormon Wives), at which point you would be allowed to appear on television to state your full and unabashed support for President Justicar.

Why, you'd even get your own parking space. You'd have a heck of a good time!

Think about it, lad. It's really for the best.

In other news -- computer upgrade tonight, turns out tonight, maybe tomorrow, whenever I get around to it.


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Well, I guess since Boo Boo and his boy Elroy er Nidan I might as well announce a little... set back in my plans to Raze Boo's House to the ground and salt the earth it was built upon.

Well, it appears that Boo teaches his squires, above all things, how to CHEAT LIKE A ONE-ARMED BANDIT!! Squire Lurkur managed to buy an entire regiment of panthers/jagdpanthers(even though we all know that these were only available as schwere abteilungs, NOT as indigenous armour in a division and SURELY not in that strength.) But that was not enough, not only does he insure his victory by a gamey amassing of uber-panzers, he then commences to alter the 'realism dial' down to where uber-panzers are totally and completely impenetrable to my stout but burning T34/85's.

It was ugly and it was a route, and it was the first time I ever hit the surrender button and I did it in disgust.

Lurker! You suck!

(And in your case there IS something wrong with that.)

I'll get you next time Boo! ((Takes off in rocket-powered helicopter as secret Arctic hide-out begins to come apart.))

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by MrSpkr:

<font size=-1>Lad, now is the time for you to follow your destiny. You should run with Joe (preferably fast and far away) as his Vice-President.</font>

Why, that's the first good idea you've had all year - if we just remember to tell The Old Firm to use explosives for the hit, we can take out both Nidan and Joe. Two for the price of one! And much cheaper than the million dollars hush-money that the Justicar is asking for.

PS Noba: five 105mm howitzers? I think you missed one, laddie. It was hidden away, ready to pound your tanks into scrap metal if they got more than halfway across the map. Of course, they never did...

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

even though I am handed my arse in most CMBB human encounters.

So, you're losing to me! This is excellent news - if you'd just like to leave that primary victory location quietly we'll say no more about the cheek of you having occupied it in the first place!

Go on now, or I'll fire more of those black pepper shells!

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Originally posted by Nestor:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

even though I am handed my arse in most CMBB human encounters.

So, you're losing to me! This is excellent news - if you'd just like to leave that primary victory location quietly we'll say no more about the cheek of you having occupied it in the first place!

Go on now, or I'll fire more of those black pepper shells!</font>

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[Cue patriotic music]

[No, the theme to the Three Stooges is NOT patriotic! Got anything by Sousa? Wagner? Beethoven? Well what DO you have?]

[i refuse to make this announcement to Muskrat Love. No, not Billy, Don't be a Hero either. No, Loving You is completely innappropriate. The theme to Three's Company is right out. PUPPY LOVE?!!! Damn you, that's it!]


[Cue patriotic crickets chirping]

I am able to confirm that the forces of Chez Boo, under the able command of Squire Lurkur, have dealt that yarble-less whelp, Pansy Bleater a TOTAL DEFEAT (88-12)! I would like to say that it was my superior tactical skills that won the day, but all I really had to do was encounter my desteemed foe and he did the rest.

Having been the first of my comrades to get to the Pee-El bunker, I was disgusted and bemused to find Panzer Leader's dead and burned body lying in the corner, the stench of dead flesh, garbage, and...pardon?

He isn't dead?

He's like that all the time?

You must be joking.

The Pantser did get away, as none of my henchmen seemed all that eager to lay hold of him.

Good luck to my comrades in the Nefarious Legions! Success and TOTAL VICTORY is only a matter of time.


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Marlow you are a gamey git and a cheater to boot. I challenge you to 1000 points of support weapons only on a hilly map with lots of trees and fog and stuff. Git.

Buzzsaw is slowly advancing. At this pace, he'll be in Kiev by Christmas. He is a gamey git and is losing badly.

Sneezy is losing, or maybe winning -- who the heck can tell in this evening fog and snow? In any event, all I know is that his uberFinnish tank crew promptly surrendered when confronted by my stalwart Red soldiers. Urrahhhhh!

Seanachai is losing, or actually has lost. HAH!

Iskander owes me a turn. He is losing, and whining about how his Stug's bog down while my T-34s circle around behind him.

Wildman owes me a turn. He is losing. What else is new?

Lurkur and I are doing our imitations of traffic cops in this rune monstrousity. He is a Keystone Kop; I am the Gestapo. He will lose badly.


Everyone who hasn't sent me a turn in the past two days owes me one. Get with it.

On deck -- Mace, thumpre and jeffsmith -- your doom will transmit this evening.


[ December 16, 2002, 03:40 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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He meant I was liberal with the mayonaisse, GIT.

And I am also liberal with the turn "heaping" especially in reference to Nestle Quik Chocolate Milk Mix, liberal in my attitudes towards women walking around naked, liberal in my drinking habits, and liberal in my thoughts that the Republican Party is a great green monster hoping to devour us all and crunch up our bones to feed its insatiable hunger.


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Pantload Leaker wrote:

Well, it appears that Boo teaches his squires, above all things, how to CHEAT LIKE A ONE-ARMED BANDIT!! Squire Lurkur managed to buy an entire regiment of panthers/jagdpanthers(even though we all know that these were only available as schwere abteilungs, NOT as indigenous armour in a division and SURELY not in that strength.)

Perhaps you'd like to complain to Steve about the imbalanced point purchase system?

Hehe, I didn't think so.

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lurkur:

How ironic that you used that Keystone Kop analogy. I have an ambush of a dozen T-34s hiding behind a single telephone pole.

Matching my 12 Panthers perfectly.


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Originally posted by Persephone:



{image removed because once is one too many times

Dear Lady,

OGSF cannot be Vice President. He's an Aussie posing as a Scot living in America. Mind you, if he was an American posing as an Aussie living in Scotland all would be well.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Why yes, there is a reason that I'm stating the obvious. I'm stating the obvious because I am surrounded by neolithic prats who, if they had 2% more intelligence, just might classify as plant life.

So, basically, what you're saying is that you like beating your head against very hard, immovable objects.

I've got an idea, why don't we play a scenario where you go up against a KT with a handful of T34's? Oh, right, we are.

Wall, meet Boo.

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